Wednesday, December 20, 2006

My Annie

There is just something about friends. They know you. They get you. They know just what you need, when you need it. I got a very timely package in the mail today from my friend Annie. Annie is the kind of friend that needs little, and gives a lot. She is wise, clever, witty, silly, and just plain fun. She knew just what I needed this week, and sent it in droves. Ever since our move to Cali, I keep saying to Josh, "There just isn't another Annie....I haven't found my Annie yet." And I don't think I'll ever find another one just like her. I'm not sure I want to...I just want access to "my" Annie on a regular basis. Something that 3,055 miles has made very difficult.

So cherish the friends you have, the ones you've lost touch with, and the ones you've yet to find. Friends are like family, only better because you get to pick 'em.

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