Ain't no way I'm sending the man I love into that den of iniquity all on his own. All those hoochie mamas and their beads.
ANYhoo, he has needed an executive portrait for the speaking engagement, which is something he is absolutely loathe to do. It is a torturous event each year just getting him to pose for ten minutes in the obligatory family Christmas card photo. Getting him to voluntarily submit himself to a portrait session in a suit and tie?
Probably as awful as having to go to mardi gras with your hag of a wife, I'm sure.
But he finally acquiesced and I am happy to show you the results of
(Note the absence of a wedding ring on that left hand. It was lost years ago while he was coaching gymnastics and I've never replaced it. I think it's time I did, don't you?):
(Want to see the same picture straight out of the camera? Taken in my ghetto basement studio, you know, with the un-ironed white muslin backdrop and the un-photoshopped face? Amazing what a few clicks in Photoshop will do for even the best looking face.)
While dashing and handsome even still, he lacks that certain luster that pretty lights and a good photoshop edit can give you. (And he also now realizes that every picture in the magazines is not remotely the straight-out-of-camera shot. Yes, we all CAN'T be expected to look like Elle McPherson. Even Elle doesn't look like Elle, if you know what I mean.)
Here is another of the finished ones. I tell him this is his "Happy-going-to-lunch-executive-look."
Much less stoic and boardroom-like. It's kind of what he looks like if you're sitting across the table with him having a casual conversation.
See, honey? The photo shoot wasn't really that painful.
And I'd say that one of the perks to having your own in-house photographer is getting to wear your plaid shorts instead of slacks, all the cookies you can eat while shooting, and not having to pay your photographer in dollars.
Brilliant, I tell you. The man is brilliant.
And also pretty dang cute, if you ask me. Look out, Na'Orlins. Here
holy moly! i am so very impressed! could you take off about 50 lbs if you did my photo?? thanks for posting the soc pics! you are so very talented!
ReplyDeleteLook out Nawlins! I like the second pic too. Now you need to post the pics of his shorts w/ sport coat ensemble.
ReplyDeleteLookin good Billy Ray! Definitely go to NO, LA with him. I will watch your chillins.
ReplyDeleteHe is dashing! Love the edit work girlfriend!
ReplyDeleteAnd, um yeah....you are crazy to not have replaced his wedding ring by now!!
I'm glad you are going to New Orleans with him! You will have fun!!
Very very good! I love the smooth look. Very handsome indeed and professional! And, Eric doesn't wear a ring either, but not cuz he lost it. Should I care? Sometimes I do, but...then sometimes I just don't. He says it's too hard to take on and off when he "scrubs in" (in his defense he has a big knuckle and skinny finger) but I think he would much rather do that then me make him wear it on a gold necklace. Right????
ReplyDeleteGreat job! These look awesome!
ReplyDeleteWell done! Oh, I needed you today when I had Maddy shoot some photos of me for a bio/press release for that fellowship thing. She did a pretty good job but it lacked that Christie touch.
ReplyDeleteNicely done! Photoshop is amazing and so great! I didn't dare post my pre-photoshop picture...too scary!
ReplyDeleteWow!!! You are so talented. One suggestion-after all these years I'd make him pay you in dollars. The other stuff is free ;)
ReplyDeleteseriously. i can't see a single picture. just red x's. i'm PISSED.
ReplyDeletei'll try back tomorrow. if i can't see them, i'll insist on an email. and you know by now, i would've made the man tattoo a ring on that finger. i can't do the lost wedding band.
Ryan broke his finger and he claims his wedding ring doesn't "fit" anymore. We all know how hard I need to watch that guy. You probably know how I feel what with your hot husband and all...
ReplyDeleteSheesh, I had no idea that photoshop was that good. He looks good to begin with but I love the tan, etc. That must be why I love our latest family photos--the photog had photoshop and that's probably why we all look so dang good.
ReplyDeleteI love the second more relaxed "going to lunch, throwing his head back, laughing at a good joke" corporate husband.
Nice work. He owes you that trip to New Orleans.
I want beads at my next mammogram.
ReplyDeleteI really need to have you remove the dark circles under my eyes too. You are like a plastic surgeon. Do you do brow lifts?
A handsome fella like that and you let him out of the house with no ring?? Are you CRAZY? You better go to LA with him just to make sure the ladies know he's taken:)
ReplyDeleteLove the pics, but I love all your pics. Wish you were here in Utah. We need a new family pic. Let me know when your in town and up for the chaos:)
I'm thinking that you should replace that wedding band ASAP!
ReplyDeleteYou take GREAT pictures! Keep it up!
Um. Girl. Get a ring on that man's hand. STAT.
ReplyDeleteThose look great christie! I love what you did in photoshop. It looks so natural! Awesome job! Congrats to Josh too, that's exciting to be going to speak in New Orleans.
ReplyDeleteHe's brilliant to choose such a brilliant wife.
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures!
Ohh cute!! i love the way you talk about him! and the mardi gras stuff was hilarious! thanks for making me laugh!
ReplyDeleteVery nice photos. I am so impressed with what you can do with that fancy Photoshop... the change in backdrop is amazing!
ReplyDeleteYou do such great work, Stie! Truly. Especially with reluctant subjects. He looks very handsome and, well, he is handsome to begin with...but the photoshop work you did is fabulous.
ReplyDeleteSo...I remember the kids wanting cold hard cash for photo shoots...however did you persuade The Husband?
Your feminine wiles, you say? You are the brilliant one.
I heart photoshop and girlfriend you have skills! I wish we could get together and learn fun things from each other. :)
ReplyDeleteYou did a fabulous job.
I haven't learned to do the glow effect around my subject yet.
Fabulous Stie--you should see Chris' head shot for his company--it seriously looks like you dragged him in from the back alley behind the building. One of his coworkers even photoshopped in a black eye and then sent it around the office asking who won the fight. He definitely needs an update, an I need a Stie weekend!
ReplyDeleteFabulous Stie--you should see Chris' head shot for his company--it seriously looks like you dragged him in from the back alley behind the building. One of his coworkers even photoshopped in a black eye and then sent it around the office asking who won the fight. He definitely needs an update, an I need a Stie weekend!
ReplyDeleteMardi gras? Count me in...for the conference, that is.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you didn't photoshop a ring on!
ReplyDeleteA really big one.
You are a photoshop queen! I need to take a class.
what the eff. i'm the only one that can't see the pictures. i never hav a problem seeing pics on yoru blog. what's up?
ReplyDeleteplease email them to me.
1. i hate being left out of anything.
2. i hate missing opportunities to critique other's work.
3. it's all about me.
thank you.
Oh my, you are so good and he is so handsome.
ReplyDeleteI once sold Elle Macphearson some linens at ZCMI in downtown Salt Lake.
Oh, and p.s., re: the comment you left on my post: do you want to be the pot or the kettle?
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute husband you have!! He must have awesome genes. Put this on the cover of GQ! (Is GQ OK? Or is it like a girl's Playboy? Well, either way, you might get some other fun customers.)
ReplyDeleteNice work!!
ReplyDeleteI always tag along on the cool business trips, too. I don't want to miss out on all the fun...
I want to see the full body shot with his shorts and cookies! Good work!
ReplyDeleteTerrific shots. And yes, I'd say he needs a new wedding ring!
ReplyDeleteYes you better get a wedding ring on that finger! (And maybe an upgrade for yourself while you're at it! I mean... isn't it only fair?)
ReplyDeleteHow do you do that fancy photoshop stuff? How did you change the background for your hubby's picture? Wonderfully done! I'm still reading my books you recommended and realizing how much I don't know about photography. How on earth did I think I could take even one picture without truly understanding what I was doing before?! I realize how absolutely clueless I was. I still am, but at least I know enough now to know how much I didn't know then!
ReplyDeleteHe is so handsome. I'm so glad we share the same gene pool.
ReplyDeleteAny chance you are going to walk us through the steps you took in Photoshop? And did you use PSE or full PS? Want to play with a picture that I just took of my son?
ReplyDeleteI bet he's happy you got the lights now! They look amazing! He is a cutee!
ReplyDeleteThat is an awesome edit! You especially did a great job on his skin tones.
ReplyDeleteSo, to answer your question; you read right. Those pictures were all taken with a 2.8 AV. I like to shoot wide open. :)
PS- Thanks for your sweet comment!
you got some mad photoshop skilz gurl!