So, I begged and borrowed, pleaded and whined, and stole a baby or two from friends. Here are some of my favorites. I know I have a long way to go, and a lot to learn, but it's very fun to take pictures of children I don't acatually have to pay to pose for me. Mine have become so sick of it, that they will not comply unless given cold, hard cash.
I know, right? Who said they could be such selfish capitalists?
Lucky for me, most of these babies and kids are too young and nice to know any better:

Send them only if they work for free. This ain't no paying gig.
I love baby feet and these are really nice pictures.
you done good, mama! i love them. and funny thing, i just accosted three friends and asked if i could do the same exact thing. for the same exact reasons. doling out the cash was fine for the first ten or so dollars. now it's irksome.
i'm impressed at how many kids you finagled! one big mormon family? or did you just start dialing down the ward roster?
I have 1 you'd have to pay, but the others like to pose (well except for the oldest!) My mom even pays my son for hugs! (it's kinda a "thing" they have)
If only we lived closer...I'd send my kids over ANY DAY. Any day. I'd even pay YOU! Sounding more like a babysitting gig? Call it whatever you have subjects, I get a break.
Your pics look very, very good. I love the sweet baby feet! Keep up the good work! It would be a perfect gig for you!
I'm on my way. Better yet. .. Why don't YOU come HERE and enjoy my 89 degree weather.. hmmm? I promise for cute kids and lots of smiles and a newborn in Feb. Sounds perfect huh?
Bummer, if only you were close. Well, are you near St. George? Just checking. Those pictures look great. I would love to have you practice on my kids.
Great job! What parent wouldn't want free pictures taken of their kids. I think they turned out great. I love the black and white ones.
I'll let you photograph my baby as much as you want!! Just tell me when and where and we'll be there! (Probably best to plan it after the due date: December 28th) ( :
I think you are really good at capturing the kids' personalities! I would pay you to take pictures of my kids (if I had any...). :) You are so talented.
It won't be long and they'll be sick of you too.
How about a whole family hanging from our front yard tree? The real challenge would be getting our 4 girls to sit on the big branches...they're non-tree climbin' girly girls. I have christmas card ideas that never come to pass. Love your black & white, very cute models!
I really like the light coming from the left, is it natural light? Their color is so subtle...very cool.
I did a similar thing this weekend.
I like the 2nd to last picture the best! Good job!
You can photograph my kids anytime! Just let me know when you are going to be in Colorado and I will PAY you to take amazing photos of my little angels that wont pose for me for nothing!
I've got a couple adorable subjects you may torture anytime you like. I love photos of my boys...but don't have a very nice camera. Yet!
Give me a call.
Okay, I really do need to come for a visit - my baby will totally work for free! I am particular to the first four... those are some cute chicas. Doesn't Jaymee look so much like Stuart there?
Yes! What cute kiddos you got to photograph. Their mom must be the greatest... and totally cute given those cute girls. I'd take Dalene up on her offer for sure... that little baby of hers is adorable!
these are really good, you are getting better all the time -- you can visit us in Caracas any time with your camera!
These are great! The lighting is lovely... is that in your house? If it is, I'm jealous. :)
There is NO pretending going on. You have got some major talent sister!
Hi, you don't know me, but I am a friend of Emily Musso's and I clicked on your site via hers. My sis. is a pro. photog. so I thought I'd give you her site for inspiration. I think that your pics are remenisant of when she started out. She also did Emily's brothers wedding:
The pics from left to right on the home page are Emily's brother and his now wife, me and my son, and another couple who celebrated an anniversary.
click on Gallery Projects for Family portraits...ect.
Have a nice day!
ps. Love your pics, of course.
Pretty sure you're out of my zip code. That's a shame too, cuz my kids are insanely photogenic! So am I actually. If you ever find your way to Seattle, bring along your camera. You'll be sure to get some Cover worthy shots. Keep at it! You're good.
Great pics! I would love to have you photograph my kids. You are going to have to travel to all of your loyal readers :)
Come to Utah. I'll bribe my kids and pay you to boot!
Your pictures are beautiful!
Mine work for free! They don't exactly smile when they're supposed to, but I do love having OTHER people take their pictures. Especially other people with nice cameras! If you fly here, you can borrow them. Maybe for a few days. Deal?
Hi Christie,
I am a friend of Maren's in Utah and she forwarded your blog to me. I am enjoying it so much and what a fun surprise to see those cute girls when I logged on today! Beautiful girls, beautiful pictures! You wanna be cyberfriends? haha
you can pay mine with snacks. my kids will work for food anyday!
your photos look great! were these all in one day?
I love that you are pursuing your dream. I think I need one. Does San Diego in Dec. tempt you? You could practice wedding shots.
If I lived near you, I would so lend you my boys (I might even give you one on certain days)! These pics are fabulous!!! If you're ever in WV look me up and we'll do lunch and then pics.
Those are beautiful pictures, Christie!!!!!
If I lived closer to you, my children would already be waiting on your doorstep.
and I would be begging for one of those fabulous spiderweb cookies....the situation would be a win win for me.
These are so great...wish we lived closer! What kind of camera do you have?
Love the black and white ones! I wish we lived closer!!!
All adorable but those first 4 are the bees knees! :) Great job!
I snap your nieces and nephews from time to time, how fun you get to snap mine! :)
I love the pics! As everyone else already said... if only I lived closer....
I've noticed the photography throughout your other posts. Very nice. I would certainly pay for your photos :)
Very beautiful! Look me up the next time you're in Houston. Only Child will be glad to pose for free.
Yep, I have to bribe my kids too. ;) Lookin good girl.
Beautiful! I would love for you to practice on mine. I would also appreciate a few lessons. You are so good at this talent of yours!
You've really got the touch! Beautiful!
I must admit, friend... you do great work!
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