"I feel sorry for myself when I was younger. I just didn't know how pretty I was back then."
Um, yeah. We don't eat the humble pie for breakfast around here, as you can plainly see.
Should I be worried?
Nah. Middle school will knock her off that high horse pretty darn quick, I'm afraid.
That is so funny--I love little girls with personality and the need to tell the truth! Seriously--I've got an almost 8 year old boy and they would make quite a couple in 15 years!
That is awesome. Self esteem is too important. Even if she gets knocked down later, hers is so high it will only take her to a medium level. I seriously think it's a good thing!
Besides, she is speaking the truth..she is adorable!!
Too good! Oh, middle school...
I love Hanna even though I haven't had the chance to meet her yet! Can she send some of that attitude over to me? :)
I say if the shoe fits, wear it! She is a gorgeous little gal! And sadly, Middle School is a brutal awful time. Let her eat the glory of all that she is today!
That is so sweet. I wish I had her confidence.
Spoken like a true girl! Yeah, middle school has a tendency to kick even the most self-assured person right in the teeth! Rand goes in another year. Yuck!!
out of the mouths of babes! lol enjoy it while it lasts!
I'm afraid you are raising a daughter with so much self confidence, she will probably be popular in middle school. She'll be the girl that likes everyone, and everyone likes her because they want to be just like her. She may even be a cheerleader. Good luck!
Oh but that is so darn sweet! And she is a beautiful girl, momma you should be proud!
Ooh, if they could just skip Middle School...
LOL. Reminds me of the time my daughter said that people might want to kidnap her b/c she's so pretty. If only they could stay this innocent!
I hope you're saving that one for next year's Christmas card! Funny girl!
Good girl, Hannah. There is not enough confidence in this world!
Atta Girl!
That is one smart cookie! And just as cute as she thinks she is!!! Nothing wrong with knowing the truth!
Out of the mouths of babes! Kids are so honest. At least she realizes she's pretty, I hope she continues to feel good about herself.
I find her self confidence quite refreshing, actually.
Dittoing everyone else. The thing is, she *is* really pretty--who can argue with the truth?? Fill that self-esteem reservoir as high as you can...it has to last a lifetime :)
Love it....
Humbly pie- disgusting. Pride pudding- yum She's right. anyway.
Pride pudding ~ love it! Can we package that up and serve it to all girls!
This girl doesn't lie... she is adorable! I think you are the one who's going to be in trouble with middle school.
I hope she always feels that way--especially through middle school.
That is so cute and funny! I wish our girls could keep that good self-esteem through their teenage years.
She IS beautiful!
nice blog
low esteem. self motivation
I love that!
laughing out loud! Love your girl.
I love that she has such a great sense of self. She is truly beautiful. Sadly, I am afraid you are right...middle school *shudder* the seedy underbelly of public schooling.
get the girl in some headgear and we'll see how she feels about herself then.
Just remind her in ten years of that quote. Maybe it'll help her self-esteem then. She IS a doll.
That just makes me happy! I hope she keeps it! You must be doing lots of things right!!! Cute girl!
I think more of us grown ups need a healthy dose of self esteem like Hannah has. Does humble pie have calories?
Well she is a beauty.
if you've got it-flaunt it!
I often say the same thing about myself, but I substitute skinny for pretty.
your blog is great. So fun to hear what you are up to.
your family is darling!
Her and my daughter should hang out for a day. Though two spotlight hogs could get utterly exhausting for both of them!
Just catching up on your posts. So sorry you had a rough week. I had one of my worst in a long time, too. Here's to better days ahead!
she is such a doll! definitely a keeper!
You and me both.
2. Don't worry, spring is around the corner....I feel it too. Meet you in Hawaii? I am sure your husband has some business there in a couple of weeks.
3. And yes, a house helper for the bathrooms. Get her. Every other week. Then, don't touch the bathrooms except for an occasional wiping off of the boys' toilet. I say I would clean the bathrooms every week, but...guess what. Doesn't happen.
When I was in the 5th grade, I had just gotten a perm and was staring at myself in the mirror, and Robyn caught me staring at my "HOT" self and tattled..."Mom, Kimberly's staring at herself in the mirror." I wasn't ashamed one bit. I thought that perm made me look hotter than ever! But, you're right...Middle School is a whole other story!! Good for Hannah...she is cute, so why not agree with herself, right?!
Oh, heavens--i've got one of those, too! She jaunts and struts around the house striking poses and making kissy lips in the mirror.
Hannah is mighty adorable! She'll need to store up that self esteem for the secondary school system...you're right.
May she always love herself so passionately! You go, Hannah! Love, Auntie Gab
Yeah, middle school will cure it all, I'm afraid to say.
She sure is a DOLL!
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