Monday, April 13, 2009

Too tired to come up with a clever title

I am stopping my slightly manic cleaning frenzy to log on here and let you know that I may be absent from the blogosphere for the next few days. We have family coming to town (who we are absolutely excited to see) and, after two days of scrubbing every surface in our home, I think I am nearly ready for them.

Hope you all had a fabulous Easter and are not hungover on chocolate like I am. Curse those blasted Reeses peanut butter eggs.

Anyhoo, I promise to return later this week with stories and blogging galore.

Or at least a post or two.

Happy Monday, peeps.


  1. No kidding about those Reese's eggs. I'm up 1.6 lbs this morning. (Which is the wrong direction in case you were wondering.)

    Have lots of fun!!

  2. I missed all the Easter fun! I seriously had ONE piece of candy. (I was sick)

    MISS YOU TONS while you are gone.


  3. Oh gotta love those peanut butter eggs. Mmmm... Enjoy having your family with you! Look forward to your return!

  4. Just to clarify... are you talking to US peeps? Or the Peeps you ate?? OR the peeps that are staring you down on the counter.

  5. nothing like a little company to bring out the bleach bottle and rag--but seriously Stie, I can't imagine your house needing any more cleaning/organization than it normally gets. Like, what did you do, put a fresh coat of sealant on the counter and re-laquer the table or something? Point being, your place is always spotless, and I love you for it.

  6. I agree with Lindsey...I must be hungover from Easter candy 'cause when you said, "peeps" I envisioned brightly colored, sugar coated bunnies. lined up like little soldiers...staring at me with their beady little eyes before I bite their heads off...

    Enjoy company!! I do that, too...I have the strangest desire to pressure wash my house when company is coming. Yeah...that comment didn't seem strange...but I think I should mention that I feel like I want to pressure wash the inside of the house.

  7. You are more like my sister than I am...with the whole cleaning thing. Luckily, I married a guy who likes to clean. I do love me some candy!

  8. Given my hubbys immense love for all things Reeses, the 6 peanut butter eggs didn't stand a chance to last until today. So when I got a hankering for said eggs, and there were none to be found, guess who hit the 50% off Easter isle at Target today just so I could get my fix? Yep, and they have been hidden from sight from the hubster. Although he did smell it on my breath when he got home from work tonight. Like a drug I tell you!! Pure chocolate goodness!!!!

  9. Ah, those Reese's eggs. They are sinful. Seriously. And the peeps. There should not be evil like that allowed in Easter baskets on Easter Sunday. It's blasphemy...

    Have fun with your family!

  10. I am sure your house is so sparkly your guests will be wow'd. Have fun!
    We'll miss you.

  11. My easter crack of choice are those mini cadbury eggs. My mouth waters at the thought . . .

  12. Enjoy the family in town! Have a good week.

  13. Say hi to the family! We should drive on over to visit with ya'll.

  14. Funny how your title ended up sounding clever anyway!

    and ps... I wish you lived by me too! But for reasons completely seperate from my profession. :)

  15. Don't you love spring cleaning?

    You are supposed to clean after family leaves!

  16. The Reese's eggs are my absolute favorite easter treats too. Hope you had fun with your visitors!!
