Monday, April 4, 2011

How it all went down

Well, my friends, April Fools around here wasn't pretty.

Especially if your name happens to be McKay.

All went according to plan. He walked in the door, shock and dismay on his face when he saw his younger siblings home before him. He saw them eating doughnuts and begged for one of his own. Of course we said no.

At least for a little while. Then, after much pleading on his part, his wish was granted.

Be careful what you wish for has never rang more true than at that moment.

He took a bite or two, and started to get suspicious.


Foolishly, he kept eating, but about halfway through the doughnut, he KNEW something was wrong.


Hannah yelled it out first, "April Fools! We put mayonnaise in your doughnut!"

A mad dash to the sink and it was all over.


Here's the funny thing: He took it like a champ. I expected (and was prepared to fully pardon) rage and bitterness on his part. I thought he'd be furious. I know I would have been. What we did to him was disgusting.

But my sweet boy laughed and smiled, and agreed it was a good joke. He asked questions about how we did it, and wondered when we planned it all. Not once did he express anger. Not once did he raise his voice.

He handled it much better than I would have, I can promise you that.

Because of his good sense of humor about it, we abandoned the rest of our plans (except for the princess music on his iPod. That one was already too late). And even that prank brought a smile to his face.

He's a good sport. He's a good kid.

Here's hoping that the memory of the doughnut will keep him from trolling around next year. But if it does not, I think we'll all take a page from his book and laugh about the pranks anyway.


  1. My kids and even my husband were asking how it all went down. "did that lady write a blog yet about
    April fools?"

    They will be pleased to hear!

  2. That is absolutely fantastic! If he can dish it out- it's nice to know he has the grace to take it as well. My daughter did the rubber band on the sink sprayer joke and it got her brother smack in the face- he did not handle it quite as well. Kudos to your son. :)

  3. Awesome! What a good joke and a really good kid! I'm impressed that he was such a good sport about it. I'm glad you got your revenge ;-)

  4. You have a good jokester there! He can take as much as he dishes out! :D

  5. PERFECT! Laughing at yourself can be hard to do but when you can, life is so much better! Bravo McKay!

  6. what a good sport! the mayo in the donut WAS a good one, disgusting, but a good one. ☺

  7. I'm pretty sure he's already planning what to put in YOUR donut next year...

  8. what a good sport! Those are priceless pictures, by the way. They'll be telling that story at family reunions decades from now.

  9. That's awesome! I want to be you when I grow up. :)

  10. Love it! But if you really told him how it's done, he might be filing it away for next year.

  11. So glad you captured this. That second shot is awesome. Also you better start planning for next year. I'm sure McKay is already working on something.

  12. That was SO funny! I saw the look on his face,it was hilarious!

  13. Such an awesome kid you have there...

    But, I'd move out on March 31st next year...

    He's got a whole year to plan..

  14. I want to know how you got the filling out...and did you color the mayonnaise to look like vanilla pudding or whatever?? Fabulous joke!!!

  15. Oh my friend, love you guys. Your Spring Break has got my creative juices flowing. And McKay, what a sport. I love the pictures.
