Friday, March 12, 2010

Rocky Mountain Mama

Well, internet, we have arrived in beautiful Colorado. And can I just say how much I have missed the mountains? I grew up surrounded by mountains, and even though it's been a good 14 years since I've lived in their shadow, I will never get over the sheer majesty and beauty of them. Waking up this morning and looking out the window just brought a lump to my throat. I felt a little piece of my soul restored.

I am a mountain woman.

Though, I am definitely not to be confused with those crazy people zooming down the mountain at perilous speeds on two tiny, little wooden sticks, just begging for death.

A skier, I am not.

I tried it once and absolutely hated it. Might have had something to do with the fact that a slightly-less-than-patient Husband was my instructor. And after watching me fall, laugh hysterically at my own predicament, and be unable to get back up, he retired his ski teaching position for the betterment of our marriage.

I may give it a try another year with a proper instructor, but have decided to happily sit this round out.

Don't spend too much time feeling sorry for me though. I have the lovely staff of the Ritz Carlton at my disposal, a stack of very good books to read, a large, comfy bed for napping in, and a spa masseuse just waiting to pamper my chubby self.

We left the kids in the very capable hands of their Oma, and so far they have not worn her out completely or turned all Lord of the Flies on her.

The night she arrived, I had to laugh at the sight of this in my kitchen:

Technology, much?

Looks like it's going to be a fantastic weekend for everyone.


  1. I always knew you were a mountain woman. I could tell by your beard.

  2. I love that picture! I chose not to try skiing while attending BYU for four years, because I knew that no matter how much my friends insisted they would teach me, they would not want to waste their time and money watching me fall down. Your idea of a skiing vacation sounds like heaven though. (Are mountain women into pedicures though? Aren't their feet always covered with hiking boots or something?)

  3. Oh, Dan...

    That picture is utterly fabulous.

    I know, right? They really are racing down those mountains on toothpick sized sticks begging for death.

    You make me laugh. ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND!!!!

  4. Just taking after their Mama! That photo is classic!!

    Enjoy your fabulous mountianous weekend ;)

  5. Would that be a mountain woman like this?

  6. So wish we would have made it the mountains this ski season! Interesting photo of the family - what a different world we live in now.

  7. We're having a fabulous time. Mack made pancakes, Chase made scrambled eggs and we finished breakfast at 10:am. Hannah had sandwiches made and a picnic on the floor set up at 11:am so we had lunch. They did the dishes AND vacuumed after both meals!

  8. Oh my, Christie! That photograph had me gasping- YES! TECHNOLOGY MUCH!!

    Your vacation is temptingly inviting- take me! take me! i want to scream.

    But, hey mountain girl, your pictures will just about do the trick- have a splendid holiday :)

  9. I'm with you girl. Why would anyone want to hang out in the freezing cold weather when there is a cozy room and spa inside the hotel. Have fun.

  10. I couldn't help but notice the time... 5 minutes to 8! Late bedtime...
    Glad you're having a wonderful time! What a fun little getaway.

  11. Fun!

    Except the cold part.

    I am such a wimp.

  12. Rocky mountain high! I hope you see it raining fire in the sky! Will you talk to God and listen to his casual reply?

  13. Ha ha ha ah ...ah...the computers. Massage sounds good- hope you had a fabulous time. You really do deserve it with all the time and love you give to that family of yours. You are awesome.

  14. HO

    That picture. THAT PICTURE! I don't know if I'm disturbed, or just amused to the point of aggitation. I'm leaning toward the latter.

    Enjoy your non ski trip. I'd be at the spa with you. No death sticks for me either! In fact, my only skiing story is literally identical to yours. Except that it happened on my honeymoon. umhm.

  15. um.... you were in CO and didn't call me? tsk tsk :)

  16. I had to laugh at this photo, our house would totally look like this if we had this many computers. I have a laptop and we have one family computer desk top that everyone else fights over!!!
