Friday, August 6, 2010

And no, I won't share her. She's all mine.

It was obvious to me when I first met my in-laws that I would be marrying into a fantastic family.

That fact has been confirmed to me many times over the 16 years of my marriage, but none more so than at the tea party Oma threw for the little girl cousins while we were in Utah. (Which, mind you, she throws monthly for the in-staters).

I have heard the tales of the famous tea parties, but scarcely could have imagined the complete and utter genius that is the Oma.

First on the agenda at the tea party, is decorating a large banner. Crayons, markers, and colored pencils await the creative minds and hands of little girls. There are no lines that need to be stayed in. There are no rules. The more colorful and garish, the better. Little scribbles are at home next to neat, detailed words.


And what could possibly be better than hanging your masterpiece with tape onto the mantle?

After all, a tea party must be properly decorated.


Next, the girls are divided into teams of two, with big girls happily partnering with little girls. Every pair is handed their very own scotch tape and several rolls of crepe paper. Decorating of furniture is highly encouraged.


Next, the girls are whisked off to the beauty station. Each girl competes for space at the full-length mirror where hair do's are coiffed and created using the ribbons, bows, and curlers from Oma's stash. Pink foam curlers provide the ultimate in ladies hair fashion and magically are "ready" in about eight seconds.


After the proper time has been spent in the beauty salon, it is time for the fitting of the gowns. Stylish traveling trunks have been brought for the occasion and somehow eight girls manage to find just the right outfit without any fighting or tears. There are shoes, accessories, hats, and gowns enough for all.

This Oma knows what she's doing.


Once all the divas are properly attired, it is time for the fashion show, complete with runway walk and color commentary by our hostess.

Twirling is highly encouraged.
No tea party would be complete without an excited interruption by the big brother, just returning from his antique store shopping with the Opa. World War II weapons and artillery are the souvenir du jour in the 10-year-old boy crowd.

Sadly, I am not sure any of the girls even noticed.


The brief interruption over, and it is time for tea. Every girl receives her own pitcher of cream, a tea cup, and saucer. Tiny treats and bite-sized fruit delight even the pickiest of palates.

And one must always remember to raise her pinkie when drinking at a ladies tea.


Tea-time entertainment is provided in story form by the seemingly tireless Oma. Quite fitting, naturally, that all the stories are tea party related.


Once the food and drink have been devoured, it is time for the clean up. Eight little heads bob happily into the kitchen for dish washing. That task is completed, and they return with disposable wipes for the tables.

Cleaning has never seemed so fun.


The grand finale is a game of artistic freeze dance, after which everyone is declared a winner and receives a bracelet and some lipstick.


Is it wrong that we're considering moving here, JUST for the tea parties?

These are the memories that generations are made of.

Bless you, Oma.


  1. She is incredible!! What an amazing Grandma!! The whole party is adorable! I was dying when you told me about and I love that you posted photos!

  2. these photos are classics. you're making me homesick! i love that oma has truly perfected the art of a tea party. hanging the streamer and cleaning duties all inclusive!!? oma makes even chores fun! do you think my guests for benji's birthday party will be as enthused about that idea??

    p.s. hannah is quite the beauty, loving her ballerina looks! just like you! glad your trip was so fantastic.

    p.p.s. dan came over to see the antique guns & ammo. he then said, 'wait are those all the boy photos?!'

  3. You captured it perfectly! I have as much fun as the girls do. Thanks for bringing the guest of honor.

  4. She is the best Oma! I'm already putting together her kits in hope that I will be just like her when I'm a grandma!

  5. That is AWESOME! I love it. What a fun thing-


  6. What a magical and wonderful time!! Oma is so wonderful!!! I have always thought that...but this just sent me over the top with wonder and admiration.

    Love Hannah's beautifully painted nails and getting to see her graceful pinkie held high.

    ...and I know Chase was in heaven, too. Opa is awesome, as well!

    I love Oma's house, too...and her furniture.

  7. Okay, first and foremost, unbeliveable home. Even better, the kids are allowed to "live" in it too! On the mantle, "with tape"- LOVE it!

    My Grammie used to have tea parties with us. She'd even write and illustrate the books for us. Sadly, she left us last February for the "ultimate" tea party in Heaven. We do still have her books though, and my Mom is continuing the tradition.

    But, not every Month. She'd have to be an Oma for that. ;)

    You did indeed, marry well. And, I don't blame you for not wanting to share.-J

  8. i actually felt a little warm water on my eyes reading this. i seriously think that oma is what i want to be when i grow up.

  9. Oma is amazing. I've got to remember all those great ideas from the tea party.

    I love the book "Tea for Ruby"--perfect for this occasion.

    You really are so lucky to have the perfect mother in law.

  10. I keep waiting for Mom and Dad to have an ugly grandchild...but they just seem to get cuter and cuter! Those shots are darling. Glad you had a fun visit!

  11. That was adorable. What an awesome mil you have :)

    That Hannah is such a beauty!!

  12. What a fantastic idea! That looks like ms. H had an amazing time. Gotta love family. Specially when they're cool...

  13. Oma is utterly amazing. What a great tea party!

  14. Oh you're so lucky. My mil has created a home worthy of a museum but that no child can come near. I must say I'm jealous!

  15. Still cannot believe this. You are one lucky daughter-in-law.
