Friday, March 5, 2010

Is three dollars all a soul is worth these days?

Note the spring-action, perfectly molded spots for holding spare change in this picture of someone else's lucky car

Last week, as I rounded the corner of the McDonald's drive-thru for my little dose of crack cocaine happiness in diet coke form, I reached my hand down to grab some change to pay for the drink. As my hand repeatedly grasped only air, I looked down in horror to find that my change was missing.

Only not just my quarters, nickels, and dimes.


I immediately called the Husband and accused politely asked if he knew anything about it. He scoffed and wondered why on earth I would think he would want to take my change holder.

I interrogated the children when they got home from school and all three proclaimed their innocence to the point that I believed them.

What the eff?

Essentially, what I am left to conclude is this: Someone risked prison and their eternal salvation to steal a change holder right out of my car, netting themselves MAYBE three bucks in coin.

Leaving behind my iPod, and several scratched and scuffed Barbie movies to take my three dollars in change. Not to mention the meal in old french fries and crumbs they could have scooped from the floor of the backseat.

The change thievery I can forgive. But for the love of all that is holy, WHY DID YOU HAVE TO TAKE MY CHANGE HOLDER? I loved that thing. Might have been my favorite part of the car, what with its neat and tidy organization. The separation of coin by type and size. The spring-loaded mechanism that kept everything right in a row.


I am now forced to root around the bottom of my purse for spare change like a regular person when the craving for that ice-cold brown deliciousness strikes.

It's just wrong, I tell you. Wrong.


  1. That is more than just wrong. It's also inconvenient. I am deeply annoyed and offended on your behalf.

    Can you get another from a scrappy's? Or maybe order one? I know you shouldn't NEED to since, well, you already HAD one, but the thought of you digging around in the bowels of a change purse is undignified.

    (Well, ok it's McDo but still... NOT civil.)

  2. Aahhhh...... McDonald's diet coke, they must add something to it, I always want more more more.

  3. god took it. he's punishing you for buying that filth.

  4. As proven by the newest President and the Tonight Show, change is bad... It's good that your change is gone. But bad that your organizer went with it.

  5. What the eff is right. NO ONE should have to work that hard for a diet coke.
    I am one of those people that has to scrounge around for change...totally worth it.

  6. Andrea seriously kills me.

    I cannot believe you were robbed like that. My heart aches for the loss of those little, spring loaded, perfect slots.

    I am betting it was a young and inexperienced thief. To leave behind an iPod and rip out the entire change holer...that is madness.

  7. Love Andrea!!

    Yeah that is totally weird! There HAS to be some explanation. And if you ever find out what it is, please report.

  8. I will not mention the eye-rolling Josh was doing when you called him about this. Clearly, he does not get it.

  9. Ah! Totally wrong. I feel hurt to know something so dear to you is gone. Hate when that happens. I'm hoping for you to be able to find a new, beautiful, IDENTICAL change holder in a whole new color, with a little cute something new attached to it, ON SALE- ah! how does that sound.

    Bless your heart girl. In some ways, i hoping the thief finds his scruples and returns it to you with a note, "Thank you for lending!"


  10. That is horribly wrong.

    I hope you were able to get your drink anyway! The McD's here has large drinks for $1 - which makes it a regular stop on my route. :)

  11. I shouldn't be laughing but I am. My philosophy has always been--go big or go home. If I was going to steal something--I would make it count--like a diamond ring or beautiful artwork--not 3 bucks in change.

    Hopefully you can get a new change holder. I'm with Amanda--thank goodness that McD's has been peddling sanity in a cup for 99 cents for awhile. I roll through every day for a large DC--I'm pregnant mind you. My baby is going to have problems but at least I'm sane.

    (loved your comment on blog!)

  12. What? Your change holder?

    I can one-up you though... My car didn't even COME with a change holder. Figure that one out.

  13. Bummer. Do they sell these coin separators at the auto store? I use the "ashtray" for coins. They're all a mess in there.

  14. This only reminds us that we should pray more especially for people like the one who stole your coin holder.

  15. I understand completely. My friendly robbers took my cool car organizer AND my car trash bag (which was a cute paper sack with a street map of NYC.) What we need here is a little CSI.

  16. Check on ebay under 'change holders'. It's bound to be there.

  17. Actually, right now you can get any size of crack cocaine from McDonalds now for only a dollar. So, your little thief will yield three hits of coke at Micky-D's. So I can totally understand why he or she would rob you.

  18. that's actually very funny! hahaha who could do such thing? I can imagine poor soul... he probably uses it now in his own car, and thinks that it was worth it!
    I am really sorry for you... but the way you describe the story... it's quite funny. I hope you'll be able to replace it somehow. best.

  19. That is wrong!

    Maybe your beneficiary needed a diet coke???

  20. That's so funny...well, not really...but you made me laugh. Hopefully you were able to dig up enough change in your purse to pay for your crack!

  21. So not cool. Maybe you could get a new one from the wreckers? I would love one in my car.

  22. I'd be searchin' high and low for a new one. Or better yet, go steal one from someone else's car. Then YOU would look like you were desperate for 2 bucks. Really though, can't you order accessories? I'd have that one on order by now.

  23. What is the world coming to! Honestly...last week several cars were broken into in the church parking lot of my sister's ward.

    I'm glad the Barbie DVD's made it!

  24. by the way, I got to see that little newborn in person and that baby girl made me want to go out and get lip injections!

    p.s. I will return your coin holder at the end of the month...I didn't know you loved it so much.

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