Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Inspiring others through my greatness

My brother Dan left a few comments on my post yesterday, which you really ought to click over and read (I think they're his best yet). He was greatly touched and inspired by the photo of the iPod resting gently in the sunshine. He said he could almost hear the soft music coming from the ear buds. He felt the human emotion that emanated from such a simple, profound work of art.

[Trying not to gag on my self-proclaimed importance here.]

In honor of that, I present you with a little iPod photo series. Shot and edited today just for my dear brother Dan. I felt that if the iPod was inspiring to him in such a simple presentation, then seeing the more complex life of an iPod would only lift him higher and higher.

And that is what I do, people. I inspire greatness.

Without further adieu, I give you the many faces of iPod. May it help to inspire you, as you set your own iPod down on the kitchen table of your life.

There. Wasn't that something?

You're welcome.


  1. I'm sure Apple will be contacting you shortly to do a coffee table book for iPod! You should probably do a travelling iPod and go to some exotic shoot locations!

  2. Who knew your iPod led such a fulfilled life full of meaningful relationships and self improvement. Truly. Inspiring.

    We had a snow day today, and we're having another snow day tomorrow. Boo.

  3. Too funny. I have that nativity set!

  4. You have outdone yourself. This just might be my favorite blog entry of the year. Seriously funny. My faves are the timeout and the family (only because I have a family of four ipods at my house. Maybe we can set up a playdate for the kids?)

  5. I am beginning to think that the multitude of ipod shots takes away from the serenity that I observed from the single shot of the ipod.

    However, I was very amused with the various shots of the ipod family. I think it would have been funny if potty trained ipod fell in...

    But any post without a photo of your feet, is a good post.

  6. when i saw your post yesterday, i thought to myself, what is her brother going to do with this post!?

    He did not disappoint. Your photos are really great! to think that the rose was blooming in november.

    hope you get feeling better soon! i am waiting to see all the photo shoots you keep giving trailers for.

  7. This is going to be the next coolest internet meme this side of LOLCATS!

    Stie, awesome job for sticking it to Daniel.

    Dan, be nice to your sister, she's the only one we have.

  8. SO funny!

    You should have taken one with the ipod and your feet... just for your brother :-)

  9. totally totally moved in such a profound way... I don't know how to find the words...

    thank you.

  10. you are very brave to balance your ipod so close to water!!

  11. I spit out diet coke when I laughed so hard at the last one!

  12. You were the first to teach me about ipods back in the day. Thanks for updating my education!

  13. STOP IT!! You are SO hilarious! Where do you come up with these ideas?? My personal favorite is the "in time out iPod"....he looks so sad. Or is it a she? hhmmm....

  14. I really think you've hit upon something big here! Quick, copyright them and call Apple!

    I really love the Timeout iPod. Awesome.

  15. All I could think is how clean everything was in the backgrounds--toilet, console in the car, etc. What does that say about me? I wouldn't dare put my ipod down in any of those places at my house!

  16. Now I want to know the soundtrack that goes with each picture. Like, Tinkle, tinkle little star for potty training i-pod and Silent Night for nativity i-pod. This has fulfilled my Christmas humor post. I have been mourning the fact that Celia is ignoring my pleas for the annual parade of ugly. I thank you Christie. Please update with the soundtrack selections...I'm waiting.

  17. Apple needs to know about this campaign, I think it should appear in magazines. I love the family photo and the time out pic. Clever girl!

  18. you are a total goofball and I love you.

    That's all. xoxo, m

  19. Love it!!! Dan was laughing when he showed me this post. Great work! You are hilarious!

  20. I am sure my daughter-in-laws would like their boys potty you hire out? XOX

  21. That was indeed something...and I truly thank you.

    They all spoke to me...especially the, "in time-out iPod" with his little face toward the wall...

    ...and the, "desperately-wants-to-go-out-and-play-iPod". Since my Little John is on house arrest until RSV season is over...I can relate to that little iPod's plight.

    Stie, you. are. so. so. so. funny!!

  22. i can't believe you balance that ipod so closely to the water. you know they freak out when you try to get a new one under warranty when there's water damage.

  23. But I laughed all the way through that post! You are a HILARIOUS nerd! (and seriously talented with photoshop)

    The last one is my fav.

  24. Great photos! I started to feel for the poor wee ipod in some of the photos!
