Dear McKay,
Today you are turning eleven years old. This day every year brings you one step closer to that inevitable moment when you are ready to spread your wings and leave the little nest I have created here. I find myself wholly unable to think about that far-off day, and turn my attention to the utter joy you bring us now.
Mack, you are just good. There is no way around it. There is not a mean bone in your body. You not only root for the underdog, but you go out of your way to help him. You cannot stand the idea of anyone hurting. Your thoughtfulness is way beyond your years.
Your current favorite game is one of your own invention, called, "Would you rather?" You give me a choice between two diverse (and often really gross) scenarios, in which I am forced choose the lesser of two evils. Tonight, you asked me if I'd rather die a hero or live long enough to see myself become a villain. Proud of your keen intellect and creative philosophizing, I bragged to your daddy about it on the phone.
He laughed and told me it was from the newest Batman movie.

As I'd want it, school has been an ongoing challenge, and I'm so proud of the way you've dug in your heels with determination. You absolutely refuse to not do well at anything. You are driven in such a way that I know came solely from your father's genes. You have a vision for the way you want things to be someday, and you are planning now for that future. I have no doubt that you will achieve all you set out to do. And I can't wait for you to make those millions you're dreaming of.
Because laboring for hours to bring you into this world without an epidural? That's got to be at least worth you funding my golden years in a really posh nursing home staffed by strong, handsome men.
You continue to share everything in life with your brother. The two of you are inseparable, and it is not uncommon for me to find you both bent over a pile of legos, or laughing while reading a Calvin and Hobbs book together. I can't tell you the joy it brings to my mama heart when I see you two so close. Just a few minutes ago, when I walked past your room, I smiled as I heard you and Chase talking together about various events in your day. I love that you love him so much.

You are thoughtful and tender, obedient and kind. I rely a lot on you, and without question, you do all that you're asked and more. You make me laugh with your silly jokes. You make me smile when I see that look on your face - the one where you try so hard not to smile or show others how excited you are about something. The one where you look just like your dad.
You are the kind of kid that makes parenting feel so easy.

Well said. And happy birthday to McKay! He's one of our favorite big boys, too.
what a sweet post. he will treasure this.
my favorite picture is the one of him leaning on his mack-daddy-pimpin-ain't-easy cane.
or is that a baseball bat? so hard to tell with kids these days.
So sweet! They grow up too fast! I especially love the parts about how close he is with his brother. I hope my children always have that bond!
Hi Stie! My sister is Brooke ("I wanna talk about me") and we grew up with the Halversons. (I went to school with Peter.) Your blog is so funny and sweet. I love the pictures of your two boys together. I have two boys (ages one and two) and it is my hope and dream for them to be like that as they grow up. Don't go thinking about them leaving the nest yet! That's brutal!
I am bawling. (And McKay really is one of the sweetest boys I have ever met.)
Mack is the man! What an awesome tribute. Save it and give it to his fiancee at her bridal shower.
I loved this. Such a special young man. The world needs more compassionate, thoughtful, good men that root for the underdog. The pictures are fabulous, too...I especially love the one with a baseball bat. Or...if Andrea is correct the one with the, "mack-daddy-pimpin-ain't-easy cane."
Uh...no epidural? I am so sorry. He owes you ;)
Such a sweet post. Aren't sons just great! He sounds like he is! Thanks for giving us a glimps into your Mckays life.
Happy Bday Mckay - Love the photos!
Happy Birthday to McKay! You can tell how much your boys love each other. When they were singing to him in Primary Sunday, Chase was singing really loud, and McKay just kept looking at him and laughing.(I would say giggling, but 11 year old boys don't do that, right?)
I am totally crying over your post to an 11 yr old boy. Is that weird? This was so sweet and heartfelt. It is exactely how I feel about my son. McKay seems like an incredible son and what an awesome tribute.
This is the sweetest post. I could have written it about my 6and a half year old. Seriously. I might even copy it one day because you put it a lot better than I ever could. Happy Birthday to your sweet boy.
I agree with Oma. This is one for the memory book. What a sweet tribute. Happy Birthday McKay!
I love this post. My son just turned 11 yesterday. Your son sounds very special.
Loved that! What a sweet boy! Happy Birthday, McKay!!!
Loving this. And hoping my boys could meet yours someday--what good examples your boys would be.
You have such a way with words. Such wonderful letters that he will love to have when he is older and I love the photos in between.
I loved this, and I love that kid. Is that possible after only spending a weekend with him? Methinks it is possible. You are such a great mama and you inspire me to be a little better at it with my own chicks. Happy Birthday Mack!
Have I told you what a phenomenal writer you are? Seriously, you have been blessed with oodles of writing talent.
Your son will treasure this. Can you believe one more year and you'll be watching him pass the sacrament? THAT is a trip, let me tell you.
Happy Birthday...I LOVE sweet boys!
It's amazing that such a cool young man is the offspring of such a dum lady. What a stud! I wish you lived nearby... ok, well maybe just your kids.
I understand your joy as I see my two boys loving each other. McKay is one really good kid. You said it. I just can't believe he can be 11!
You know he'll be going on his mission in like two weeks. That's what it feels like.
You know, at the rate I'm moving at, I'll still be in Provo when he gets here. I'll make sure to show him the ropes.
Happy Birthday, McKay.
Happy Birthday to your darling boy! Let's meet in Hawaii two years from now to celebrate all these birthdays.
Love you! M
I need to more lovey dovey post like that about my kids.
Happy Birthday to my future son-in-law (whose birthday happens to be exactly one week before his future wife's...)
Awww, man! Really?!? It really happens? Eleven? So not ready for that. But BOY oh BOY what a sincere and loving and honest post. I liked that a lot. A whole lot. I love boys and you sure have a good one there. Handsome too.
Great post Stie! McKay is turning out to be quite the young man and I can only hope Conner will be as good of a big brother to his siblings. This was really, really sweet.
Happy Birthday McKay!
Happy Birthday, McKay!
First off I love this post. Happy birthday McKay (I love that name by the way, my maiden name was Kay). Second of all, I have you saved in my favorites. Everytime I have clicked on your blog since January, '09 it brought me to the Dec. 30, 2008 post about a conversation. I just realized in your archives that you have been posting since the new year. Odd. Just thought I'd let you know.
Aren't easy-going boys the BEST!? I have one of those. Happy Birthday McKay!
You write such sweet things to your children! I love that when they are old and gray - they will never have to wonder how you felt about them when they were little. You are a great Mama!
BTW - even Joslyn cried reading this!
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