What he does not understand is that it is possible for a person to own multiple brown t-shirts.
I know he happily spends his days in a wife beater tank and dingy sweatpants (and who are we kidding, probably even wears them to work), but I feel it is my duty as his sister to help him see the possibilities open to him. He CAN own multiple shirts, even in the same color.
I know, right? It's like living dangerously.
Plus, I'd like to introduce you to my all-time favorite t-shirt. Internets, meet the basic tee from H&M.

They come in every color imaginable, fit snug and comfortable, and the best part? They are ONLY SIX DOLLARS. Which probably explains why I own at least ten in every color.
I have tried the $40 t-shirts from every store out there. And you know what? I always come back to my H&M tees. They fit just the way I like, plus they're long enough to cover the tramp stamp that I have across my lower back.
Okay. Well, maybe I don't have that. But if I did, it would cover it up nicely at those PTA meetings.
And guess what? If they wear out (as six dollar tees are prone to do), you can buy like 19 more. Because they're cheaper THAN SEEING A MOVIE.
So, Daniel, mock if you must. And be sure and stay tuned tomorrow when I model my 14 different black H&M tees.
Because spending a morning taking pictures of yourself for spite? Totally a worthwhile and productive endeavor.
Who else has a closet full of the same shirt...
Charlie Brown
Alvin the Chipmunk
Bart Simpson...
Are you that comical?
P.S. I wear the same style/brand of pants every day because they highlight my nerdiness and come with a nifty accessory pocket in the right leg. Perfect for my pen, pencil and a small notebook. Goodbye pocket protector, hello Dickies! Plus you can get a pair at Walmart for $20.
I don't mean to be a BROWN noser, but.... Seriously, you are darned darling. (Do grown women like to be called darling?)
I love your self portraits.
I'm headed over to H&M's site right now! Heaven only knows I could use a few new shirts and six bucks is speaking my language!!!!
You are so funny! Love your post. Thanks for the tip too- I am always trying to find the right t shirt at the right price.
My pick is the second from the right on the top! Way too cute....as are you my dear.
H&M should be paying you! You are a great model for them! This makes me want to go straight to H&M now.. except I'm going to have to work out a lot more (and have some elective surgery!) to look that good in their t-shirts...
you rock that brown tee, girl! you're a hottie!!
So the brown shirt is one of your favorite things. I'll take the one on the top right. So cute.
Your brother should not peek into my closet either, it just doesn't seem like he would understand the array of brown, black and white Ts hanging there. However, I totally get it.
You mean there's something wrong with taking a gazillion self portraits(love the nifty remote BTW) and then blogging about it? That's the very essence of The Blog, right?
Why isn't there an H&M in Texas???
Ahhhhhhhhh H & M. I seriously had a friend the other day ask me what that was.... Sad. I love your collection and think it is GREAT! What i REALLY want to know is where did you get the NECKLACE you were wearing in the photo with you and hubby??? THAT is what I want!
Thanks for the intro. I'm going to have to check out these fabulous H&M tees.
I get a little overwhelmed when I miss a few days, because every one of your posts is so comment worthy, that I started just to click away (because I couldn't possibly comment on the hilarity of each one) but then I thought that that was rude and needed to reward your awesomeness with AT LEAST one comment.
So there it is.
Your last three posts were all completely awesome.
You are the best blogger around.
I totally agree with you, I really like the ruffly one, very cute.
Hilarious. H&M is awesome...like IKEA for clothes. And you wear them well! Way to rock the brown.
I really wish we had H&M here...it was my downfall as a missionary. You are so cute, by the way. Very stylish. Very cute. Very model-like. Can't wait to see the black ones...
cute shirts! i like green.
I'm impressed that after having three kids you can wear a T-shirt that's snug at all. Mine cannot hug my midsection or it scares me.
You look great!
I've never heard of H&M.
Men just don't understand! Cute shirts!
H&M tees are the best! they are the softest tees i own and they only get better with every wash!
Again, you look terrific! I don't think it's the tee, I think it's you. Cute shirts...I want one, or two, or all of them!
I need an H&M by me. I love it because Stacy and Clinton send their people there and I worship Stacy and Clinton. YOu do know Stacy and Clinton, right?
So, I'm going to head on over to H&M! We migrated out of the Bay Area before we could truly take advantage.
My go-to-shirt is from Gap. Purchased after the season. For a steal. In every color and style.
If they don't have your size, buy down a size. And wash by hand...:(
I love H&M, love all of your shirts, and love, love, love the towel hooks!
I am reminded of an old SNL skit, where Will Ferrell is playing the part of Janet Reno. Janet is having a phone conversation with...(help me out, I can't remember who she is talking to). At the end of the phone conversation, she is asked, "What will you be wearing to the inaugural ball"? And she replies, "My One Blue Dress"... Classic SNL, you should find it, and post it on your blog. Because you totally just reminded me of Janet Reno, or Will Ferrell, not sure which.
thanks for the clarification, because i was beginning to wonder the exact same thing. i secretly thought you must be poor. or fashion impaired. i felt sorry for you.
Blessed internet, I found the SNL transcript...
...Janet Reno: Well, I think Newt Gingrich looks like a perv! So, what are you going to wear to Congress tomorrow?
John Conyers, Jr.: A suit. What are you going to wear to the Justice Department?
Janet Reno: My one blue dress.
Everyone makes fun of me because I have the Target shirts in every color, but I don't care.
When you're busty (like we both are) and you have a small waist (like we both do) you need a good fit to show off the goods.
So, when I find something I like, that fits well, I'm all for it...as well you should be!
I really laughed when I read Dan's comment yesterday! He's one of the few I pick out of the 18,000 + you get every post. Like a true younger brother, he never fails at what he does best.
PS, I've got a friend from St. Louis who's planning on going to one of your six H&Ms and buying things for all the girls here who are H&M starved. I've heard more about it than I ever wanted to.
Love me some H & M. I love the color on the walls even more. Please share . . .
I cannot believe that those tees are just $6.00!!! AMAZING!!!!!!
You look fabulous in each and every one!
Dan...I bet you would look very nice in a brown tee. Were you just hinting for Stie to buy you one?
Fierce, Tyra would be proud!
$6 for a shirt? I'm so there.
I hope H&M is sending you a big check right now!
I love that you buy the same pieces of clothing over and over- so do I. I hate that I don't have an H&M and I go there whenever possible. Now I'm even more sad.
Love the H&M tee. And sad to say, I even have the same style in the same color (just in case one is in the wash you know!). I vote top, second from the right (and straight on till morning). You look gorgeous!
Gotta love brothers!!
Love the pictures.
I wish we could hang out.
I know I would laugh a lot. :)
Can I write any more one line sentences???
Holy Cow.
I'm on a roll.
Done now.
LOL...you crack me up!
So, where's the post about your black S&M tees?
I dont know you...and you dont know me...but your blog has me laughing, crying, and wishing I could write as well as you.....Hope you don't mind my occassional spying into your life. thanks for making me laugh tonight. If I ever met you...I'd want to be your fried.
uhh...not your fried....but your FRIEND. :)
I love bloggers sharing their favorite buys.
Does the t-shirt magically conceal the extra belly fat collected from a recent pregnancy?
I'm in the market for that kind of shirt.
oh my! i love you in H&M. am still rockin the maternity look myself. you are darling stie. i love the haircut and yes a six dollah shirt is where it's at. way to go.
Tramp Stamp. OMG. ROTFLMAO!
And why must you look so cute in them all?
Not. fair.
You look good in brown! And I myself love brown, too. You get that brother of yours. (I do enjoy his comments, though.) :)
You are so cute! Your hair is growing, see longer already.
You're right, you can never have too many brown tees.
That's it. I'm buying me some. I love a good tee.
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