Thursday, April 21, 2011

Proof positive that I am awesome (at least in my own eyes)

This, my friends, is what they call TRAGIC IRONY.


The irony lies in my refusal to give up cookies and diet coke, while still hoping to achieve a supermodel-like physique.

The tragedy lies in the fact that I kind of don't care.


  1. Reading books has long been known to be a very effective way of getting in shape.

  2. I don't want to live in a world without cookies and diet coke. (I had both for lunch.)

    Or your blog for that matter.

  3. I had peanut M&M's and Diet coke for lunch.

    I'm prtty sure my day's still being fueled by it.

    Is that wrong?

  4. May be tragic irony...but, oh baby, what a way to go...

    Plus...what is that people say about a diet drink canceling out a high calorie sweet? I subscribe to that line of thinking.

  5. If Diet Coke and cookies are wrong...I don't wanna be right. I agree with you. At some point I came to the conclusion that I would rather eat treats and be slightly chubby rather than give them up and look awesome.

    You manage to eat them and still look awesome...hello flat stomach girl!

  6. This pic reminds me of last week when I sorta threw a book at my teenager ... the title of the book was "Divas and Door Slamers: the secrets to having a better behaved teenager".
    Yeah I really wish I was joking ;-)

  7. And I'm trying to get the supermodel figure by eating hamburgers and french fries every weekend .. and goldfish crackers at bedtime.

  8. I run so that I CAN eat cookies and slurp diet coke.

    I currently have a post drafted with the title "It's Pretty Awesome in My Head." Not for the first time, I find myself wishing we could hang out in real life.

    But now if I actually publish that post, just know I wasn't a copycat plagiariser. We just seem to think oddly alike sometimes.

    Poor you.

  9. Mmm. That cookie looks awesome. (I'm at -30 now doing WW...and on WW you can have cookies...if, you know, you have any extra.)
