I mean, hello? Who wouldn't jump at the chance to shoot this?

This strapping young man has just joined the military and was home after basic training to visit his mama. Yes, ladies, he loves his mama AND he is single. But not for long, I'll wager.
What is it about a man in a uniform? Of course, I'm old enough to be his mother, so I say that in the most maternal, non-creepy, non-cougar-like manner.

A bonus in this photo shoot was turning my camera on his gorgeous sister and her (pretty-much-already-is-but-soon-to-be-official) fiancee. I've waited to post these until I was sure I could say that without blowing the whistle on them, but I think the date is now set. They are going to be a darling family.
Someday to have the most darling babies.

It was one of the funnest shoots I've had in a long time. Beautiful, grown-up people who love their mama and love each other?
Photography heaven, I tell you.
P.S. I crop all my pictures to a square for blog posting, so some of the edges of the photos get cut off in the process. I assure you that all heads and backgrounds are intact when pictures are handed over to the clients. In case you were wondering.
Oh Christie, you are so talented.
Christie--you are such a great photographer! If you are in Chicago again, come up to my house so I can hire you to photograph my family! Maybe come in the fall so I can finally get an updated family photo done;) As a bonus, I have a darling 6 month old baby you can cuddle after you take her picture!
Great work. You are very, very talented my friend.
That couple is adorable.
Great pics! And related, funny story (at least I think so): My fiance is in the Army Reserves and will be wearing his dress uniform on our wedding day. I have never seen it in person, and a few weeks ago we attended a wedding reception in which the groom was wearing his (just like the one here in your photo). I leaned over to ask the hottest guy alive if that was what he'd be wearing and he replied, yes...but mine has SO MUCH more stuff on it. So humble, that fiance of mine...
Awesome photos! The man in uniform is just hot, no matter what age he is ;)
Love the black and whites!
I love them all, but especially the one with the flag. You're good!
I love a nice young man in uniform!!! God bless him!
Ooolala, that last shot looks like a real kiss, not a just-for-the-camera kiss.
Ahhh, young love!
"Who wouldn't jump at the chance to shoot this?" Interesting choice of words when referring to a soldier...
The pictures look great. I do agree that he is very easy on the eyes.
"Who wouldn't jump at the chance to shoot this?" Interesting choice of words when referring to a soldier...
The pictures look great. I do agree that he is very easy on the eyes.
Very nice photos! Great job!
I love me a man in uniform. The flag one is so great but the white-picket fence is my favorite.
Old enough to be his mother...yeah, right! You look like you could be his sister! Great pics by the way...what a talented girl you are!
Such great pictures, Stie. I love them.
And as always, I love your writing, "non-cougar-like-manner." You always make me laugh.
You are so talented, Christie!!! Next time we drive across the country, we really will have to stop by so we can hire you to take our pictures!
I love the pictures you took of me and Erick! Thank you so much for doing that last minute. I really like the pictures you got of Jo, too.
Fantastic pictures!!
I remember thinking upon meeting Dan that we would make cute babies together.
Always an important factor when choosing a spouse.
You are so talented. I love the photos, and I especially love the texture in the shot of her looking at him. Good job.
you have got some major talent there. beautiful pics! love the man in uniform!
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