That's what we celebrate Labor Day for, right?
I mean honestly, do you think Mother's Day makes up for the fact that I voluntarily split my heinie in half? And did it three times, one of those without an epidural? No, it doesn't. Which is why, this past Labor day, I was found in Branson doing this:

I'm pretty sure the mother of the year plaque won't bear my name this year. Oh well. It was totally worth it.
This weekend, there was a lot of:
You Tube searching
Flashing grill wearing
Journey worshipping
Tennis playing
There was not a lot of:
Cleaning (unless your name is Butch and you are the maid. Then there was definitely a lot of cleaning that took place).
A most excellent way to spend a holiday. Thanks, girls. It was a great weekend. Let's do it again soon.
Like tomorrow. Anyone?
Oh, and Katie? This one's for you: "They never take them off!"
You are my hero! What a fab looking weekend!!!!
Can you feel the green eye monster watching you...yes, that would be my jealousy! It looks and sounds like you had a terrific weekend. It's always important to take time out to just relax with the girls.
Good for you! Your tan legs=hot stuff. My white legs=not so much!
Glad you had fun.
And might I ask? What is flashing grill wearing? Is that something I should know? I know what flashing is. I know what a grill is. I wear my clothes. But all three together. I'm confused. If it is something obvious and I'm dorky, forget I asked!
♪ She's Got Legs...She knows how to use them ♫. Your legs look fabulous and so do you!
One without an epidural? Ohhhhhhh...owwwwwwwwwwww.....
I really love the true meaning of Labor Day! I think you deserve it!
My name would never be on a Mother-of-the-Year plaque. We can't have plaques around here...I am prone to throw things when I am frustrated ;)
I'm so glad that someone did something wonderful for Labor Day. We just say around, and I tell you, you're way is A LOT better!
How did I miss out on the "beautiful tan legs" gene? SO.NOT.FAIR!
FUN! I'm jealous.
Your hair looks dang cute, by the way!
Yeah...those are some hot legs! And I REALLY REALLY like your hair! How fun and appropriate to spend labor day WITHOUT those for whom you were in labor!
My Labor Day stunk compared to yours. I also loved the legs and the hair...on your head, not on your know what I mean!
Very, very sexy legs. Lucky you. I want to know too.....what is flashing grill wearing???
You and your hair are darling!
Nice legs. Don't you just love girls weekends? They make me realize that Yes! I really Do have a personality and I'm even FUN!
Love staying up all night laughing till it hurts and eating till I'm sick.
How fun. When are we having our high school girls weekend?? I will plan it and you have to come.
In my book, that DOES qualify you for mother of the year!!!
Ok your legs look perfect! Looks like you had fun!
I'm going to brag here, I never had 1 labor pain....the kid weighed 11 pds and was 19 days early. They had to get the monster OUT! He is 11 now and is 5'4" and weighs 185 pds huge boy! does'nt even turn 12 till feb.
How dumb am I that I haven't milked the whole LABOR day thing??
Could you please post about any other tid bits that I need to tell my husband about?
Thanks. ☺
Go, you! (and...there's water in Branson??)
Go, you! (and...there's water in Branson??)
Your hair looks adorable! Sassy!
Now I can't get ZZ Top Legs out of my head.
What a great holiday weekend. Do tell, where did you find your darling jeans? Please share...
Ripped your heinie in half? It's gonna take me a minute to blot that image outta my mind...
What a blast! You deserve it.
Oh, I get it, "They never take them off", that was AWESOMMMEE! Oh, that brings back so many good memories... We'll be talking about that one for years.
Seriously, you are lame.
you're too funny... and wait what? I'm with Shally... why didn't I understand that Labor Day was actually for me?!... geez.
I've been missing out... and I did the no drugs thing TWICE (mental note, don't do that).
...thus reinforcing my theory that your legs are pieces of total art.
I like that you have labeled this post "running away from responsibility" - however, I would like to point out that it is always responsible for parents to get some down time away from the kids - absolutely makes them better parents - looks like a perfect weekend!
What a wonderful weekend get away! My kind of idea of celebration LABOR!
Those legs...I thinking no wonder the UPS man stood and stared! I'm so jealous sister!
I have never in my life put Branson and boating in the same sentence. It looks great! I'm amazed with how many great boating lakes are in this part of the country! Looks like you had a great time celebrating "labor" day.
I totally thought that picture was a stock photo of a supermodel's legs or something. Maybe it's not too late. I'm sending it to Sports Illustrated. They start the swimsuit edition early, you know.
I'll never be able to think of Branson without thinking of old people, like Grandma J.
I only wish you had made time for the "other" Osmonds and the rest of the world's washed up TV/Music stars.
Then again, Journey was involved...
What a great weekend! Love the legs...could I borrow them, or at least come train with you for about a month to get me going?? :)
Seriously, the heinie image...made me wince in empathetic pain. I had 2 c-sections, & although the nether regions remained in tact, it was NOT fun. I noticed how your bro & Michael side-stepped comments on this! Smart men.
Why have I never thought of celebrating "Labor Day" like this?
Next year...I am definitely doing labor day, Christie style.
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