I have given up creative control when it comes to her wardrobe, and that includes the night time. She is far too stubborn for me to ever win anyway, and I decided I would save that battle for another day. Like if she ever tries to peg her jeans and wear her bangs straight up, six inches higher than her forehead.
Which I totally know is going to happen someday. That kind of bad stuff has a way of repeating itself.
She is definitely not a morning person (wonder where she gets that from?), and usually spends a good half hour in silence, with a look on her face like this one:

Don't worry, girlfriend. I can totally relate.
But eventually she warms up to us, and starts talking. Once the talking starts, it doesn't stop until her tiny head hits the pillow at night. Which is where the hair magic happens all over again.
Dang, I love this little girl something fierce.
Still, she will probably kill me when she sees these pictures.
And if that happens, remind the Husband that I forbid him from ever marrying anyone who doesn't outweigh me by at least double.
And no, dear husband, I do not weigh a mere 55 pounds.
HEY! I AM THE FIRST ONE TO COMMENT!!!! I can't believe it. THIS IS THE GREATEST DAY OF MY LIFE... (...hyperventilating...)
Okay, now for my post:
Hannah is a doll, no matter how her hair looks.
Hey, Christie, I loved your 80's hair. You were the cutest one on the high school bus, despite what I told you at the time.
I'm always begging Laura to perm her hair. Maybe someday she will do it. I keep hoping.
Love the hair! Her wedding blackmail photo film will be wonderful. I hear ya about loving your little girl something fierce, I can't believe how much I love my little one already.
That is awesome. Around here its my boys who have crazy bed head in the mornings. Maren's looks exactly the same 24/7.
Perhaps you are forgetting your hair as a young adolescent. If I recall, you would wake up every morning with the nastiest rats nest I have ever seen. Your hair doubled the back side of your head. And after about an hour of hogging our one bathroom (with the other six of us waiting impatiently outside), somehow you would leave the bathroom looking quite nice. I know, this started out as an insult, and ended up being a compliment. I'm working on being a better person.
You should try it...
I love it! I have a little one at home with quite similar characteristics!
That first shot is great. And any blog that links to the other blog is also great.
I totally relate to this girl. I wish I looked that cute with morning rockstar hair. My kids eat that same eggo waffle every morning and also refuse to wear matching pajama top with bottom. It drives me batty.
She is simply precious! My little Hailey starts each morning with rats nests galore, on the couch, under her blanky with at least 1 full glass of OJ probably two before I hear anything more than "more orange juice please" but much like yours once she gets going she never stops till bed time (and sometimes not even then). My first was SO calm...I knew it wasn't normal...Hailey is more normal but boy normal kicks my butt sometimes.
That is some sweet bed head. You captured the "not a morning person" face PERFECTLY.
I want a waffle.
Thank goodness no one takes a picture of me first thing in the morning! I'm not half as cute as Hannah! And I love the friendly reminder to the husband...
we ought to get her and noe together for an early a.m. photo shoot.
she is the only one i have ever seen whose hair comes close to the insanity of noe's. congrats!
She's totally cute, even with the morning face. We never get as good of bedheads around here.
Love the Rock star hair I am a total eighties woman ! Big hair rocks...But now in the beginning of my 50's I wear my hair up most of the time! tOO LAZY!
I think i had this same hair at all my 80's concerts...Def Leppard, zzTop, Cory Harte (sigh)...you get the drift.
Mimi has a cycloned head of hair each morning, too. Including a big twirlie.
LOL'ed at the bit about once she starts talking, it doesn't stop until her head hits the pillow...oh, yeah, I can SO relate...sometimes I wanna say, "Ok, kiddies, no more CHATTER!" Sigh. But USUALLY I bite my tongue...mind you my kids are way past the adorable stage; after 8 years old they move on from that to simply become cute and clever...
Does she "roll"? This is a girl that will be fun to watch. And I'm wondering where she gets her stubborn streak from? Her parents are both so mellow.
I love it. How come girls all seem to be anti-morning? It could be that my girls learned from me. Just wait till early-morning seminary begins.
I love it. How come girls all seem to be anti-morning? It could be that my girls learned from me. Just wait till early-morning seminary begins.
I love it. How come girls all seem to be anti-morning? It could be that my girls learned from me. Just wait till early-morning seminary begins.
delete those extra comments,not sure how that happened
you are too funny... I love your humor. Yes sitting in silence in the morning for at least 30 minutes is the ONLY way to do it... and hello, how else can you expected to wear swim attire, really? This lil diva knows what she's doing.
Funny- most mornings I have huge 80's rock star hair too. She is simply adorable.
Thanks for that link back to your childhood. For the record, I thought you were so cool...especially your hair.
(silent chuckle.) Pretty cute.
Hanna is SO cute! And her face in the second picture is the perfect expression of how I feel in the morning! She is lucky to have a mom who understands how she feels. I love that she dresses up even for sleeping.
Oh, I see you partake of the Eggos as well. I'm so glad I'm not the only mom out there feeding the kids from the toaster in the mornings.
Isn't it entertaining to have a little chatterbox at our side all day? I'm kind of attached to mine as well.
Such a great post, Christie!
"Peg her jeans and wear her hair straight up"...Ahem, I for one, wouldn't know anything about that *cough*...
I let out an audible, "Awwwwww!" when I read, "Dang, I love this little girl something fierce."
Loved the, "55 pounds" parting shot, too. You are so good :)
Now THAT'S a picture to show to prospective suitors!
She is adorable-crazy hair and all!
What a cutie-pie. Peg legs, oh my. Please say they won't come back. Although I did see stirrup pants at the mall yesterday. I had to avert my eyes.
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