Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Deaf and Dump

Our next foray into the Never Ending European Vacation Recap takes us from Salzburg via train to Munich, Germany.

As soon as we sat down on the train, we were handed a card that looked like this:


Sadly, I wanted to correct her poor English grammar more than I wanted to buy a key ring at whatever price I might wish.

Poor thing.

But to sum up our time there, I would say Germany for us consisted of these three things:

Suit Buying.









Hannah, Oma, and I headed out early one morning to meet a bus tour that took us to Linderhof, Oberammergau, and Neuschwanstein.

All three were absolute perfection. We debated going, as it was a good two hour bus or train ride from where we were staying in Munich, but I'm so glad we went. It was fascinating. Beautiful. Breathtaking. (And a little bit hot.)  Even with the tour guide who reminded us over and over like pre-schoolers to "Not miss da bas," we had the best day ever.

The boys, meanwhile, spent their time touring the BMW factory. While the Husband withstood temptation to bring home a large, blue souvenir, he did assure me that "someday" he will. Apparently, the folks at the BMW make it a pretty sweet deal to buy your own car, pick it up at the factory, drive it all over Europe, and ship it home. I'm pretty much okay with that because it means I get another trip over here.

By which time, I hope not to be deaf or dump.

Most unexpected of our time in Germany was buying the Husband a suit. After our departure from home, an unplanned business meeting popped up that he had to get home for. It required him to leave us a day early, but left him no time to stop in St. Louis and pick up his clothes. Kudos to the fine folks at our German department store who got that puppy altered and ready in the nick of time.

(Literally. We were waiting with luggage in hand to take a train and board our flight to Manchester just as they were finishing up.)

Munich was a bustling, beautiful city and we were sorry to bid her adieu.

Stay tuned for one last post where I bring us full circle to Merry Ol' England.

It will end. I promise.


  1. You are so beautiful! (And the places you visited too...) :)

  2. I love traveling vicariously through you... the only traveling I'm doing here is to the grocery store, work, the bus stop and throwing in an occasional run for good measure.

  3. Ahhhhhh! Castles, BMWs and suit buying. Germany was a good place, indeed.

    It is so beautiful there. I am loving these posts.

    Good job not missing da bus. ☺

  4. That trip just seems luscious! And Chris is also dying to buy one of those nice blue memories of the Father Land and drive it around over there before bringing it home--tell Josh, or don't tell :) He's been to the BMW driving track over there but didn't get there early enough to actually drive it.

  5. Byron loved the pictures, he served his mission in the Germany, Munich mission. Most of his time was in Salzburg, Augsburg & Coburg. He has been back twice and loves it there. He was envious of you!!!!
