Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Good morning, indeed

It's five a.m. here and for the first time in my life, I don't mind getting up to see the sun rise.

I may never come home.

Posted by ShoZu


  1. Enjoy! And even if you don't come home, you can just blog from Hawaii and I can live vicariously through you.

  2. Wow. This relaxes me just *looking* at your photo...I can only imagine the effect it's having on your in person! Have a great time!

  3. next post: you run into my ex-mother-in-law who smacks you across the back of the head with a flip flop, and you want to come home.

    that's how my hawaii story went anyway.

  4. Beautiful! I hope you have a wonderful vacation!

  5. That's what I loved about Hawaii--I felt like a morning person for the first time in my life--I was getting up at 6 and it felt like 10! I kept telling my husband "look at me--I'm a morning person!" He wasn't impressed. What island are you on?

  6. I too want to know what island you are on. It is simply beautiful there and I love how it smells.

  7. God bless the I phone! Looks too pretty for words.

  8. though shalt not covet... though shalt not covet... (sorry, I'm just going to have to ask forgiveness for this moment of insane jealousy!!)

    Sooooo glad you are having a great time. As long as you keep blogging, I give you permission to stay!


  9. I think I just might hate you right now.

    Ok, hate is a strong word for I'm just reeeaaally jealous.

  10. aloha! i'm here too! are you going to the PCC? let's get sunburned together. :)
    (katie rees)

  11. :D enjoy yourself! wish i was there!

  12. Oh, Stie...I don't blame you for not wanting to come home...that is breathtaking.

    It is okay with me if you stay...as long as you keep blogging about it, kay?
