Yes, leaving him injured, unconscious, and alone. Not even sure if she had left him alive.
Thank heavens some witnesses to the accident called the ambulance, and Pete was rushed to a nearby hospital. He suffered a broken neck, broken back, sprained ankle, beat up face, and broken front tooth. He is not paralyzed, but will be recovering for MONTHS.
The person who did this has yet to come forward and own up to it.
Instead of focusing on the blinding rage I feel when I think about her cowardice, I am channeling my energy to well wishes for Pete and a little reminder for all you. My friends, when he landed on his head, his helmet split in two. Had he not been wearing one, well, I can't really even bring myself to think about what might have been.
The helmet literally. saved. his. life.
Please, please, please, wear your helmets. Make your kids wear their helmets. It only takes a minute, and can mean the different between being here today and not being here tomorrow. As a mother who has gotten a little lax herself when it comes to this, I can tell you, we will not be making that mistake again.
And hang in there, Pete. We're all praying for you here.
Thank Heaven for helmets! I hope all my kids read this post! All my best to Crazy Uncle Pete. He sounds like a really good guy!
I still CAN NOT believe someone would just LEAVE!!
Thanks for the reminder about helmets. I too, have gotten lax.
I hope he recovers soon.
I'm so glad he is mending and so indignant about the stupid driver. I think we could start a new faction of MADD. Mothers Against Dumb Drivers...although chances are she was drunk or on something. Who does that!?!
I am SO tempted to go off in a tyrant about the coward that hit him and total lack of responsibility he/she has taken and the utter disgust I have for this person....But I won't - I will simply say
Wow, Peter my thoughts are with you - my brother is an avid bike rider often tackling the mountain roads and passes and I often worry about him, he does wear his helmet and is very cautious as I am sure you were - however dangers lurk and I am SO sorry this has happened to you and I know with the support of this amazing family we have met online your recovery will be full of love and compassion. Hang in there Peter our thoughts in blog land are with you and your family.
I was sick when I saw the story on the news and felt even worse when I found out he was your relative.
I am the "mean" mom who ALWAYS makes her kids wear their helmets. They will be reading this in hopes it will lessen their anger toward me!!
Well wishes to Pete--I had a good friend in high school who wrecked down a steep incline/cliff on his road bike, helmet split as well but saved his life. He retained a little limp and very minor disfuntion of his hands after being in a coma for weeks and weeks. Again, were it not for the helmet . . .
A good reminder. Thanks Stie.
Oh no! How horrible, I can't believe that someone would just drive off.. that amazes me. Anyway, I'm prayin' for Pete!!
I am so sorry, i will be praying for his miraculous healing!
Oh, I;m so sorry to hear about your uncle. And thank goodness he had his helmet on! It drives me crazy to see bicyclists, and especially motorcyclists who don't wear helmets.
I will be praying for him.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Both you and him! Tragedy is hard on everyone in a family!
I'm sorry, I can't believe she just drove away. Did any of witnesses get plate numbers or information? Helmets are so important.
Two words-Illegal Alien. In NH, kids have to wear helmets and I'm glad about that. Best wishes to Uncle Pete-he'll probably recover quickly considering he is a healthy biker. Let us know if there is anything we can do.
This is so horrible. I went to high school with Pete and it breaks my heart that he has to go through this. I was so relieved to read that he is not paralyzed and will eventually recover. What a blessing that is, but wow what a scary accident and serious injuries. I will be praying for him and his family--and I hope the driver comes forward, and that she has dang good insurance. I'm so glad he was wearing his helmet.
pete is such a trooper! (i'm anna's little sister) i got to see him on wednesday and he was up and walking (although, he had a neck brace + back brace). he is seriously a rockstar and is recovering so well.
this really just proves how important helmets really are.
Holy Cow!!! I am so glad to hear he is ALIVE and will recover! What an amazing blessing. I can't imagine leaving the scene of an accident.
On another note, I loved hearing and seeing pictures of your visit with Craig and his family. I miss them. They were such life savers to me when I lived at Ricks. They had me over for dinner all the time and were so sweet. I can't believe how big Elise is...she was just a newborn baby when I was there...wow, time really does fly!
excellent reminder! thanks! and i just want to rip that drivers little head off! i cannot believe someone would just leave!! the nerve and idiocy of some people! i'm sure she will be riddled with guilt the rest of her life!
I can not imagine the kind of person who would leave someone lying on the ground after being hit! How awful. So sorry to hear about his long road of pain and recovery ahead. Thank heavens for that helmet! We are strict about those here. Including me. You can't participate in a triathlon without one.
Ahh..Christie! I hope he recovers quickly. Thanks for sharing this~I'm getting lax about the helmet thing~one more dang thing to do as a mom. BUT one more thing to keep my kids safe.
Love ya!
Oh my word, HUGE prayers being sent up for Pete and for the conscience of that woman to hopefully come forward.
WOW! Thanks for the reminder. I've been a little lax lately, myself. WOW! Still stunned at that b----.
My husband is an avid cyclist and every time he goes out a little prayer goes up from me. This is a reminder why we have safety precautions in place! I pray Pete has a speedy and easy recovery and that the women is caught!
Praying for Pete and a speedy recovery. I cannot believe that some people are so awful to leave a person lying in the middle of the street hurting after hitting him. I always push bike helmets with the kids, but ashamedly admit that I wear one seldom. I am going to do my best this spring/summer to wear my helmet too rather than being a hypocrit. Keep us posted on the recovery and any specific prayer requests!
skip was hit on his bike once. his ear was almost completely ripped off. again, testimony to the helmet, because had he not been wearing it, the dangling ear could've been a whole 'nother story.
we always wear helmets. and we avoid drunken marines with keys to a car.
Thank you for the reminder. I am sorry it had to come with such a trial for Pete and your/his whole family.
Best wishes to Pete for a speedy recovery. And peace to you and all who are worried.
I'm so glad that there were witnesses who did the right thing.
Hitting someone is a terrible thing but to hit and run? I really don't know how she is living with herself right now.
I hope Pete has a successful, albeit long, recovery.
How scary. I'm so relieved that Peter is not paralyzed or permanently injured. My husband is an avid biker and I worry every time he leaves the house that he will never come back. I always make him give me a time he is due to return so I know when to send the dogs out.
As for the driver, I'm thinking the same thing as calibos mom. I'm hoping it was because the driver didn't have insurance or was afraid of deportation and not just that she was a cold-blooded witch. Either way, there is absolutely no excuse for not stopping.
Best of luck to Peter!
Just when you thought people can't get more stupid...just leaving him there, there aren't words. Mean Jenibelle hopes his h & r driver gets ulcers and nightmares and arrested.
Nice Jenibelle hopes she gets a conscience.
I don't even own a helmet, but after hearing about this, it's been rolling around in my head that I really need to get one.
Thanks to Pete for the reminder. He gets some prayers as a reward.
We will pray for his speedy recovery.
I am so glad those witnesses called for help immediately.
Thank you so much for this post. It is so tempting for my kids to take off their helmets...It was 90 degrees today and they were complaining about how hot it was when they were riding. I am glad Mike told them to keep them on but I was wavering. I am going to read this (as always, superbly written) post to my little family.
I still cannot stop shaking whenever I think about it.
Why AM I hoping Sam will give up his training wheels? The men in my life have not fared well on two wheels...
That is so scary! I can't believe the driver LEFT! What an idiot! Thanks for the reminder. I'm so glad he survived.
I will be indignant and angry and furious with that driver on your behalf. That is inexcusable.
But I am also glad that Crazy Uncle Pete is mending.
How scary! What a great reminder for us -- thanks for sharing. Keep us posted!
how awful! i am so sorry for your uncle pete, and glad he was wearing his helmet, thank God for that!
Helmets have saved so many lives! Thanks for remind us, and thank God that your uncle was wearing his helmet!
May God have mercy on the person who hit him and didn't help him. Can you imagine? I suspect she cannot sleep at night....
I am so sorry for Crazy Pete!
I am a helmet freak, My kids have to pay me a dollar if I find them not wearing it!
Oh my goodness -- I can't believe he is on the road to recovery -- thank God for the helmet! Please keep us up to date on Pete's progress.
That's crappy. Get well Pete.
Oh man, that lady is going to feel the guilt for the rest of her miserable life! I showed this post to Eric (the biker), and told the boys too. It's such a good reminder of what a helmet can really do. Thanks. So good that he will indeed heal.
I confess- I have never worn a helmet--I blame my parents who never made me wear one. But wait, we didn't wear seatbelts back then either--or car seats for that matter. OK fine, I will stop blaming my parents for my ills..I will go purchase one of those hairdo ruiners this week!
PS my kid MUST wear helmets so they don't blame me when they are 35!
We will be praying for him, too. Geesh! People never cease to amaze me.
Just dropping a line to say "Get well soon Pete!". That is just so scary. My husband road his bike all week while we were out of town. We always talk about how dangerous it is to ride our bike around here. Scary stuff! I hope his recovery goes well and he's feeling better soon. Poor guy!
How did I miss this post? I'm so sorry to hear about Pete. How crazy and shame on the woman who ran away. I remind my kids all the time about wearing helmets. Saying prayers for Pete.
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