Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Realizing fully how annoying this post will be to everyone but me

I am desperately trying to get caught up around here. Step one in that process has been uploading the nine million photos I took on our little trip to the west coast. Step two (which seems to take hours) is editing, narrowing down, and posting them here for your my viewing pleasure.

The Husband works for a consulting firm which has a family retreat every year. Though I joke with him that it is ofttimes like The Firm, it truly is a great place to work. The family conferences are held in a different city each year, and the amenities are always ridiculously lavish. This year, the San Diego conference was no different.

Internet, feel very sorry for me.


We stayed in a two-bedroom, two-bath suite that quite literally was on the beach. I fell asleep every night to the sound of the waves lapping up on the sand. I sat on a beach chair every day and watched my babies exhaust themselves with sunshine, laughter, and togetherness.

It was heaven.

And for the sake of grandparents and posterity, I leave you with a few photos of our time there. Keep in mind, that I could have taken these same photos every single day, as our life was on a recurring loop of wake up, play at the beach, fall asleep, repeat.

With maybe a few meals and a sea kayak expedition thrown in between for good measure.






It pained my heart more than a little bit to board the plane and return home to my beach-less existence here in Missouri.

It seems totally unfair to get a taste of paradise, only to have to leave it again.

Probably almost as unfair as, say, posting obnoxiously about your beach vacation to the internet?

(Touche, Stie. Touche.)


  1. The picture of Hannah kicking her heel up is to die for. Hugs n kisses to you all.

  2. I love that you have pictures of each of your kids in the same pose, hands and knees digging in the sand! Perfect!

  3. Thank you for indulging us! I'm very jealous but love seeing a happy family having a wonderful time! Welcome home! - Cares

  4. While you and your family of five were in San Diego, me and mine were in San Fran. High five! As for your photos, they really are wonderful quality. I don't know how to use my camera, is one thing. And yes, it takes a lot of time uploading, narrowing down, etc. But really, it's just a beach accepting the reality that... vacation over. Sigh.

  5. Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to have the beach 1/4 mile walk from my front door. :)

    Love the pics, but I feel I have to point out... the one with the three of them... did you notice, the footprints in the sand beneath them almost looks like a heart?


  6. Your husband has the perfect job if they know how to treat you right by landing you at the LaJolla Beach Club! My Grandpa has been a member since we were little but never lucky enough to stay in the rooms...so jealous

  7. On behalf of the grandparents, thanks for the darling photos!

  8. At least you didn't post any nasty photos of your feet.

  9. LOVE the pic of Hannah...adorable! And while I'm jealous of the sand and the surf, I'm happy where I'm at because it's been sunny and high 70s-80s here in the Seattle area and you surely remember what that feels and looks like. Simply stunning Come visit.

  10. How fun!! I'm completely jealous and I can't wait to see more!

  11. NIIIIICE!!! Hey, everyone needs to get to the beach now and then... post away! Great pictures, cute kids, and Chase and Camden have the same swim trunks. Glad you had fun.

  12. Looks amazing! I can't believe you were able to narrow it down to just a few photos...

  13. I read this post out loud to my husband...one day hopefully his company will do family trips. That. is. AWESOME.

    I love the pictures. That Hannah is something else...she is so beautiful and seems like total fun. Not to leave your handsome boys out, though...

  14. So good to see that Dan has recovered from surgery enough to insult you. His strength is inspirational ☺.
