Monday, August 10, 2009

Taking that leap of...I don't know what

One from my most recent shoot with two beautiful people in love

Well, I am doing it. I am hanging up my shingle.

Over the past year or so, I have been so busy with photoshoots, that I decided to give it a go professionally. Pete at Aspen Digital created my beautiful website, and I am now officially open for business.

For you, my best internet peeps, I send you to my new site for a sneak peek.

And when I stop chewing my fingernails, wailing on the floor in a ball of anxiety, and pulling my hair out in droves, I will come back here and tell you all about the fun I had last week with Gabi, and the fun I have in store next week for myself.


  1. Yay! I'm thrilled for you! I saw a sneak peak on Marty's blog and did a happy dance for you.

    Beautiful pictures and site! You go girl!

  2. The web site is amazing!! I'm so happy for you.

  3. WOOHOO!!! That is really cool! Congrats and best of luck!!!

  4. Beautiful. I'm glad you are going to be compensated for your good work.

  5. You go girl! The new site looks amazing. Congrats!

  6. It's about time :-) Your website is fabulous. I am impressed with all of your photos. But I especially love your senior portraits. They are all amazing.

  7. Nice! I am really happy for you. You really do take amazing photos.

    If we are ever in your neck of the woods I am going to book you to take our family picture.

  8. Congrats Christie! And welcome to the club! It's a blast!

    Stock up on Diet coke and chocolate for those late night proofing sessions. :)

  9. Your portfolio is beautiful! Good luck with your new business!

  10. You have an amazing "eye" which is what makes all of your pictures so perfect at capturing the moment. Congrats! The website looks so classy! Now I feel somewhat silly about our conversation yesterday...

  11. AWESOME!!!! Do you make housecalls?
    To California.

  12. wow! stie, i am so proud of you! i love the new site and your photos are beautiful! i wish i had the guts to go pro too!

  13. Wow, I knew you when you were the fantastic Laurel advisor.

    Your site is great and I just know you will get so much work!! I will refer everyone I know to you.

  14. Christie, I'm so excited for you! Your website looks great! You take such amazing pictures and I'm happy you will be able to something you love professionally. Way to go!

  15. Here is my Irish blessing for your new enterprise:

    May the light shine warm on your shoulders and glow on your subjects.

    I really have no idea what I am writing.

  16. That's great news! I'd book you today if you lived a little closer.

    Best of luck!

  17. That's great news! I'd book you today if you lived a little closer.

    Best of luck!

  18. I am so excited for you and proud of your amazing talent. I recognize a li'l cutie on your website...does he happen to do any naked typing????

    Congrats! Planning on a very close professional relationship for years to come.

  19. Yeah!! Congratulations and best of luck!! You are going to do wonderful. And I know you'll enjoy every minute of it :).

    Can't wait to hear about your week with Gabi!

  20. You mean now people will have to pay you for your amazing and talented abilities???
    I think I liked you better before.


    Good luck - You are going to rock.
    (PS I love seeing my little lovie on your website - it makes me so happy!)

  21. That's so exciting! I'm sure you will be fabulous and I wish you the best of luck.

  22. Yay! I like the site a lot! It's so clean and your work just speaks for itself...great! Congratulations on this exciting new venture!

  23. Ok, I had to come back and tell you the new site is great! I agree, it has such a clean look and really let's the photos speak for themselves. Love the photos, too. I really wish I had a knack for photography, but, I just don't. You are very talented. Good luck!

  24. i clicked on senior portraits, and was like "i see NO geriatric clients here."

    i'm a little slow sometmies.

    good for you. i'm shooting for this time next year. here's to hoping i can get it all figured out by then.

  25. Well, all I can say is "It's about time!!!" You enjoy this so much and are so GOOD at it - it really is about time you start getting some cash out of it! I admire you in so many ways but am proud of you for taking this leap! I know you will be very successful!

  26. I'm so thrilled for you. What an exciting thing to be able to do something you love and have it be lucrative as well.

    Your site is beautiful and you are extremely talented! Best of luck, Christie!

  27. Oh, Stie!!! That is so, so, so wonderful!!!!! You always take such an amazing pictures, this is going to be fantastic.

    Now, uncurl from your ball of anxiety...there is nothing to are amazing and Ilene gave you her Irish blessing.

  28. Seems like everyone I know that has this talent lives so far from me!!! What is with my luck? I am so happy for you- I love your photos and I am impressed that you are "going for it"! Good job, can't wait to see more of your stuff.

  29. This is so awesome! You continue to be an inspiration, my friend.

  30. You're incredibly talented. You're going to do well at this, I'm sure of it! Congratulations!!!

  31. Congrats and good luck!! I'm in the same boat right now... just starting up. It's exciting! :)

  32. It looks awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been working on my site for a couple of months. I should have hired someone like you did. You are smarter than me. I hope you get tons of business. The site, and your work, is beautiful!!

  33. That is so exciting! You are so talented...good luck!!!
