All that while she was needing a nap.

It must be impossible to get anything done around the house with such a gorgeous girl emitting the baby love. If she lived here, I know I'd probably just sit and stare at her all day. But since I can't, I enjoyed her as long as I could, and fully bonded with her mama, Melissa, who is my newly adopted sister.
I love adopting myself into other people's families. It's so fun for me.
Posting may be a little bit sparse this week, as Hotel Stie is busy hosting the parents. We're trying to squeeze in a little fun in between all the chores I've had my dad doing this week.
Don't you just wish you could come visit me now? Come only if you have skillz or babies.
Or if you like Yanni.
She is such a beauty!! These pictures are so awesome! Good job Stie!!
Could you photograph me and make me look cute and adorable? You know, with some great photo editing software anything is possible.
What an absolute doll! You captured some precious expressions--even if it was nap time. Her eyes sparkle and shine.
Yanni likes me so I guess I'm in.
Can you make my babies look like that if I come for a visit? She is beautiful!!!
Between these pics and the ones that Jessica just posted, I'm almost lactating. I must have another baby... NOW!
Darling pics!
What a lovie...Great pixies too!
eeek. She's delicious.
Wow, she's adorable! Great pics.
Amazing photos (darling baby!)!! Can you please dedicate a post to your post-production routine for these photos? What software do you use? Do you have studio lighting? Those black backdrops are stunning! Do share your tips :) Thanks!
She is yummy. I want to kidnap her. You got some great photos--I really think the photographer makes all the difference--a darling baby doesn't hurt--but you know how to capture those precious expressions.
beautiful photos stie- love that first pose!
Oh my goodness, they start out so beautiful and innocent, don't they! She's so precious, she almost made me forget what a monster my three year old was today!
You are an EXCELLENT photographer, and that marshmallow baby looks good enough to eat.
That totally made my day!
She is absolutely adorable!! I could just squish those cheeks and arms...too, too cute!
My parents are trying to convince me to drive to Nashville this summer...did your parents drive there? Ay-yay-yay...thinking about it makes my stomach turn. Hope you have a great visit with your folks!
She really is adorable. And I'm not a baby person. There, I said it. I think I can like Yanni so can we be friends still? Not sure about any skillz...
You are a photographer extraordinaire! I'm sure the darling baby contributed something, but I know about whitening the eyes now, and what a difference it makes. Did you show her how to pose so her double chin is less obvious? If you'll do my head shots, I'll audition to do an ad for your photo business.
She is the cutest...you captured her beautifully!
Your photography is stunning, Stie!
That sweet little Maya is stunning, as well!!
I have a baby and like Yanni. I don't have any skillz, though. Well...I don't want to brag, though...but...I can talk like one of Alvin and the Chipmunks. It is a real crowd pleaser for the 6 and under set.
Seriously, those pics are fabulous and that sweet Maya is such a beauty.
At the risk of sounding like a complete freak, you don't know how many times I've thought how wonderful it would be to visit you. I know it would be such a relaxing, glorious time! Enjoy the visit with the folks! The in laws will be here soon. Help with the babies. I can't wait!!
Fantastic pictures.
I have a baby and like Yanni. I knew I was cool.
After my last experience with the "mall photographer" for Wyatt's 2 month photo I am SICK that I don't live next door so you could capture every month as they grow - it goes too fast!
Beautilful Job - I agree with The Keifer Crew - please share any secrets.
Skills- I got none, but I'd be happy to adopt you! I can always use another great sister!
Hope you're having fun with the parents. And sadly, I have neither babies nor skillz--at least none that you don't already poses in droves.
And I've been listening to your Yanni you-tube post about a million times a day. Thanks you very much.
And I miss you too.
One of my goals this year was to learn to sew, so Lori came out and taught me. Another goal is to learn to use my camera . . . I might need a tutor!
I have no skillz to speak of but sista, I've got a baby! I'll be right over.
I cannot wait to come to Hotel Stie. Can I book my photo shoot now? (No, I don't have a baby...but I think you're good with small animals...especially twin ones, right?!)
Have fun with your family!!
That first picture is a mother's dream of her baby. Look at the hand! Good job, and I wish you were closer to take some of mine!!!
i love your honest posts :) Ive given you an award on my blog under the honest scrap post.. please check it out.
You are so very talented!
You are amazing. I LOVE these pictures!!! But, now I want her back!
I am just SO glad you are part of the family!☺
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