So there was a little post up yesterday, and after receiving more hate mail in five minutes than I have in my entire life, I decided to take it down.
Not because I let other people dictate what I say on this blog.
But because I had a horrible day yesterday, and after sobbing on the phone to the Husband about it, the last thing I needed was to sit down in front of my computer and be berated by strangers.
By people who clearly do not know me at all. By people whose intent is to hurt and to hate.
Neither of those things are my intent.
Nor will they ever be.
My sense of humor simply may not be your thing.
If that is the case, my advice to you is this: STOP READING.
To the rest of you fine people: Thanks for all the sweet words you leave here. They mean more than you will ever know.
Don't worry, I'm still here!
ReplyDeleteThe second I read the post I KNEW that some people would get their panties in a waddle.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was funny (and made sense).
So don't let them bother you. Just to quote Dr. Seuss:
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
People are jerks. Shake it off and remember how much you are loved.
ReplyDeleteReally? Comments were that nasty? I read the post, laughed and didn't think anything of it. Don't worry. It wasn't anything to get bent out of shape over. Keep on keeping on!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you got hate comments. Seriously, why don't people just stop reading? I've never understood that. It was clear that you didn't mean to offend, you were just commenting on an incongruous sight. You're witty and kind.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was funny too. Just have to ignore those people who only want to cause trouble.
ReplyDeleteOh serious?! People need to take a chill pill!!! And you are exactly right, this is YOUR blog, you can write whatever you want! You aren't forcing people to read, they totally don't have to! I for one LOVE your blog, you are hilarious and you are real, And I like it!! Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteWow, how horrid. I never comment on your blog but I just have to tell you that I LOOOOVE reading it! I've been reading it for several months now and seriously, you always make me smile. I hate I missed your post that caused so much drama...sounds like I would have LOVED it! lol!
ReplyDeleteYou rock---forget those who think otherwise! :)
Oh, you poor thing. When it rains it pours. Those who know you and love you understand your humor and didn't get all riled up--and got a kick out of it. I hope you have a better day today. I love you!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog every day and find myself dissapointed when you don't post. I thought your post was very interesting and insightful. It made me think and I too was curious about it. Please don't let them get to you. If they couldn't understand your willingness to learn about the reasoning, then they are the ones with the problems. Not you!
ReplyDeleteit's sad that on any other day people won't comment at all, but when they see the chance to say something mean they come out of the woodwerk.
ReplyDeletesorry that happened to you stie. you are one of the sweetest bloggers i know!
First off, LOVE you!!!! I do believe you're my hero! Second, I couldn't stop laughing at your post!!! It really did make me think and for a post to make me laugh AND think? Well, that's just fabulous!
ReplyDeletethank you, google reader, for letting me read the deleted post today. you horrible spectre of a human being...jk.
ReplyDeleteI loved your post! Personally, I thought you brought up a valid question with a sense of humor, but I guess in our overly politically correct world, you aren't allowed to express your curiosity about that kind of thing.
ReplyDeleteI guess if I want more comments on my blog, I need to be more controversial? Maybe I need to borrow your story.
But that wouldn't be very original. I'll have to think of something controversial on my own.
Smile and have a good day. I love your blog!
I thought you were funny! To help you feel better, I'll eat some cookie dough for you. ;)
ReplyDeleteI one of the people that love your blog. I love you too.
ReplyDeleteI didn't catch the temporary blog post, but wouldn't worry about it. I find your posts entertaining and funny. If you don't mind me saying, the ones where you comment about adventures with your girlfriends are particularly funny and entertaining.
ReplyDelete-- A Stranger
I saw that post and wondered how that would go over. I think the questions you raised were totally legitimate. You were asking to understand - people shouldn't berate you for that. They should help. I wish you would have left it up - the comment stream would have been entertaining.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog regularly. I love your humor. I'm bummed that I missed a day...
ReplyDeleteIt is hard not to allow people to get under your skin because we worry that one of those awful comments was from someone of sound mind and soul. It wasn't. I can tell...from others comments. Pick yourself up and keep marching towards the goal.... making me laugh :)
I think the post that 'was' should 'be' again. I'd love to read it. And I promise, I won't send hate mail :)
ReplyDelete:( There is just not enough room in this world for hate. Serious. I knew that post had lightening rod potential, but hate. . . NOT GOOD. Sorry Stie. Hope your day is definitely better, and if I was near you, there would be a BIG BOWL OF COOKIE DOUGH on your doorstep today. With a smile.
ReplyDeleteSelf-righteous Twits: Go preach on your own blog rather than ranting on another's.
ReplyDeleteWOW! I think this just confirms my point from yesterday. Which you can now not read. But I was right, was I not?
ReplyDeleteSo sick of PC accusations in this country.
Sorry you got hurt. That so bites.
So sorry honey. Wish I'd been home yesterday to read it. I get your sense of humor. But I suppose, that's becasue you get mine. Have a better day today. -J
ReplyDeleteOh, Stie. Sorry about the bad day and mean people. Hope you find something else to laugh about today!
ReplyDeleteI'm a first time "commenter" long time reader and just wanted you to know that your posts seriously make my day! I don't even know you but I feel a kindred connection with you. Is this freaking you out yet? I promise I'm normal:). Have a better day! Chin up!
ReplyDeleteI, for one laughed my youknowwhat off reading the previous/now taken down post.
ReplyDeleteI love you. The meanies can get a grip.
I think your honesty (especially with the touches of humor) is refreshing. You were admitting that you did not understand, but wanted to. I'm so sorry the comments made you cry. You don't deserve that. You are loved, my friend.
ReplyDeleteSorry that I left the weird, "testing" comment. I have tried to comment on this post twice and it keeps saying, ERROR 503. I am having computer trouble...
ReplyDeleteanyway...I just wanted to tell you that I love you, truly, madly, deeply.
I am sorry that I never saw that post (and that I don't use google reader) because I LOVE your sense of humor and I know I would have loved your post.
Let me at em'. Want I should kick their teeth in? Or, I do have a mean right decide....
Love you my little Stie Stie!
I am also sorry that they made you cry.
ReplyDeleteOh, Christie, you are beautiful, generous, considerate, thoughtful, witty . . . a force to be reckoned with! We are all lucky that you have a blog and I, for one, feel lucky to have you in my life. I thought you raised a valid point, and since you took the post down, I'm just going to have to use the better-than-sex cake story as a blog entry on my own site. Thanks! I needed some material for today.
ReplyDeleteI love and adore you, and I admire and emulate you.
Don't let them get you down. I ditto everything already said. There are just some people who can't let others be. They need to spread there own negative views and turn laughter into tears, good into evil. I love you & your blog. The people who know you love you and really what else matters.
ReplyDeleteYes...THANK YOU GOOGLE READER!!!!! I'm a little behind on my reading, your last post made me laugh, not in a disrespectful sort of way either. I love your observations. You are hilarious and I wish I lived by you so that I could laugh with you! It's your blog sista say what you want!
ReplyDeleteI vote to ban hate mail, I really don't understand the mentality behind doing that. Sorry that you went through that yesterday. I love you too (it looks like I have lots of company!).
ReplyDeleteDeep down, you're just like the ladies that cover their faces... only prettier.
ReplyDeletei still got to read it, too, thanks to reader... an innocent question and something to chew on, too. i woulda had the same thoughts!! keep on keepin on girl!
ReplyDeletedang it. sorry that happened. please. PLEASE don't go changing (cue music)
ReplyDeletestay just the way you are. inappropriate or not.
we love you!
I saw it and I loved it. People need to take a huge chill pill.
ReplyDeleteI bet all the mean comments were anonymous. Those types are always willing to spew ugly stuff but never willing to own it. Shameful.
I love what you do here. I say give all of them the bird.
As someone wise and foul-mouthed once said, "fock 'em if they can't take a joke." (feel free to delete this comment if I offend .. no need to send me nasty emails)
ReplyDeleteNow.. I am very curious about this taken-down post.. any chance of a private viewing?
Lame-o's. I thought it was funny and true. I would have felt just as confused had I seen a similar sight at my ortho. Ignore the haters.
ReplyDeleteWhat I love most about this is the blog love that comes after.
ReplyDeleteIt restores the faith...
I read the early comments (I guess a little too early),...the ones I read took the post as is was meant. You know what? WhatEV. They think you judge and at the same time, they judge you. I mean, right? Lighten up people and laugh a little more- there are PLENTY of more important things around here to get your panties all in a wad about. So many.
ReplyDeleteWhat is wrong with people!?! Seriously people just need to get over themselves. I enjoyed your post! Haters are a boil on the butt of humanity! LOL
ReplyDeleteI don't understand people who take, take, take all the hours of writing and entertainment which you give us for free, asking nothing, and respond with spite. It's like taking your dog over to the nicest yard in town to do his business.
ReplyDeleteI thought the question you posed on the infamous post was just an interesting thing to ponder. Like "why would you live in Utah if you hate snow?" Just a plain old question.
Sadly I didn't get to read the post, I didn't make it to blogs yesterday...but you know I have been here for 2 years now, and nothing you say could move me to hate mail. Hang in there!!!
ReplyDeleteso sorry you got hate mail. after blogging for awhile, i've learned that some people take EVERYTHING seriously and you have to just shake it off!
ReplyDeleteAw Stie. That sucks! I didn't get to read yesterday. Now I'm DYING from curiosity. Some people just have too much time on their hands to spew ugliness when they should just move on...
ReplyDeleteBoo. So sorry for the horrible day. Ignore the haters.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry about the hateful comments. That stinks. People need to get over themselves.
ReplyDeleteI would have been wondering the same thing if I'd seen them. :)
Sorry that some had to be mean to you. I read it, and I loved how you worded it. In my small town we don't see that nationality here, so I would have been thinking "How did the dentist do an exam through that head dressing?" You were honest in your wonderings. Don't feel bad that a few twits had to be mean.. look at all the support you have behind you!!
ReplyDeleteGeesh...that'll teach me to go a day without checking your blog. I miss all the good stuff! LOL! Don't worry about have many faithful blog readers (and blog stalkers) who think you're absolutely fabulous.
ReplyDeleteBring back the missing post! LOL!
ReplyDeleteThat I missed the post.
That people are lame.
That I can't hang with you today-lunch and a diet coke and laughs with you sounds so good.
Love you.
As a writer myself, I can promise you one thing: "you can please some of the people some of the time, but you'll never please ALL of the people all of the time."
ReplyDeleteWe bloggers are only human. Remember that and KUDOS for such a great blog! Keep up the great work.
Why do people lash out? Is it a superiority complex? A holy-than-thou thing? And why, why, why do we allow those particular nasty comments to linger and resonate in our minds?
ReplyDeleteBanish them out. You are clever, creative and lovely.
Love your blog - please keep us smiling!
I am so sorry to hear people were mean to you! Mean people really suck. I am bummed I missed this post. I'm sure I would have loved it!
ReplyDeleteDon't let em get you down. I read it and you asked a valid question. (one I really want to know the answer to) :)
ReplyDeletePeople just have WAY too much time on their hands to get up in other people blog business. Hugs to ya!
Mean people stink...I read the post and I'm wracking my brain to figure out how it could offend people. Those that wrote the hate mail must have had a stick up their you-know-where. I'm like you though - I would have taken it personally and cried over it. I hope it won't effect your future posts. I love reading your blog. It's truly a breath of fresh air.
ReplyDeletePeople are so frustrating. I didn't see the post, nor the comments but it always irritates the hell out of me when people think they need to criticize bloggers. I mean seriously, no one is forcing them to read this stuff and whatever happened to 'freedom of speech'. Sorry you had to deal with this. Keep on trucking mama, we love your stuff!!
ReplyDeleteDo not worry, infidel American. My wife and daughter were not offended by what you wrote about them. They understand that only in such a prideful, infidel country like yours would women get their teeth fixed merely for appearance and not for a legitimate medical reason.
ReplyDeleteI will continue to read your blog, but I pray Allah will give you understanding and enlightenment.
Aazim Khulayd Salaahddinn
I've been at Disney for a week, and am just getting caught up on blog-reading. It makes me sad that people were cruel. This is YOUR blog, and YOUR views. People choose to come and read your posts, and from what I can tell, you have lots of people who love you. You are honest, kind and love your family - how in the world can anyone criticize a person like that?? Oh, and you make a mean Valentine card for those of us who are craft-challenged:)
ReplyDeleteI have to say...I am curious about the post. I have a daughter in braces and spend lots of time at the ortho.
Darn. I'm sorry I missed the post. I'll bet it was clever or hilarious or touching (or all of the above) which is typical of your amazing blog.
ReplyDeleteDon't let the idiots get you down.
I love you and your sense of humor. Keep it coming sista.
ReplyDeleteI am SO with you on that post!!
ReplyDeleteI admired how you put it out there, because you definitely aren't the only one thinking it.
And I am SO SORRY that it made you cry. I completely agree with your advice to stop reading.
Big hugs, Christie. I LOVE your blog :)
I'm behind in reading but thank heavens Reader saved it. I know a place where you could repost, with comments! I'll just say ditto to the expressions of love for you and disbelief regarding people who add yuckiness to the world.
ReplyDelete(and also, Dan is my favorite blog commented of all time)
So late to the hoopla! I saw two similarly dressed women in Zumba the other day. I hope they weren't offended, but I kept staring. Can you imagine? A cardio workout under all those layers? In ARIZONA?!!!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it great to see that MOST people understand where you are coming from though? You just voiced aloud what a lot of us wonder...