Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The one in which I post gratuitous grandparent photos

The last several months, I have unintentionally turned this blog into a showcase of sorts for photo shoots involving a lot of beautiful people. I have taken great pleasure in sharing these photos with you, but have neglected posting any of the shots I take for myself. The ones of my own babies, who I love best of all.

I figured it was high time I did so.

Feel free to skip these if you are:

a) not related to me
b) not the least bit interested in ANY photos, words, or drivel I ever put up here
c) clicking off as we speak to search for free p0rn
d) drank too much diet coke and are running for the bathroom, legs crossed, doing the potty dance

Wait, sorry. That last one was me. I'm back now. (Phew, that was a close one!)

And all four of you who are left (hi, grandparents!) can enjoy these gorgeous photos of my gorgeous children, who seem to be growing up entirely too fast. I will try to stop humming "Sunrise, Sunset" while you scroll down.

But I'm not making any promises.

Happy Wednesday.

"Is this the little girl I carried? Is this the little boy at play? I don't remember growing older. When did they? When did she get to be a beauty? When did he grow to be so tall..."

Sorry. Stopping now.



  1. So cute--don't tell your boys I called them cute--your baby will such a little beauty, but for now, I like her braids and bows.

  2. Those bare feet are adorable. Great job, Stie!

  3. They are beautiful children...practically look like teenagers. It's all in the eyes. Gorgeous eyes!

  4. So cute! I can see their little personalities through the pictures. You're so talented!

  5. She looks to be the tall one...holy cow. They do look so much older. I love your pictures, very very much.

  6. Great pictures! I love how you are able to catch expressions so well, I feel like I know your kids just from seeing your pictures.

  7. You and your man turned out some beautiful children. I remember you pregnant w2th H. She has grown into a darling girl. The boys are gonna have the girls hanging around and calling any day now.

  8. They are so beautiful/handsome! Do you think they have my eyes? My nose? My forehead? My anything? Well in any case, they clearly got their good looks from their mother (and when they are coping an attitude, they got that from their mother, too).


  9. we love your photo posts. really, really. and the third one down, mack looks exactly like josh. completely twins.

    'wonder of wonder / miracle of miracles..'

    am singing fiddler all the way to the grocery store now. thank you!

  10. Beautiful pictures! I wish we lived closer, I want you to do our Christmas photos!

  11. Beautiful children, beautiful photos, beautiful, sappy song.

  12. I can't see your pictures because you use photobucket, but I can only imagine what weirdos you will have visit today with search engine keywords: gratuitous grandparent p0rn potty dance.

    Enjoy your freaks!

  13. I like the pictures. I like looking at them. Thanks for sharing.

    I don't know which is worse. Potty training or seeing your babies transitioning into young adulthood.

    Either way, both stages involve smelly kids.

  14. Sniff is right, geez. They are beautiful and you are amazing. You are strong, talented and generous. I'm glad to call you "friend."

  15. Love, love them. Beautiful kids & amazing talent!

  16. Whenever I post about my kids (like I did today) I worry that everyone will take off. But then I realize I enjoy seeing other people's kids...especially when they don't post about them everyday :-)

    Your kids are beautiful, even the boys. I love the pictures. They all look so different yet they have a family resemblence. Nice work.

  17. My favorite is the 3rd one from the top. Captures their personalities :) Great looking kids.

  18. Don't even get me started on the whole growing up thing!

    OR THAT SONG thank you very much.

    Now it's in my head...

    (Great pics though!!)

  19. You have the most beautiful kids. Thanks for sharing.

  20. You so have gorgeous children!! I loved the poem you put at the bottom! I was happy to read and look at your photos and I'm not related to you! ;)

  21. When I begin to follow your blog your children were young now I see how they are growing up and I just want to say thanks for sharing!
    Your photos are gorgeous! What do you shoot with? I shoot with a Cannon.

  22. Stie, those pictures are gorgeous. Each and every one of them. I love the expressions on their faces on the third one down.

    Please post footage of you doing the potty dance. I am sure it is very entertaining. ☺

  23. Why don't you buy your boy a hat that fits?

  24. your children are gorgeous inside and out...It is so hard to watch them Hailey is growing up (my baby) is 4 now and wow...I can't believe it

  25. Great pictures!! Go ahead and sing the song....

  26. LOVE the photos! They are beautiful children and you are an amazing artist at work!

  27. Good lookin kids you got there. Nice photos- you are fantastic.

  28. Gorgeous!

    Brad made a connection with a girl in our stake who says you are coming here to photog her kids?!!

    Are you really? Let me know and I will line up a whole buncha friends for you!

  29. beautiful children, i love your blog and dont often comment but i do read. i have left something for you at my blog, so check it out!!

  30. What I told Bro. Larsen was that we WANT to fly you out here to take our pictures... not that we had it all arranged. FYI.

  31. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    Love, Grandma

  32. I think you should post a link to your pro photography website on your blog. If that's not in your plans, any chance you'll send it to me? I want to take another peek.

  33. I'm practicing my grandmothering skills by oohing and ahhhing over your gorgeous children!!!

  34. While I am not your childrens grandparents they are pretty cute and handsome kiddos.

    The real reason for this comment is to curse you for putting that cake recipe on your blog. Holy Crap ... I just put it in the oven to bake and if the cake is half as good as the batter heaven help me I will eat the entire 8000 calories myself.

    I will curse your name when my pants don't fit :)
