Our universe has laws which are absolutely indisputable.
Laws that cannot be stopped. Rules that cannot be broken. Our world cannot exist without these laws, such as gravity or motion.
These laws are woven into our very existence and keep life, as we know it, going.
My universe also has a few laws. Rules I am unable to break, even if I wanted to. Thought I'd share them with you:
- There is always room for dessert.
- Diet coke is to be consumed daily.
- Pedicures are best left to the professionals.
- When buying something on sale (that you expected to pay full price for), the money saved is a profit and should be spent immediately.
- Never go into Walmart without make-up or in sweatpants. (Just because you shop at that store occasionally, does not mean you have to look like it.)
- No diet is worth doing unless it allows you to eat chocolate.
- Exercise must happen every day. See numbers one and six for questions on this.
- Cooking when the Husband is out of town will always consist of pancakes or frozen waffles.
- A clean house equals a happy heart and a clear mind.
- Bad pictures should be taken every day to ensure at least one good picture now and then.
- Spontaneously breaking into song and dance daily will lengthen your lifespan (and embarrass your children, thus doubling its benefit).
- At any given time, there should be no less than five good books on your nightstand waiting to be read.
- Muddy shoes should NEVER enter the house.
- Playing the same music over and over is not at all annoying.
- Children should never go to sleep without a kiss on the cheek.
I can't argue with any of these.
Love this list...big fan of both 4 & 8...wish I was a bigger fan of 9!
Call your sister daily, and mother every other day (at least).
I agree with them all, only instead of diet coke I have to put Dr. Pepper. But otherwise great list!
I love this list. I must copy it down and live by them too! You are too smart.
I can't wait to embarrass my kids. It will bring me so much joy.
It's good to know what makes you tick.
I agree. Accept unfortunately for Nathan pancakes and waffles happen even when he is in town.
Um, I think you just summed them up.
I agree. I agree. Although I say try not to go into WalMart at all if possible. Target will do. You are my kid of girl.
Fully agree about #11. Think I proved that at the fifth grade field trip this year, thoroughly embarrassing (and secretly delighting, I'm sure) my oldest. What is it about a good jig that gets the endorphins pumping??
Great list. I especially like #1, and #7. And I love the one on the clean house. I'm slowly decluttering, simplifying and thoroughly cleaning the house. I feel so rejuvenated.
Yes on all but the Diet Coke thing.
Oh- and the exercise thing-- does it count if I *think* about exercise everyday?
I think twins should count as exercise. Or Laundry for 6 people. I am bending and twisting a lot...
My rule is ALWAYS have a secret stash of your favorite sweets.
I'm done now.
12 cheers for #12..I have to admit though, I start to get a little anxious when there are "only" five!
Diet Pepsi - way more fizzy
Cooking when hubby is away - fast food rocks
Love your laws! Thanks
I love these laws!!
Here is one of mine, that I would have to classify as #1 on my list:
Coffee should be consumed immediately upon waking in order to be truly classified as awake.
i live by one rule and one alone: no soda
well, actually, there is one other rule. i forgot.
no open mouth kissing with morning breath.
the end.
i live by one rule and one alone: no soda
well, actually, there is one other rule. i forgot.
no open mouth kissing with morning breath.
the end.
This is a great list. I said, "Amen!" out loud for, numbers 4, 6 ,9, 11, 13, 14, and 15.
The new law of my universe appears to be, "To spend too much time blogging each day and then feel guilty but don't change my behavior."
Cooking when my husband is out of town typically consists of pizza from Dominoes. Thus #7 is very true. :)
Love your list! It is so perfect.
1. Never, ever, ever leave the house without mascara.
2. Never wear scrubby undies if you are going out, you're more likely to get in an accident.
3. Chocolate is the curse and the cure for all my ills.
My other law besides the pancake one already mentioned for when my husband is out of town is it is okay for the kids to spend the evening watching a movie. I gotta get some kind of down time.
#10 is awesome... and I am a lil pathetic with #9... it's a must! I hear ya.
I would add always buy cheap sunglasses and Never drink your calories. I disagree with #5--when in Rome...
Oh, Sis, I LOVE this list! You so crack me up with every word you write, every list you make...I'll be watching you..oh wait...I broke into song!
I need to do this post!
Our worlds could be similiar! Cause we're sista's like that! :-)
Rules to live by, for sure. Are exceptions made to #5 when one has an infant in the house? Some days I'm lucky to be wearing a bra, let alone to get out of my sweats. They are cool sweats, made in huntington beach by aleeda, but they are sweats.
I just love this post. I have been known to utter the phrase "that's the rules" in my house since my oldest was born. :0)
Excellent rules--though I'd substitute the red bullseye for WallyWorld--and still no sweats. Athletic pants maybe.
I swear that you and my wife have to be more closely related. Is there such a thing as twin cousins? You are so alike right down to the Lubbers family singing turrette's syndrome.
You're adorable! Love this list.
Love the list. #4 & #11 are my faves.
All items in the closet must face the same direction on the hangers (usually toward the opening of the closet).
Besides 2, 8, 9 and, frankly, sometimes 15...we are twins. I wish we could share desserts and workouts.
My other favorite person lives in Kansas City, MO. Maybe we need to see what tech jobs are available in your state...
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