You know the one - it causes you deep stomach pain, nausea, and anxiety from nine o'clock at night until about one minute after school starts the next morning?
Poor baby.
I was ditching him to go meet friends for lunch at Bread Co. (because, clearly, I care so much) and he managed to summon all his remaining strength to lift his head off the pillow and, in a weak voice, ask me to bring him back a giant cinnamon roll.
Ah, the wonders of modern medicine. A cinnamon roll cures the flu.
Whatever. He works hard all the time and never misses school. I'll cut him some slack.
But as punishment (along with sharing a bite or two of said giant cinnamon roll) he was tasked with playing photographer for me today. Because my hair looked really cute. And I never have any pictures of me. And what if I died today and they all had nothing to remember me by? And what would my friend Beckie blow up to poster size and paste on the ceiling to haunt the Husband and his new 20-year-old wife with?
Okay. Maybe not that last one.
But I am really sick of looking at the same picture over there on the sidebar from, like, four or five years ago.
Girlfriend has got herself some new wrinkles! They must be seen!
Anyway, your job (along with sending me your most heartfelt compliments on my new pictures) is to tell me which one you like the best for my new headshot. If I was on top of things, and not so busy
Which me is the best me I can be?
Mmmkay. For the ceiling poster for Josh in case of your demise, I think the very first one would do nicely. It's very soul piercing and says "don't even think about it mister."
ReplyDeleteTruly, I think they're all gorgeous. I like the one of you leaning forward with your chin on your wrist best but close seconds are the above-mentioned ceiling shot and the full smile on the second row.
Love the looking-wistfully-out-the-window shot but I don't know if it matches your blog's hilarity enough :) Maybe a side-by-side of two, one serious and one smiley??
p.s. I'll have you know that this is the most thinking I've done all day.
The third set of pictures is my favorite. I also like the second picture in the first set of pictures--looks like a deep thought/reminiscing picture.
ReplyDeleteGreat job and camera!
Your hair IS looking super cute. That was my first thought. My second was--what is that lip color, please please share. My third was--I like 'em all. Fourth--HOLY COW I'm the first commenter. Fifth, I better hurry up and push PUBLISH before someone beats me to it!
ReplyDeleteCrap--didn't push it fast enough, now I'm third. Even though that might ruin my day, I'll keep your going by saying they are all beautiful. Seriously. Gorgeous. Love 'em all but my favs are 2,4,6. Glad I have such lovely friends!
ReplyDeleteSorry, Emily :)
ReplyDeleteEmily - ironically, the color is MAC's 'photo' topped with their Glam V B30 lip gloss.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your sweet words, friend. Miss you. :-)
While they're all really cute and I'd like to have you be an imposter and let me post your picture on the side of my blog and say its me, I'd have to say I like Number 5 best. See if you can figure out which one that is. (If you click over to my blog and I've copied one of yours, just roll with it, okay?)
ReplyDeleteAnd may I say, a giant cinnamon roll would make me feel better right now. In fact, I think I'm going to start the breadmaker up and make some.
Beautiful. I like the left one in the 3rd row.
ReplyDeleteNice photos. I can't see any wrinkles. Middle row left is my fave.
ReplyDeleteVery good hair day. I like 1, 5 or 6
ReplyDeleteGreat photos! Better than the one on the side bar. You look younger! On the left side, third row. They are all great though. (wrinkles??.. puhhlease!!)
ReplyDeleteThey truly ARE so good. I never see non-smiling shots of you! Your smile is beautiful, but I love the serious ones. My vote is 2nd row, right.
ReplyDeleteok Flu boy has some amazing photo skillz!
ReplyDeleteand my vote is for either of the smiling with teeth shots beacause you look so friendly - and the hand shot ismy fave of the two.
PS you are beautiful fullstop.
I love number 4..... 2nd row on the right the best. These are great. I need to do this. AFTER I loose the 10 lbs I've recently gained in my chin. You are beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThey are all gorgeous but my absolute favorite Stie pic is the 4th - (chin on wrist) - depicts, serious but fun, beauty and mom, lady and girl...Just love it.
ReplyDeleteOk pretty lady. My fav is the last one.
ReplyDeleteGreat pics!! I like the 1st one on the second row! Your beautiful!!
ReplyDeletespeaking of narcissism, you will get tons of comments here, because everyone thinks their opinion matters.
ReplyDeleteas if.
but just in case, i also like chin on wrist.
i can only imagine what mine would look like if i did this. i am not at all posed-photogenic.
You ARE gorgeous!! Love the headshots!! I almost can't decide! The 2 bottom are my favorite, but I love the sassy smile you have going on in the bottom left. Also I think the light is hitting your face really lovely at that angle.
ReplyDeleteI've not commented for ages...but I always look so forward to your posts popping up in my Reader. You really do make me laugh.
ReplyDeleteI love the one with your chin resting on your look thoughtful, deep, and knowing! Which reflects that you are not just a comedienne.
I also like the one with your hand on your cheek. That captures the twinkle in your eyes, like you are just thinking of something you know will make us all roar.
All of them are beautiful!
Number two! No wait...Number four. No wait... Two! But what do I know, I still can't see the wrinkles you're talking about...
ReplyDelete#2 and #4 LOVE second one the best
ReplyDelete#6 is my favorite for a sidebar picture. I don't think you should be looking away like in #2 although you look gorgeous in it. #1 is beautifully serious. I like the personality shown and the eye contact in #6.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely #4 (second row, right on your wrist). It makes me think of you! You are one beautiful lady!
ReplyDeleteMiddle row...chin on the wrist! That is an amazing picture! :)
ReplyDeleteYour hair has gotten SO long. I know that makes you happy.
ReplyDeleteI love the last one. You look so happy.
They are all absolutely BEAUTIFUL! You are one gorgeous mama!
P.S. I want a ginormous cinnamon roll. mmmm.
gorgeous, as usual! okay i love the last one or the other smiling one. you have such perfect teeth, i think you should show them off! i love a 'real' head shot myself. nothing too serious. however, broadway directors may say differently.
ReplyDeleteAre these your high school senior portraits you resurrected? I can't handle the youth. You look amazing. I choose the very first, and the very last. Now please take my picture so I can land some 25 year old young buck to knock my socks off. I mean, another 25 year old young buck.
ReplyDeleteThey are all beautiful! Number 4 is particularly gorgeous, but I think your smile is awesome, so I am voting for #3.
ReplyDelete2nd row right...#4. Love it. Too bad you don't live close by...I would pay your kid in cinnamon rolls and soda to take pictures for me. You are beautiful and you have trained him well.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all a giant cinammon roll sounds delightful, so yes, I'll have one.
ReplyDeleteIf I were you, I would rotate these pictures weekly, or daily depending on my mood.
My favorite is the middle right one, though I love them all!
#4 hands down!
ReplyDeleteAnd that is amazing lip color! :)
I like middle left and bottom left. I don't see you as a particularly serious and/or pensive person, so, I am all about smiles. Ps- Such great lighting. Do you have one of those big strobes in your house?
ReplyDeleteI love the very last one with you smiling! Great picture!
ReplyDeleteYou look just like your mother-in-law! The eyes, the hair—you look like sisters. (I love the second one and the last one best.)
ReplyDeleteStie, you look so beautiful in all of these. I love all of them.
ReplyDeleteYou look so young. I see no wrinkles.
I think my favorite is the one where your chin is on your wrist. It is the second row of pictures on the right side.
I love your smile and you are right, your hair looks AWESOME.
It's cool that you can photoshop your zits away, but unfortunately you can't photoshop brains into your head.
ReplyDeleteFavorite over all, top left
ReplyDeleteFavorite for blog, bottom left
Beautiful! Stunning really!
Ummm... honest answer? They are all gorgeous, but I don't think they live up to the FUN side of you. I envision you taking a hefty sip from a straw that's other end is in a giant diet coke from McDonalds, with your eyes looking up to heaven thanking God for the contents in the cup. ...just sayin!
ReplyDeleteOtherwise I'd say bottom left :)
My husband's mother died and there is not a photo in existence of her. I pains my soul every time I think about it.
ReplyDeleteGood job getting your picture taken.
I like the last one. You're beautiful.
First, let me make this perfectly clear...It would not be poster sized, it would be a collage of ALL of the above, covering the ENTIRE bedroom ceiling. I would then place them throughout the house has a thoughtful reminder of why the Husband has turned out so well... You are welcome. I may have to hire you to do some for me, so you could return the favor! As for pics (and I will be honest, I was just thinking the other day that a new blog pic was in order. You are way hotter now!) I agree with Stefani, but really do love them all. WAY TO GO McKay!
ReplyDeleteYou have the best hair. You should do a post on your haircare secrets! :)
ReplyDeleteAll the pics are beautiful. My favorite is #4 (middle row, right).
I'm probably a little late to the game but I like the third one. You're looking lovely and not a wrinkle in site. :)
ReplyDeleteHello, Beauty! I like the 3rd one -intentionally not described because you can't go wrong! ;)
ReplyDeleteCindy needs to open a can whoop ass up on Dan-I have 5 brothers-I feel your pain (and the love). I'd pick either of the last two. The bottom left because it has that Stie "cheeky monkey" look and bottom right because your smile is contagious.
ReplyDeleteYou look lovely in all of the pictures. I forgot to brush my hair today and I think I might even have some paint rubbed in from painting my living room today. I feel incredibly inferior to you in the looks department. Before I go wallow in self pity (an act that will involve ice cream), I am taking the time to tell you that second row left is my vote for your new sidebar pic.
ReplyDeleteI love them all, but the best? Or the blog? Middle right, or bottom right :)
ReplyDeleteI just finished a post with a link to you and Alyssa because I am making those adorable valentines again :)
One and five are my faves! Although all of them are great. I love how your eyes really pop in all of the photos.
ReplyDeleteLet me just give it to you straight b/c I'll be your 50th commenter & you'll need to go with my choice...
ReplyDeletemiddle row, left.
That's final.
No need to talk it over, just do it.
Honestly, Christie, I love every picture that has ever been taken of you (including the spilled milk pants before going to 1st day of Kindergarten, the saxophone/curly hair with your Grandma, and many, many more), fortunately, you got your mother’s gene’s for good looks—you are incredibly BEAUTIFUL anytime and anywhere. But if I HAD to choose from the six beautiful photos in your blog (excellent job McKay), the fourth one with your chin on your wrist would be my favorite—it captures your profound beauty the very best. Josh is a lucky man to have a bride so beautiful!
ReplyDeleteOh my word - these are seriously beautiful. You are gorgeous. Any of them would be lovely on the blog but I think my favorite is the 4th one where you are leaning on your wrist but I also love the 2nd one where you are looking to the side. I would love to look this beautiful in a picture!!!
ReplyDeleteYou are so beautiful!
ReplyDeleteHoly BEAUTIFUL is all I can say. You SO do NOT want to see a head shot of me right now.
ReplyDeleteBottom one on the left, where you are smiling with your eyes. :)
ReplyDeleteHow will you ever choose? You look fantastic in every one. I need McKay to come over and take pictures of me. sorry, that sounded very bad. When my kids take photos of me they shoot from below and I have 5 chins.
ReplyDeleteI think my favorite is #4 not smiling with your hand on chin. I didn't read everyone else so I'm unbiased!
Seriously... you look fabulous! I love each of the photos.
ReplyDeleteAnd... said sick child did a wonderful job snapping the photos. I don't think you could go wrong with any one of them. Which one is the Husband's favorite?
You are one pretty looking lady ;) But I do like the pictures where your teeth are showing the best. You look så happy! The last one is my absolute favorite!
ReplyDeleteHugs from Nadja, Denmark :)
(Stumbled upon your blog "by accident" several months ago, about time I commented on something - I really like your way of writing and absolutely adore your kids and the fantastic photos you share with us :)
And where would I find the wrinkle you are talking about?
ReplyDeleteThey are all gorgeous.
I know you already chose, but I really like both 3&4. Too lovely.
ReplyDeleteWow! You may need to bring Mack into the family business... you, my friend, are BEAUTIFUL!
ReplyDeleteYou are GORGEOUS! Wow, I know we are honorary sisters and all, but right now I'm not sure we actually are related.