Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What I really meant to say was...

This morning, both my boys got up with their alarm clocks.

And by alarm clocks, I mean me tramping down the hall and telling them to get up.

They proceeded to cheerfully shower and get ready for school.

And by cheerfully, I mean fight about who had to take a shower first.

After much negotiation, they finally both had showers, and headed downstairs to quietly make themselves some breakfast.

And by quietly, I mean wake-the-dead-loud.

McKay is in a smoothie phase right now, and there's nothing I love more than hearing the blender crunch up ice at six in the morning.

And by love, I mean hate.

I hugged them both, handed out lunches, and waved as they went out the door. Then I promptly began to exercise.

And by exercise, I mean crawl back into bed and fall asleep.

An hour later, it was time to rouse the little Hannah. She woke up in her usual cheerful way.

And by cheerful, I mean hate-the-world-grumpy.

She quietly ate her breakfast while I made her lunch. She then calmly styled her hair and got dressed.

And by calmly, I mean with many tears. Her hair was "too fuzzy" (her words) to do anything with today. There might have been some silent cursing on her part.

And by silent, I mean slamming of doors and loud sighing.

I dried her tears, fixed her hair, and dropped her off at school with a bit of melancholy in my heart for the loss of her company.

And by melancholy, I mean joy.

I then plotted out my day and began my work ahead.

And by work, I do mean climbing back into bed yet again and ignoring it all.


  1. Excellent decision of going back to bed. I wish I had been there to tuck you back in, snug as a bug in a rug.

    I love how you wrote about it though...and by that I mean...you make me laugh.

  2. See, that's why I'm not sad for my kids to grow up. Climbing back into bed. I dream of it.

  3. Oh, yeah. I totally did that this morning. First day of early seminary = I get to come back home and sleep for as long as I want. So let it be written, so let it be done.

    p.s. I'm loving your newest shots on your photo blog. Awesome.

  4. I LOVE what you wrote... and by that I mean I can TOTALLY relate.

  5. Love it. I can't wait for the day when I can ship all my kids off to school and climb back into bed :)

  6. Sounds familiar... You have a gift for words.

  7. You have no idea how much I would have loved to crawl back into bed this morning.

    Thirteen days off in a row was SO totally not enough...

  8. I love it...and by that I mean I would totally have written the exact same thing if I had your same gift for words and had actually been able to do the same thing instead of chase my 2yo around. :)

  9. Sigh, why do mornings have to be so HARD! I wish I could fall back into bed after the kids are off to school, but I've still got a 20 month old bossing me around. LOL


  10. Love this style...what a fun post.

  11. Haha! You are awesome, Christie. This really did make me laugh out loud. But by laugh out loud I do not mean LOL. Because I am too old to LOL.

  12. Hahahahaha! Yes! Sounds like how I handle things: barely and then I crawl back in my bed.
    Good blogging Stie.

  13. Will there really be a day that I can crawl back into bed after they are gone? I really can't even imagine it so for now I live through you!

  14. And this is why I'll always homeschool :). Seriously though, I can't imagine doing this five days a week (not that your kids behave this way but I remember my childhood all to well).
