Thursday, April 9, 2009

Double your pleasure, double your fun

Last night, after I had leisurely indulged in a not-so-classic (or classy) book, which name I cannot divulge here due to the shame I'd feel if you knew I was reading it, I treated myself to a little bit of bad TV.

I mean, a girl can only work so hard in her life, right?

Shut up.

So, I'm lying in bed, falling asleep to some trashy TV, and I notice suddenly that the people on the television screen have four eyes and two heads. Yes, each. So, I sit up and adjust my glasses, thinking things would straighten themselves out.

They didn't. I was seeing two of everything.

I started to panic. My not-so-logical tendency is to assume it's the worst case scenario and jump to extremely unlikely conclusions. Like that I was having a stroke or a heart attack. Or I have a brain tumor. Maybe it's early onset dementia. Or Alzheimer's. And, oh my gosh, what if it's urinary incontence and E.D.?

Okay, maybe not that last one.

That'd be one for the medical journals, eh?

But I did panic. Here it was, ten o'clock at night, the Husband is out of town, and my children are blissfully sleeping. Totally unaware that their beloved wife and mother is probably dying of a stroke. Within minutes, I was all choked up, had planned my own funeral, and mourned the loss of myself and my unfulfilled life. You know, before I had actually come close to dying or anything.

Thankfully, it wasn't a stroke, and I sit here perfectly whole this morning, except for the killer headache I've got. It leads me to think that my double vision is most likely due to a migraine headache, which I have had before, just never with the double vision. Usually, I get the sparkling, twinkly lights before a migraine. I've been to a neurologist and do have migraine medication, but I did not think to take it last night. I figured it was wrong to treat my stroke/E.D. with Frova.

I might be a misdiagnosing psycho, but I am always cautious about my pharmaceuticals.

So now I have spent all morning Dr. Googling, and I have almost convinced myself that it is not actually a brain tumor. I now must call upon you, oh wise Internet self-diagnosing doctors. Have any of you had double vision with migraines? If so, what do you do?

Help. Please don't leave me alone here with my Dr. Google.


  1. Well I am sure glad it is not ED!! That would be tragic :)

    Yes I get double vision with a migrane. ALong with the little sparkles and squiggly lines.

    Try not die on us today, I would miss your funny posts.

  2. Oh, boy. Vision problems AND a migraine? Yuck. I have no words of wisdom, but Diet Coke is a cure-all around here.

  3. i don't have a new diagnosis, but i do recommend you see a real dr.!

  4. Oh my goodness, you sound like me! I have to ban myself from WebMD and the like because I simply will go insane. I'm glad you are feeling better this morning but I would call your doctor to be safe!

  5. You will either develop super powers, or jump to a higher state of consciousness. I'd go for super powers if I were you.

  6. I get migraines, but no double vision. Googling stuff like that can scare the crap out of you (me). I ALWAYS think the worst, too.
    I am DYING over the label.

  7. I've never had either. I am glad that you're feeling better today. No wise words of wisdom... except to maybe call your doctor and talk with a nurse. They should have some good words of wisdom and be able to tell you if you should be seen by a real doctor... Good luck!

  8. I've had both symptoms with migranes before, not fun at all. Take your meds, give yourself a day off, diet coke does truly help, sleep as much as possible- with a pillow over your head, and call your dr tomorrow if it doesn't get any better. Good luck.

  9. I've been a blurker for awhile now and thought I'd come out of the closet for this. I've had killer migraines before, but no double vision--probably because I can't open my eyes when it hurts that bad. I do know others who get double vision. I prefer for my Dr. Googling adventures and diagnoses aids. That's where I got MY Mom Medical Degree--I'm a MMD like so many other Moms out there. Doesn't replace an actual doctor (hint, hint), but it helps in the middle of the night. Glad to hear that you're not dying, because I don't know you but I'd miss you too.

  10. It's just sugar withdrawls as you are probably all into your ww and not eating right - I mean, like you used to. Give it time, you'll be fine as your body adjusts to only eatine 23 points. I mean. ounces of water a day.

  11. I must confess that I worry about medical things all the time, Google them, then get more freaked out by all the scary stuff I find. I am convinced that no one ever takes the time to write about medical anomalies if they are having a positive experience. Therefore, we get to sift through all of the worst-case scenarios and stress. Sorry you had to have a double-vision panic attack. I hope the Husband realizes how lucky he is that you didn't have a stroke or heart attack in his absence. :)

  12. How much am I loving that I can ALWAYS count on your comment to make me feel loved and give me a smile---SOOOO much. Thanks for sticking with me even though my lurking tendencies come and go sporadically. Anyway, I have not had the double vision, I get black holes in my vision. The first time it happened I was talking to a parent of one of my preschool students and there was a serious black spot where his face was. I kept thinking--this is very odd--and looking at him out of the side of my eye to see him. I'm sure he thought I was crazy. It wasn't until this happened several times that I connected it with the onset of a migraine. Your's sounds logical to me, double vision, no vision, twinkly lights, floating black specs, just one of the many ways the ol' migraine sends an early salutation, or warning rather. Sorry I'm not there to bring you chocolate and a bunch of other caffeinish items. Tell McKay to make peanut butter waffles for dinner and curl up in a dark and quiet room.
    Good luck!

  13. Dr. Google is dangerous. I've diagnosed myself and my kids with some bizarro ailments. I hope you're feeling better.

  14. I can't help with any insight into the migraines, but wanted to let you know that you are definately not the only 'self-diagnosing psycho' out there! A few months ago I had a blocked tear duct and the damn Google convinced me I had a tumor the size of a grapefruit growing in my face. I even printed out my scientific medical findings to discuss with my doctor. Well, as it turns out I'm still here and the Dr. was right... sinus infection between my eyes.
    (I'm not even going to tell you how I waited like 4 days to call the Dr while I scrubbed my whole house clean in case he put me in the hospital for the huge tumor that had eclipsed my tear duct and I never came out.)

  15. I, too have convinced myself I am dying. According to WebMD and google I could have: liver failure, a tumor, signs of hepatitis, a horrible infection, and much, much more.

    I already told my husband to be sure and find a great mommy for my kids after I am gone...


    My mom had her vision "shatter" like broken glass before she had some of her migraines. Not the same, but close?

    If we die together, will you make me cookies in Heaven/Hell???

  16. Oh, Dr. Google. He and I are really tight! Glad I'm not the only one. Did Dr. Google mention anything about curing double vision with cookie dough?

    Take care and if you feel worse I'd call the real deal!

  17. No double vision here, just extreme sensitivity to light. I'm glad it has corrected itself, I would definitely get a professional opinion.

  18. I've never had migraines or double vision, but I have been known to sit crying, thinking about my own, my husband's, or my kids' death. I'm glad you don't have a brain tumor.

  19. Hi, just came across your blog by accident and I love your blog, you are so funny, apart from obviously diagnosing yourself with a stroke which was appararently not too funny for you last night but I agree with some others, diet coke does help! Keep off that site though :-)

  20. I'm glad you didn't die. I have no advice about migraines and double vision but I will say that the Real Housewives of NYC is the best show on tv. I'm so glad someone else is watching this awesome show about high society. How can you beat Alex and Simon? The whole thing is hilarious. I love love love it!

  21. Fortunately, I think double vision isn't a symptom of ED. Why don't you give the kind people of Enzyte a call. That catchy tune will take your mind off of anything.

  22. Didn't read all the comments but I think you should just go to the doctor and see if all is well! Or maybe reading the trashy read effed your eyes up just a thought!

  23. You know, I think I could do a whole blog on the housewives of NYC. They are completely loco. Romona is a total nut job, and that one, model, with the brown hair? You know that one! Oh my. . . I could go on an on. Who is your favorite? I think the most likeable was the countess. . she seems to be the least nut-jobiness. . . until she talks about manners.. . and then I am not sure. Did you hear she is separated from her husband? She took that countess stuff WAY to seriously. . . Wanna contribute to another blog about worthless tv? It could be oh so fun. :) Oh, and sorry about your migrane! Hope you get to feelin' better!

  24. usually, the double vision goes away when my 12 hour erection subsides.

  25. My first migraine was in 7th grade taking a math test on ditto paper (remember that delicious smell?). Anyway, half the questions kept disappearing and reappearing. When my mom picked me up from school she had to stop and get my sister from kindergarten. She made me go get my sister because I was in my cheerleader uniform--"She'll be so excited to see you," she said. I ended up vomiting on the sidewalk, and all the kindergartners were grossed out "Eww, look at the cheerleader!"

    The short answer: Double vision is very common with migraines.

  26. I usually call you for a diagnosis. Is Dr. Google where you got your degree? I've been following your advice!

  27. Double vision would worry me too! Sorry about your headache, I hope you are feeling better.

  28. Our resident migraine sufferer (Mike) said he has never seen double...not that it is anything to be worried about but the calmest of could just ask your doctor.

    The only reason I hesitate to tell you to go to the doctor is...I have thought I was dying before, too...of heart problems but it turned out to just be a garden variety panic attack.

    I am glad you are okay...

    And thanks for what you said to me elsewhere in blogland. It was so sweet ☺.

  29. When I get a migraine, I HAVE TO SLEEP! I take 2 tylenol, 800 mg IBuprofen, and 2 Benadryl, all at once, and I go to bed. Hasn't killed me yet, and was actually suggested by a dr. If I can't get to bed, like it's the middle of the day, or some OTHER inconvenient time for a migraine, I only take 1 benadryl in my dose concoction. Benadryl makes me very sleepy. Good Luck, and I hope you're feeling better soon.

  30. I have NO advice or thoughts but I can tell you that Dr. Google and I are best friends. We have spent many a night together figuring out if I have a thyroid problem or terminal illness...too bad I am not as close with my REAL Dr. I might feel better already.

    And just think if 'big brother" really is watching won't they get a kick out of our inet 1 hour my searches might include

    pea in a cup
    How do I add a border to my...
    How do I know if I have..
    is my exhaust supposed to be black
    Canned tomatoes

  31. Oh, so sorry Stie. The crazy thoughts get the best of me sometimes too. Cole has been extremely tired this week so naturally I think he needs a complete blood count to rule out anemia or leukemia. I started to think about the leukemia thing a little too long and got teary eyed.

  32. I take Frova for my migraines too. It doesn't really work. I get blurry vision right before. I just got Imitrex nasal spray and the next thing is injections. I'm not sure if I can give myself a shot but we will see and what if I have blurry, double vision as I'm trying to shoot up?

    Unfortunatly, my health is always worse than I can imagine. It stinks.

  33. I've been admitted to the hospital for migraines, so I understand. Yes, vision is almost always affected in some way, dots before your eyes, swirls of colors, black spots, double vision, pain etc...The best thing to do is take your meds, (a good med should start to subside your symptoms in 1-3 hours)lay down in a darkened, quiet room and if you can stomach water, stay hydrated.

    I have never heard of Dr. Google! I am feeling a little undereducated about now.

    I personally got my medical degree at Target, or at least I have spent my med school tuition there over the years.

  34. I've had a brain tumor for about 6 years now. Self diagnosed of course, and always a convenient fall back for all of my unexplained ails.

    I have migraines with my pregnancies and I usually had vision problems preparatory to the headache.

    Sorry. They stink.

  35. ok, this was one of the best posts yet. i found myself laughing so hard (i swear i wasn't laughing AT you and your impending stroke/incontinence/ED).
    and i also love the label associated with said post.
    thanks for the laugh. don't die on us too soon.

  36. Love the Real Housewives. Have you met my neighbor, Linda? She looks just LIKE Ramona! Love her.

    p.s. I think you may be Oma's birth-daughter. Next you are going to start taking sleeping pills and posting under the influence...

  37. I know I shouldn't be laughing but do you know how much time I've spent with Dr Google? I'm psycho paranoid!
    I'm sorry for your crazy eyes...hopefully it was just a one time fluke. Maybe your eyes cannot serve two masters...Tee Hee!

  38. Christie....MIGRAINES SUCK!!!! Thanks for the have such a talent for putting real life situations into such funny stories!! Hope you are feeling better!

  39. I've had vision problems with my migraines. Here's the scary part - my migraines were first thought to be strokes because I couldn't talk. I can see the word in my head, but different, nonsense words come out. Then the vision is kooky - either double or black spots. Intially, I didn't have the headache with my symptoms, but the neurologists and the CAT scan and the MRI confirmed that it was migraine symptoms. Now, I get a slight headache, but seems to be getting worse with each one, but I always know when it is coming with all the weird symptoms. I am not currently prescribed medicine because there isn't much pain. The symptoms usually clear up after about twenty minutes.

    This is what I would say - it is probably associated with the migraine, but seeing as it is a new symptom, it wouldn't hurt to have it checked out.

  40. OMG. LOL. I can so relate. That's exactly how my mind works. Glad all is well, though.

  41. Since you only mentioned the double vision in conjunction with the solution need a new television!! Maybe one of those big, flat screen numbers. One with a big enough screen that you don't strain your eyes. Glad you're feeling better!

  42. Real Housewives is trashy t.v.?

    Well perhaps the OC ladies are but the NYC are nothing but class. Or so they think.

    Oh wait, this was about your migraine, right? Sorry. I just got excited to know I am not alone in my fascination with all Bravo reality shows. Women with a traveling husband NEED Bravo.

  43. I too have been know to watch some of that bad TV - but only after watching the wholesome Girls next Door!

  44. I had the same thing 2 years ago...they call them ocular migraines b/c they involve your vision. I was scared to death...never had any type of migraine before. The doc, after the MRI's, attributed them to stress. What mom has stress?? LOL I had the odd vision & difficulty completing a thought or sentence...was VERY scared about a stroke, but never thought of ED! You ARE hilarious!!! It wouldn't hurt to check with your doc, though!
