I find myself cranky and overwhelmed these days. I'm tired. My feet hurt. My hands are cracked and dry. The holiday shopping is still not done. And I look down in dismay every morning to find that the bulges and bumps on my rear end seem to be mating at an alarming rate.
It's enough to drive one to drink. Or overindulge in chocolate. And caramel popcorn. And fudge. And...
You get my drift.
Instead of focusing on all that I need to do or on all that I've not done well, I'm going to focus on a few things that are bringing me a colossal amount of joy today.
Top of that list is this beautiful display:

Since I freakishly obsess over our own card every year, it should not be surprising that I fall down giddy with glee over yours. Every time I walk past these doors, my heart skips a happy, little beat. I love reading your letters and seeing how big your kids get every year. I love walking out to the mailbox and finding an envelope with our name on it. Scrawled in lovely handwriting, addressed by you, with care, to me.
Just makes the day a little better, you know?
I think we should send cards all year long. Mail in February and March would be so much more cheerful if there were something in it besides bills and more bills. Doncha think?
Next slice of joy is the fact that I completed about six dozen of these beauties today, just in time for a cookie swap tomorrow with friends:

I don't necessarily go for the cookies (gasp!) as I can pretty much bake my own any day of the week (and frequently do). But it's such a nice way to spend the morning - chatting with friends in a cozy, warm house. A cup of hot chocolate sizzling in my cold hands. The stresses and worries left at the door. I look forward to it every year.
Next up is a little indulgence I treated myself to. These lovelies, courtesy of the Container Store, sit proudly in their new home on my counter. Snacks at the ready for little hungry fingers to grab. I've had my eye on them for a few months now, and finally just decided that I deserved them.
Which I really don't. But whatever.
They're my little Christmas present to me.

And last, but not least, are
these videos sent to my kiddies, straight from the North Pole. I think the younger two have watched theirs at least eight times in the last 24 hours. It's definitely helped up the magic for them this year and kept at least one from not believing.

Which I'd say is pretty freaking fantastic.
I love looking at our Christmas cards too...too bad some of mine seem to be stuck in route or maybe I have less friends ;) Those snowflake cookies are too pretty to eat! Glad the videos are helping keep the magic alive. We watch ours daily too.
I love cards and pictures too. Too bad I haven't sent any out for a couple of years. Maybe that's why I don't get as many in my mailbox. I'm still looking for yours to arrive. Can't wait to see your georgous family.
I LOVE Christmas cards! And I love that my Christmas card to you is on those doors :) Makes me happy!
I LOVED yours by the way! So cute and clever! But that is what I expect from you my friend! Love ya!
Sorry that you are feeling overwhelmed...and that your hands are cracking...mine do that, too and it's the pits.
Your doors look beautiful and...this is totally off the subject...but I love that clock around the corner...
Those cookies are works of art, Stie!! I love them.
Lady, you totally deserve those container store treasures.
Thank you for the Santa link. I appreciate it very much.
ok, first if you really want to overinduldge in chocolate stop by my blog...the fudge I posted today will do it for you!
Second your cookies look AMAZING and third - I really must check out the video santa...I have heard about it...I need to do it!
i love the 'in house' photos, stie. more please. i've never noticed your cute clock before!! and you have very cute taste in large canisters, have been longing for those myself. it's nice to have a big display of christmas cards.. it's like evidence that i really do have friends. xo.
Wow your cookies are so pretty! I want to come to the swap party.
And I love all those Christmas cards. Best time of year for snail mail.
I LOVE your doors all decked out. I smile every time I walk past mine, too.
Your cookies are works of art. Of course.
Glad you treated yourself to the canisters. Very cute.
Thanks for the Santa link. I just made some for the kiddos and actually got teary eyed watching them. What's up with that?
I'm going to say what everyone else is saying - your cookies are beautiful, your house is beautiful and you totally deserve those cute containers.
I have my cards taped to the door too but I have not near as many as you. :( I didn't get any until last week, but today's mail was ALL cards so that was fun. I'm with you - come March, let's start a card sending campaign.
Have fun at the cookie party and good luck with the chapped hands!
I just made four santa videos...thank you, my friend! My kids will be the happiest kids in the hood tomorrow!!
I love your containers too and they are so pretty with treats inside.
I totally forgot about that Santa thing. I've got to go to that for my kids.
wow! the christmas card display was really interesting. if I didn't see it, I wouldn't believe that people actually send and receive lots of "photo" christmas card!?!?! We do not do that in New Zealand...wow! that's really interesting! I can understand how that is special! ;) (makes me curious about what the "real photo shoot" was behind each picture! crying babies?? bribing?? *giggle*)
I think those treat jars are awesome. But am afraid they would be emptied/shattered/used as weapons 'round these parts.
Christmas is SOOO much work for the mom. Which is why I am going away this year. Can't wait to let Brad's mom do all the work.
Bumps and bulges on my rear end mating...?
Can't imagine the Chinese spam you'll get for that one.
I think you need to wear your sweats to the store and get hit on by strange men. It'll pull you out of the deep blue funk you're in.
So I just re-read the post...
I can't wait till Chase and Mac trace the IP address of that video and find out where it really came from...
Take's me back to the time I was looking up an address in Mom's address book and found 'Steve the Postmaster' in North Pole Alaska. Good times.
P.S. On an unrelated segway, my verification Capcha is Whorrema. I think that's funny.
I'm so excited that we made it on the Christmas card wall of fame.
I have jars like that in my kitchen. They are currently filled with ornaments and candy. Those silly jars bring me much happiness as I change the contents seasonally. It's the little things.
I'll help you out with the holiday cheer because I don't think my cards will be out till after the new year! Spreading the holiday cheer throughout the year, right!! Miss ya!
i am cracking up that i have most of the same cards hanging up as you do.
Im jealous, I usually host a cookie exchange and cant this year but Im hosting a Virtual One.. please check it out on my blog!!!
your cookies are gorgeous!!!
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