Friday, January 9, 2009

Selling my blogging soul for a bottle of free lotion: SkinMD Shielding Lotion and Sunscreen

A few months ago, I was contacted by the nice folks at SkinMD to review a bottle of their shielding lotion with sunscreen.

I was thoroughly excited to have been chosen and could not wait to get my hands on the product. I have typically said no to product reviews before, but they got to me on a good day, I suppose, and I said yes.

I have been using it for over a week now, and I have to say that -- gulp --I don't like it. [Insert SkinMD permanently adding my name to a product review black list here.]

I wanted to like it. I felt compelled to like it.

But I just can't tell a lie, especially to you good people.

It is moisturizing, to be sure, and really made my skin feel great, but I cannot get past the smell. It is not an awful smell per se, but it's got a faintly medical odor to it. It brings to mind old ladies in white hats giving shots, which is not exactly how I want to spend my days smelling, no matter what my skin feels like. Having soft, luscious skin that is doubly protected from the sun is one of my life's goals, but I can't do it at the price of my nostrils.

Plus, the Husband won't come near me when I wear the stuff. [Of course, that could be a major market they're missing - target the wives wanting to keep the husbands away! No? Okay. Can't blame a girl for trying, right?]

So, please, in spite of my less than stellar review, try the product yourself. I would love to be proven wrong on this one, especially as I am quite sure it will be the last review I am ever asked to make.

Unless, of course, someone wants me to review, say, cookie dough, chocolate, or Mr. Darcy movies. All of which would undoubtedly get an earnest thumbs-up.


  1. #1 Thank you for being upfront that you were reviewing a product. I hate it when I'm reading a blog and all of the sudden out the blue they're all "you have to try this great ____" and you know they're pulling a fast one.

    #2 You're awesome. Your honesty is one of the many things I love about you, Christie! Now they will add sweet smelling nectar that doesn't repel husbands--everyone wins.

    have a great weekend, friend. I keep meaning to call you--I miss you.

  2. Good to know. I'm always on the look out for a great moisturizer for mature skin. Since I'm in my late 40's it's time to take preventive action. hehehe I'll let you know if I find something I like (for your future reference, of course).

  3. That's cool that you were contacted to review someone's product even though you hated it!

    BTW, saw all of you family after Christmas (except Craig). They are always such a fun bunch...we missed you!

  4. Still don't get the Mr. Darcy thing.

    I hate lotions that smell bad!

    Smell is a big deal, ya know. It is a deal breaker for me.

  5. I've been having to mosturize the heck out of this bump I am getting, and was trying to use up this lotion we've had. The other day, I couldn't bear it any longer the smell was to much, so I trashed it.

    Way to be Honest!

  6. BTW this is the first time ever I have been in the top 10 comments, instead of the 30th or 40th.

    Feels pretty cool.

  7. Thanks for being honest and not selling your blogging soul. I admire you for that.

    I once bought some hair conditioner that smelled like public restroom deoderizer. It was pretty bad. I can't remember what kind it was or I would tell you.

  8. I love honest people! Thank You. My husband would hate it too.

  9. Good for you, letting your voice be heard loud and clear. Maybe they will heed your thoughts and change the stink to something more pleasing!

  10. Oh, about my Pad Thai, go to and look up Dad's Pad Thai. I originally picked that version b/c I had all the ingredients on hand.

    I am too ADD to follow it exactly; I add meat and use less egg. I also add a splash of sesame oil, cilantro and any veggies that I want to use up like celery, shrooms, or cabbage.

    Enjoy, beeach!

  11. Years ago, I used to get called about Pampers and I used to try so hard to be part of their demographic. I would make up ages, and sizes of my kid in diapers, hoping to hit the jackpot. I did, once. Got 4 boxes of free diapers out of it.

    And I highly recommend them, (should their be any Pamper-Diaper-Giver-Outers out there).

  12. What? No one has ever contacted me to review ANYTHING! Is this some sort of secret blogging community?

    I agree with Shally; smell is a deal breaker.

  13. Honestly is the best policy, weather tey hate you now or not! Things with smells really mess with my allergies and I would have been bummed!!!

  14. I appreciate your honesty. They should want to keep you on account of your honesty...or if you are dumped because of, said honesty, at least you have your integrity...but, *sniff* no more free product.

  15. If I was reviewing carmel or cheese crackers they'd get a thumb's up from me too.

  16. Good for you! Beat those big corporate peeps DOWN! :) Being smelly (in a bad way) is not good. But rest assured, YOU ARE A ROCK STAR.. because you were ASKED to do a product review. Never forget that.... NEVER!

  17. Oh, they could market it as birth control. Start smearing it on your puberty-age girls to repel any hormonal boy.

  18. Wow. Asked to do a product review. You ARE special. THe smell is definitely important. Thanks for the honest heads up. I think I"ll take your word for it.

  19. Scent is a HUGE deal--deal breaker I say. That is my whole beef with self-tanners. I am yet to find one that doesn't smell bad. Don't get me wrong. I still use them. I just hate the smell.

  20. Great review! :-)

    I would love for you to post some good Mr. Darcy reviews too! :-)

    Have you seen North and South (not the cheesy civil war movie!), Bleak House, or Wives and Daughters? They don't all have the greatest "Mr. Darcy" (although the gentleman in North and South is pretty cute)... but they are along the same genre, and pretty good!

  21. I can't smell, if it works, send it my way.

  22. Maybe I'll buy a bottle to hide in the cupboard for those "Headache Days" if you know what I mean. Great tip!

  23. So glad you're not a sellout.

    The only products I have been asked to review were Urinary Tract pills. Ick.

  24. I can only imagine the list of other products that you were asked to review... hemmoroid medicine, zit creme, toilet paper, suppositories, facial hair removal products, mu-mu's, Harlequin novels, tweezers, Rogaine, denture adhesives, extra strength deodorants... and the list goes on.

    Stie... the face of corporate America!

  25. I would love to receive products to review. In fact I review them for free even when I paid for them. Like the grape-flavored bubble gum scented BOUNCE dryer sheets I just chucked into the garbage unopened. They need to have unbiased reviews printed right on the package.

    Maybe those girls who want to get rid of their husbands could supplement the lotion smell with BOUNCE scented sheets and pillowcases.

  26. So, you don't recommend it as a signature scent?

  27. Just when I thought Dan's comments were easing up, he's returned full force. Too good!

  28. If it doesn't smell good, it doesn't make it in my cart. Good review! Now on to the cookie dough, chocolate, and Mr. Darcy reviews.
