Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Here I come, chocolate in hand, to one lucky winner

Well, interpeeps, I am mighty impressed.

Some of you really like to watch movies (like me). Some of you? Not so much into the remembering of the lines. Why is that?

The Husband thinks I'm a freak. He can't remember what happened last week, let alone in a movie. And it boggles his mind that I always remember the obscure lines from a movie I saw years ago.

Yes, it's a disease.

No, I don't care.

So, here are the answers of the next 11 movies I expect to see in your Netflix que:

1. As Good As It Gets
Who doesn't love Jack Nicholson as Melvin Udall in this movie? He's just so insane that you find you actually relate to him. Admit it. You love him.

2. When Harry Met Sally
My other favorite line in that movie is "I'll have what she's having," but the scene at the end on New Years Eve is the best. Who knew we'd one day find Billy Crystal slightly attractive? Maybe that's what makes this movie so perfect.

3. Braveheart
Although, the line is also in "Shawshank Redemption," another of my favorites, I did write the quiz with a chiseled Mel Gibson wearing blue face paint in mind. An excellent, inspiring (albeit a teensy bit violent) movie.

4. Love Actually
One of my all-time favorite movies, and I just adore this line said by the often underestimated Alan Rickman. Snape character aside, I sure wouldn't complain if he got crumbs in the bed, you know what I mean? For his full deliciousness, re-watch him in "Sense and Sensibility." You will love him forever after his tender portrayal of Colonel Brandon.

5. Usual Suspects
Brilliant movie, total twist at the end. You will NEVER see it coming. Love it.

6. Pride & Prejudice
One cannot help but love Elizabeth for saying out loud that, yeah, a guy with money is pretty attractive, even if he's a little bit of a jerk. Hands-down, a lifetime favorite for me.

7. The Departed
NOBODY knew this one. It's a great movie, one most especially appreciated if you ever lived in Boston. A little heavy on the F-bombs, but still worth a watch. Another surprise ending you don't see coming.

8. Bridget Jones Diary
Ah, the ever delicious Colin Firth. I like you, too. Just as you are. Please call me, okay? And when you come, bring your Mr. Darcy costume. So, we can, uh, be sure of its quality, uh, workmanship. Yeah, that's it.

9. Steel Magnolias
Some of the best movie lines EVER come from this movie. I could do a post on just this movie alone. A classic, in its own right, for sure. It is one that must be passed down through the generations, just like a favorite old quilt or a set of dishes. I can't wait to share it with my little Hannah someday.

10. Terms of Endearment
Nobody guessed this one, either. This is probably my ALL-TIME-FAVORITE Jack Nicholson moment ever. I like it so much that I had to find the clip for you to watch. It's a little long, so if you are impatient (cough*Daniel*cough), then skip to about 5:19 and watch until 7:00 or so, you will see why I included it here. So very Jack. So unexpected from his character, yet also so befitting. It's my favorite part in the whole movie. Oh, and when you do watch this movie, you will need about eight boxes of Kleenex. I'm just sayin'.

Bonus: Good Will Hunting
A great movie, and an even greater line for the movie to end on. Makes me cry every.single.time. I love it.

Oh, and the random winner of the prize? I put all the numbers in a hat and had my kids pick one out. They picked:

Comment number 24..................GABI

Lucky for you, I already have your address. I will put myself in a box (with chocolate, of course) and be there overnight via FedEx. Please have a large stack of movies waiting.

Thanks for playing!


  1. This was such a great post idea. So many of the lines were familiar, but I couldn't always come up with the movie. Thanks for the fun!

    Love Actually is one of my favorite movies, I LOVE Hugh Grant & my favorite scene is his dancing, of course. But there are so many great actors in this. I have a really hard time recommending it to other people though because of the language, but mostly because of the porn-actor couple. What do you tell people?

  2. I'm ransacking Gabi's house to get you for myself!

  3. Darn, I didn't win! Did I tell you how much I love Bridget Jones' Diary and When Harry Met Sally? You're a girl after my own heart!

  4. Even my husband, the great connoisseur of movies couldn't get me through the list! Although, we stopped watching Rated R movies when we got married, but on your list were movies we DESPARATELY wanted to see. .. .:)He knew the Good Will Hunting one because that was pre-marriage.

  5. Ok this is too funny every one of your movies (even the R ones are my favorites too) with the exception I never saw when Harry met Sally. Though I will rent it soon to catch up. But my faves on your lists are Bridget Jones, Pride and Prejudice, The Usual Suspects, Love Actually and Steel Magnolias. I'm a big Hugh Grant and Colin Firth fan. Wish that I would of looked at you blog the last few days I would of played in a big way.....
    Have a great weekend Christie!

  6. Forgot to mention I finally saw Mama Mia! and loved it! My desire to see it was largely due to your post & recommendation. Thanks, and here's hoping I'll get the DVD for Christmas.

  7. I love ALL those movies. Except, I've never seen Terms of Endearment. Crazy, huh? I did watch the clip though. Does that mean it's ruined for me? Oh, and you gotta love Pride and Prejudice.

    We're very similar, you and I. My R rated friend. Ha ha!

  8. I was a loser and only knew #1. I don't think I should hae admitted that.

  9. I've seen lots of those, but I can't wait to see Usual Suspects after checking out your link. The promised surprise ending is very alluring as well as looking for clues as one of the fans of this flick suggested, especially after watching it the 1st time. I think my hubby will enjoy it, too!

    Between your book & movie suggestions, as well as deliciously sinful recipes, you're making it awfully difficult for me to get things done around the house. I hope you don't mind if I shirk responsibility & blame you! :)

  10. I missed this contest! But I wouldn't have known a lot of these...cause I never saw the movies. So congrats, to the winner.
    I had thought about doing this too, the other day, and I am JUST now reading this whole thing!
    I guess it means we are triplets... our brains work alike, at least! LOL

  11. I have a bunch of movies on my must-see list! How fun!

  12. Oh, sheesh! I love When Harry Met Sally and I canNOT believe I didn't get that one! I even taunted you for not including any quotes! The nerve.

  13. I thought about you tonight when I saw a fantabulous movie.. Please tell me you have seen My Best Friends Wedding, AND The Perfect Husband. They are GREAT Rupert Everett Movies... just great. Also, some great 80's flash backs? All of me with Steve Martin and Mr. Mom. Have you seen those lately? They are WELL worth a watch!

  14. My favorite part of Terms of Endearment was when Shirley McClain lost it and went and screamed at the nurses for pain meds. My friends and I always say..."do I have to go Shirley on you?"
    And Steel Magnolias, one of the best movies EVER. Part of me, a large part, can relate to M'lynn, the overprotective part of her.
    Oh and I am a little bit like Clairee: "Well, you know what they say: if you don't have anything nice to say about anybody, come sit by me!"

  15. Are you SERIOUS!? I can't believe I won. Mail yourself and your kids and your husband and a batch of your brownies and a movie and your running shoes so we can get chased by a tripod dog! I'm going to camp by my mailbox.

    p.s. Forget the kids and husband. I'll mail mine to your house because I'm sure YOUR tv will get the BYU game and ours does not. Go Cougs!

  16. I admit I have seen all of these movies and I love them, too! I haven't watched "Terms" since I had kids of my own, but I did include it in a game of charades once. I still chuckle when I think of my sister trying to get us to guess it.

  17. I'm sure Gabi cheated to win your stupid little contest.

  18. Well...if I couldn't win myself...(not that I deserved to with how few of them I knew) I am so happy it went to the wonderful Gabi!

    I really love movies...I just can't remember much these days...

    sorry? what was I talking about?...

    Thanks for e-mailing me back...I so wish that I lived closer to you, too!

  19. you've been tagged! see my blog for details!

  20. Oh...I KNEW I really like you for a reason!!! Those are most of my favorite movies too. Try "Best in Show"...all time funny!

    By the way, the guy who wrote "As Good As it Gets" lives across the street from my parents. He IS the Jack character and I swear he named the character in the movie after my Spencer.

    Anyway, I LOVE the new ' sassy and VERY flattering.
