You crazy Utahns. How you came up with the genius that is fry sauce, I will never know. But in all our travels, we have never found its equal.
Though the Husband will not touch the stuff with a ten-foot pole, I, however, could bathe in it. It is the only way to eat deep fried potatoes and I will forever be grateful for its discovery.
But while we were in Utah, we did a lot of fun things.
We took time to smell the roses:
We rode up our beloved mountains on ski lifts and marveled at the view.
Once at the top, we exhaled, sighed, and wondered if there was any place on earth quite as lovely.
That spectacular view was somewhat diminished during our hour-long wait to ride the Alpine Slide. Apparently, the track is quite deadly after a rain and it took several runs for the employees to get it dry enough to let us go down.
I was quite content to wait, even though some in my party were less than patient [cough*the Husband*cough].
One of us jumped from rock to rock. Again and again. And again. And again.
Honestly. All I need is a pair of rocks and this kid could entertain himself all day.
[Note to self: See how exciting the rocks seem when he opens them Christmas morning.]
We (some of us more than others, of course) had really good hair days. Ah, that dry desert air. Does wonders on the humidity-drenched locks that adorn my head.
Please give a moment of silence for my perfect bangs. They will never look so tame again.
And, lord help me, did we eat.
And eat.
And eat some more.
I am ashamed to tell you the number of pounds gained in just ten days' time [cough*five*cough] but it was worth every fat-filled calorie.
Tragically, it will take me about 10 weeks to get it off again, I am sure.
Anyway, thanks for playing along. Courtesy of random-dot-org, the winner is:

Julianna said...Send me an email with your address and a little something is headed your way, chica.I'm going with the majority and saying Utah... I may just need to visit, that fry sauce looks yummy!
Stay tuned tomorrow for a tea party that will make you weep with jealousy...
How fun! Park City is a blast! You got some really great photos!
what a gorgeous family - love all the pics esp the first one. :)
I was out of town for three weeks. . . you do the weight math. NOT GOOD. I get to have lunch with Gabi tomorrow. Whhhhheeeeeeeeeee!
Perfect hair days make me happy! and so does food! Welcome home. I SO understand the weight gained. Ouch.
Single Mom of two boys, I'm living all my vacations through you. Keep posting please! And the rock thing? All my boys would do that, all day long, even the big one. -J
P.S. I won! I won! I'm so excited, I'm doing a happy dance! (Just be thankful you can't see it)
What a fun summer of travels. Your hair looks great but I doubt you ever have a bad hair day ;)
The ladies in your family are seriously beautiful.
You make me laugh with your, "[cough*the Husband*cough]"
Please post footage of that darling boy opening up his rocks on Christmas day.
Seriously, you always make me laugh.
Your hair is getting so long. It really is gorgeous and those are perfectly swept bangs. But, you would be beautiful bald, I'm sure.
What a fun vacation. Glad you had a god time.
And I too, would bathe in fry sauce. We have it here in Idaho, too. Aren't I lucky?!?!?!
I won't lie...I'm totally jealous of the bangs...And the AWESOME hair color!
Love the bangs...I don't do bangs, I look look fabulous!
Those rock jumping shoes are so creepy looking...are they really that comfortable?
What fun travels! What is on your son's feet in the 5th picture (the rock jumping one)?? Are those socks or shoes?
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