Holding her tiny hand, I look down to see her clutching the doll tightly to her chest. Her skin is soft, and her fingers, entwined in mine, give a slight squeeze. I smile inside when the tiny bunnies painted on her nails catch my eye.
I say a silent prayer of thanks for someone up above who knew that I needed to girl up my life by having her in it.
Before she came, nobody wore pink. I was the only one who ever listened to Broadway show tunes. And the tears that fall inevitably during movies like Charlotte's Web? Until she came, they were mine alone.
Now, it is her cheeks that I wipe tenderly at the movie theater. It is our shared conspiracy when we pick musicals for family movie nights, knowing those boys of ours won't like it one bit. It is her eye that catches mine and smiles when we see them squirm. We're a team now, she and I.
It is she, this tough little chica, who still likes to climb in for a snuggle with her mama at three in the morning. She, who mocks me for eating the same thing every day for lunch, but yet turns and does it herself.
And sometimes, when looking at her, I feel as though I am looking into a mirror. But then at in a flash, she is off, and it makes me sigh in wonder at this unique person that is all her own.
She is baby and princess, teenage-wannabe and wise sage, all rolled into one. She is delicate and tender, but still not afraid to climb trees with the boys. She knows what she wants, and is impatiently waiting for life to deliver it. She's my very own spice girl.
And I wouldn't trade her for the world.
HOW incredibly sweet about your baby girl!
I had three of them before I had any boys. Heavenly Father KNEW to send them to me first! Cause if I had the boys first, there may not have been any boys!
We're both loving our girls this week! But you're so much better at putting it into words than me.
Can I just copy this and insert "Isabel?" j/k
That was so tender. I have two darling boys, but that was the first time I think I might want a girl, too.
So sweet Christie...both the thoughts and the picture.
I love this!
So sweet!
I am with the other Wendi... May I just copy this and insert "Claire"?
But I do agree... in a house full of boys it is nice to have some estrogen on your side!
beautifully written. she will treasure this when you are dead and gone.
did that ruin the sentiment? it was meant to be tender, came off more as morbid.
That was so well written...
She is beautiful!
This is exactly how I feel about my little girl. There was too much blue and not enough froo froo around here before she came along. We are best friends, me and her. Loved your post. :0)
You understand how happy I am to finally be getting a girl, someone to stand with me against all the men our lives.
That was a wonderful post. Just as beautiful as your daughter. I put my one and only (she came in the middle of my two boys) on the bus to go off to girl's camp. She didn't know a soul. It was chaos. And she looked like she was going to cry. But she makes friends easily, and I will be praying constantly that she feels comfortable, makes friends, and has the best time.
SHE is just like her mama :) (except maybe she brought you into the pink). That face! And those sweet freckles.
Let's hear it for the coalition voting and someone to cry with. Someday we'll take a mother/daughter NYC musical trip.
I love your darling girl! Please tell me my Mary will nice up some day.
Christie-- your comment on my blog totally and completely made my day, my week, maybe my summer. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
God must truly love all of his children. Because for him to bless even you, with such a sweet girl, is beyond me.
So beautifully written. What a lucky little girl! You have so much to look forward to, and yet you enjoy the present moment.
Oh, there's nothing like a little girl! And, Hannah is one of the cutest! You are such a good writer...I love reading your blogs!
What a beautiful post, this made my day much brighter. Weird to say that about such an emotional post to you, but I have been having an emotional week so far, and this made me actually smile inside, so thanks!
I came here for a good laugh & got tears in my eyes instead! I feel so lucky to have a girl after my three boys...and this just reminded me of that!!
Your princess is an absolute angel!
That was so sweet and well written. It made me picture my girls while I read it.
I know I am all hormonal and stuff, but that totally made me cry! Not fair. It's just that I felt the same way all week as I am trying to potty-train my baby! Because she is no longer a baby, though she will always be my baby. Good thoughts.
Very sweet! :)
~ Sarah
What an amazing, delicate, soulful description of your little girl. I'm the mom of three... one son, and two girls, and the little ladies of the house are wreaking havoc with me lately. I think I was meant to read this tonight. It pulled me back into a wonderful reality, and helped me to remember just how wonderful my girls are. Thanks so much for that.
Okay, this gets me excited for my upcoming little girl. I need it because most of the time knowing I will have a girl in the house (excluding myself) FREAKS me out.
Darling... I love that she is your very own spice girl...
Hannah Spice.
that is very darling! it is good to have some "girl" in your life! lucky me, i have 3! haha!
I have a spice girl too. We have the same family...two boys, then a princess. They do know how to shake things up.
I'm currently outnumbered and thought I could handle it but your beautiful post has me reconsidering. She's beautiful!!
I know, I know. I am missing out. Way to rub it in! She is so cute with her little freckles. I love how you appreciate your kids. Good example for me. :) Miss ya!
I think she will treasure this entry about her ALWAYS. I hope my baby girl grows up and likes the same things I like too! That must be so much fun for you. She's a doll.
That was perfectly written for that perfect little princess!! She is adorable, I feel the same way about my daughters.
She is beautiful and so is your post. Thanks for putting into words the way we all feel. I loved it.
The other night while Daddy was gone, we had a toe nail painting party. I was feeling the same feelings... I love my girls! But you word things SO much better than I! Thank you!
You have such a cute partner in crime!!!
Oh, Christie...
That was so, so, so, so beautiful. You are truly a gifted writer. I love that you and she are team.
Seriously...so sweet and beautifully written...just as sweet and beautiful as your Hannah. :)
My Rebekah & I are so much alike, sometimes to the point of butting heads! They are so precious. I LOVE it when we're going somewhere, & she grabs my hand. It's especially sweet when I know she's nervous or anxious & she's doing it for reassurance. It kind of reaffirms that even though she acts like she's 8 going on 20, she still needs me!
Very beautifully written, Christie! Thanks for sharing!
She will treasure this and you need to print it out to read over and over when she is 17.
Trust me on this.
I see a lot of Josh in that profile--she is a sweet little girl. I'm afraid I might not ever get a team of my own. I"ll just have to come visit you and Hannah for some girly-painting toes-watching musical-time.
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