Monday, January 29, 2007


Went to tuck my biggest boy into bed last night and found this touching sight. It brought back lots of childhood memories - I remember sneaking a Nancy Drew and a flashlight under the covers and reading until I just couldn't keep my eyes open. I still love reading in bed, but now have no one to catch me doing it or tuck me in once I fall asleep. Those were the days...


  1. this is too sweet. your kids are growing up so fast.

  2. So, so cute. I actually fall asleep like this every once in a while. But Dee never takes pictures of me or thinks it's precious. He just shoves me and says, "Oma! Take off your glasses!"

  3. what a sweetheart. It even looks like it might be homework, too!? That's dedication.

  4. No, not homework for this kid. It's his obsession, Magic Tree House. He's convinced he won't live unless we own all 900 books.
