As I mentioned a few weeks before, the Phillly Photo Phun Trip of '09 was an absolute blast (not counting the horrible hurricane-like weather that I was battling for half of it, of course). I got to meet some truly amazing families. I got to see some of the most beautiful children on the eastern seaboard. They trusted me, someone they did not know, to try and capture a teensy bit of their essence and record it permanently in picture form.
It was a task I was not sure I was up to completing.
But when you have subjects this fantastic, you can't really screw it up. It would take weeks to show you everything, but these are just some of my favs.

I have a few families that I cannot show you any pictures of until after the holidays, as some of their family members read this blog, and, well, we don't want to blow any Christmas surprises now, do we?
While I like to know each and every present I'm getting (and slyly pry open a box or two or ten every year before the big day), there are those who do not feel that way.
Grandmas of my Philly friends, take heart - if you can't wait until Christmas, I can be bought for the right price...
KIDDING! Only kidding.
Sort of.
You take great photos Christie. Wish you lived closer to me :)
When are you coming to Seattle to take pictures of my family? I love your photography.
how do you know that many people to take pictures of while on vacation????
All gorgeous but the first one is my favorite. I've always opened every gift for me under the tree ahead of time and re-wrapped it, even as an adult. I suck.
You know what always comes through in your photos - how comfortable and relaxed everyone seems. Anyone can be a photographer, but the ones that can make people feel at ease are the true artists.
Lovely work as always.
I'm with Andrea! That is a lot of people while you are on vacay!! Miss Popular! ;)
These are gorgeous!
Any chance you're taking a road trip to Venezuela? Your pictures are more glorious with each passing day.
I agree with Linsey. It seems your pictures are more and more gorgeous with each photo shoot. These are fabulous!
I like to know what I'm getting too. Lucky for me that when I was a kid, my mom would wrap our presents ahead of time and "hide" them in the trunk in the front room next to the christmas tree. To assist her seemingly failing memory, she'd write not only the name of the child the gift was intended for, but what was inside. No unpeeling of tape necessary!
It's really embarrassing having to leave the same comment on your blog every time. But I can't think of anything else to say. So I'll say it again, YOU ARE SO TALENTED.
Your work is beautiful. And your "clients" do look really comfortable and natural.
These are gorgeous photos, Christie! Good job, my friend.
I always tell Robert exactly where I hid his present so that he doesn't accidentally find it. Then he doesn't go near that closet for the rest of the month. He hates ruining the surprise. Such will power.
And P.S. I hope you are planning on doing our photos the next time we come down. I simply must have a C Halverson Photography original to adorn my wall. (And maybe you'll have more luck with my kids than I do.)
Get your buns out here to Utah and take my fam photos, will ya? You could make even MY chubby cheeks (face and elsewhere) look pretty!
I love-love-love that first photo. You have a wicked way with a lense.
These are gorgeous Christie!! You are doing a fabulous job. I am so happy you are doing something you love! Way to go :)
Yay!! They look beautiful! I never would have guessed based on the quality of the photos the awful weather you were faced with. Great job!
Holy Crap. I'm totally on pins and needles waiting for the Christmas Present Photos.
Christie. You made all my peeps look SO good! Seriously, just yesterday one of my neighbors saw our pix and went into a serious pout about being left out of the photo shoot series.
You have to come back.
Great job! I LOVE your work. And I LOVE the scenery.
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