Monday, June 1, 2009

Weekend recap

This past weekend was absolutely spectacular.

Spectacular, if you don't count the vomit, fevers, and general plague that has inflicted two of my three children, that is.

Sort of like saying, "Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?"

Lucky for us, these visitors were patient and fun, in spite of our less-than-stellar state of health.

We loved having Oma and Opa come visit. There was a forced photo shoot (by me), a treasure hunt, a World War II war medal internet search, and plenty of embarrassing stories told about the Husband.

Because the best thing about his mother? She remembers absolutely EVERYTHING and the kids cannot get enough of it. Who can blame them, what with juicy nuggets like the infamous tale involving a very manly pink baby blanket? Or the one where the Husband's face was left looking like hamburger meat after a bike crash?

What they don't realize, however, is that someday I will be proudly telling stories to their children, too. I think it's only fitting that I begin with this one.

Maybe by then I will have forgiven them.

But we took advantage of the near-perfect weather and headed to the town pool, where we sat poolside for hours. Those that were unwell, sat pitifully in the shade of a large umbrella. Those that were well, did lots of this for their captive audience's viewing pleasure:

Those that were named Stie did lots of this, merely for her own pleasure:

We truly loved having them here. It was a fantastic few days, and we're already wishing for more.

Coming later this week: The Yanni concert review, which introduced the world (and Oma) to her new Latin lover, as well as identity theft, i-Tunes style.

Trust me, you don't want to miss it.


  1. I can't wait for the Yanni review. Your feet are way to photogenic. I would never allow a close-up of mine for various reasons. Glad you had a great weekend in spite of the sickness.

  2. I missed the memo. This is the second photo of red pedicured toes I've seen. Very chic. I hope the rest of your crew is feeling better. Your daughter looks like a natural in the water.

  3. Love the photos! That is such a beautiful photo of Oma and Opa. They look fabulous! And the photos of Hannah in the pool make me long for the days when Bryce get's his cast off so we too can enjoy the joys of summer!

  4. that is the BEST photo of mom and dad. they look so vibrant, happy and youthful. way to capture their spirit on camera. glad you guys had a great time. am so happy you n' me shared that moment together. oh my goodness, my stomach is churning and my face cringing, just thinking about it.

  5. Your most-embarrassing moment story makes me cringe every time I read it! KIDS! Looks like a fun weekend. And identity theft? Ouch!

  6. WOW. Please come photograph my parents. That is a gorgeous shot.

  7. yeah, marty is looking totally hot. wow. that i may age as gracefully!

    your mrs. lincoln line was the best i have ever heard. i am considering renaming my blog now.

  8. It looks like you had the pool to yourself! What a treat!

  9. What a great weekend! How funny, we had family this weekend, too. And I love the photo of your in laws. You have some serious talent, my friend. Serious talent.

  10. Beautiful photos! I even like the feet...and I hate feet.

  11. i hate feet too - even my own. You are brave to photograph your feet, but you have cute feet, so lucky you! it looks like you guys had tons of fun!

  12. Sorry about the Flu. But, it looks like fun prevailed!

  13. Josh's parents seem awesome. Sounds like fun...except for the sickies.

  14. I love toe rings. Fabulous.

    Did you take Oma's new profile picture? She looks beautiful.

  15. I love your teeny tiny right little toe. It just looks cute.

    Your in-laws are awesome. Great photo, Stie.

  16. Are you that tan already?

    Color me Jealous.

    Fabulous pictures of the inlaws.

  17. Grandparents are THE BEST-especially when they can tell juicy stories about your lover.

  18. Thanks to a fabulous photographer and a little aid from photoshop, I have now been called HOT! (Of course, I'm usually sporting a sweatband to deal with my unique version of HOT.) I'm thrilled!!!

    We had an awesome visit. The flu slowed everybody down just enough that we could almost keep up! I'm dying to read the review of our Yanni concert.

  19. Oma & Opa are adorable! And I love that you took a picture of your feet. I do that when mine are nice and tan.

  20. Ahh yes, Mr. Hawthorn. Will he ever leave your nightmares?
    On another note--I can't wait until my kids are independent at the pool, now it's just keeping them all from drowning minute by minute.

  21. Could you fly out and take some pictures of my family?


    We have a pool here... you could lay out for DAYS.

    Come on...

  22. sounds like alot of mod and dee's photo...that's darling of them..

  23. P.S. I've had so many compliments on my new head shot. Do you have business cards? I could be passing them out! (If not, I'll just pass out TravelinOma cards instead.)

  24. Our kids have the same swimming suit. That means we're best friends.

    Nice pedi!

  25. I am continually delighted with your amazing writing. The Mrs. Lincoln comment made my C-section insicion burn because I gasped and belly laughed with great force. Your writing is so, so great, Stie.

    Oh my, I am intrigued by the, "very manly pink baby blanket."

    Hannah looks so grown up to me, Stie. In that picture of her coming down the slide she looks so mature. What a beauty she is.
