I'll tell you what happens.
It began last weekend when a perfect storm presented itself in the form of, "The boys are going to Batman, what should we do tonight?"
In a moment of weakness, I took her to see my new obsession.
And now it has become her new obsession. She spends hours and hours every day, rocking out to the soundtrack from Mamma Mia. The boys come begging and pleading, fingers in their ears, offering to sell their souls if I can only MAKE IT STOP, ALREADY.
But I can't make it stop. (And secretly, I don't want to.)
For she IS the dancing queen.
Young and sweet, [thinks she's] only seventeen...

She can dance, she can jive...
Having the time of her life...
See that girl, watch that scene, digging the dancing queen...
I think it's the perfect payback for their little soldier firing squad. Don't you?
I loved the movie. Keep it up Hannah, it's only fair since the boys gang up on you.
It is absolutely the best payback. Love the shots of that dancing queen!
The boys will be paying HER back in a few years with their loud bass-thumping technorock seeping from their rooms :). Let the music wars begin!
I want to dance and sing right along with Hannah! She looks like she is having so much fun. I had a brother who used to beg my parents to make me stop!
She is a born dancing queen! I think it is fabulous that she enjoyed the movie and loves the music so much! Keep singing! Keep dancing!
Oh my! Isn't revenge sweet??
And she is the most Divine of Divas!
Awesome! Revenge is definitely sweet!
Go get 'em girl!
She is the Dancing Queen!! Oh, I love it! Those pictures make me want to rock out right along with her.
That is so great!
She knows how to rock a pencil microphone, too!
I love, love, love it!
"offering to sell their souls" Bwah hah haah!
Aren't you glad you have a girl? Life would be so "boy" without one..
That is awesome! And GREAT pictures!
I've been itching to go see that movie and seeing that sweet little darling rock it makes me want to take Sirri along. Sirri loves anything musical too and it does make you feel so proud doesn't it?!?!?
Keep on rockin, Hannah. You are too cute.
We had a girls night Monday night and saw this movie. It was FABULOUS! We giggled and sang through the entire thing. So I totally understand Hannah's obsession, as I find myself doing the same moves while folding laundry(though not with her grace, I am sure). The clothes don't end up in the right stacks, but it sure helps to liven things up for me!
Love the pictures! Makes me want to go see Mamma Mia!
I usually have to wait until it comes out on DVD.... :(
Been wanting to take my 7 1/2 yo, but not sure it would be appropriate. Not too much for Hannah?
Great pictures!
That totally takes me back in time to my days of rocking out with a pencil microphone! Go Hannah! I always find myself in different places (like the grocery store) imagining everyone spontaneously breaking into song. Life should be a musical!
Those pictures SO CUTE I'm almost in tears over them!
I was listening to the Mamma Mia soundtrack this weekend and my 7 year old son said, "There are 11 million 600 thousand reasons why I hate this song. It's making my ears bleed."
How do men instinctively know to hate showtunes?
How cute is that! I can't blame her, the songs are great. My girlfriend and I are going to see it this weekend for our monthly movie & cocktail night out. Can't wait!
That was us last week check out my post on the subject!
While I love ABBA, I am ashamed to admit I have not seen Mama Mia. Must rectify situation.
Rock on Hannah, rock on!
SO cute! I love ABBA. I think I will have to introduce my girls to it now. I haven't seen the show yet, but it is on my list.
She's such a cute dancing queen! LOL Nothing wrong with a little ABBA! I say, rock it out baby, rock it out! LOL
My boys-older than your boys, DIE when I play the Momma-Mia Sound track! TURN IT OFF, ENOUGH THEY SHOUT! SO, the age doesn't matter.
And totally she should keep dancing and singing...serves them right!
Cute cute girl. Must put on my to-do list to go see the movie with my 13 year old daughter. That picture of the soldier firing squad is classic! Aren't you so glad you got a shot of it?
Now that is an obsession I'd be totally OK with! Please purchase your child a microphone. They come really pink and sparkly at Libby Lu.
Too cute! I love the pictures :)
And it's definitely appropriate payback!
she looks like she belongs in the movie...the movie was great...it's just so up beat and fun...
Christie, my husband has browsed your blog and agrees that you are my long lost sister. Well, at the very least, my long lost cousin.
Our daughters must meet. I sense they would have much in common.
I am dying to see this movie. Only a couple more weeks though. We're going to see it for girls night. :0)
Awesome pictures!! (And darling model.)
Love, love, love, love, love the pics of your little dancing queen!! I so think this is a PERFECT payback to the soldier fiasco!!
What kind of camera do you have? The pictures that you capture are simply priceless.
After your "Annie" post, I've planned a little GNO down here to hopefully go see Mama Mia & eat sinfully good food! I can't wait!
OH yeah! Perfect payback.
Don't you love having a girl?
I think I would like to jump on the couch and sing with her...that looks fun. And I love ABBA.
This is so cute! These pics will be perfect in a few years when she is on American Idol. ;)
Revenge is sweet.
I want your daughter's hair color. Can I take her to my hair stylist with me?
Absolutely fantastic! You rock it girlfriend!!!
I sooo love Abba. In high school choir, we did that with choreography and it totally rocked.
OK, I thought this post was fab when I first read it...but since then I've seen the movie & I think this post is ULTRA FAB!!!
Go Dancin' Queen, go!!!
Oh my gosh...She IS the dancing queen!
Love it.
Judging by these photos...you have your hands full!!!
I am playing catch up on my reader that is bursting at the seams.
How did you write this many posts in a week?
I think everyone did!
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