About 12 hours from right now, I will be picking her up from the airport.
I really cannot wait.
I have been in pre-visitor house cleaning mode all day, and I think it is time I staged my own intervention. I need to step away from the mop, duster, vacuum, and Febreeze. Annie knows me, Annie loves me, Annie has seen my real life.
And, truth be told, I think she might like me a little more if she were to walk in and actually find my house a mess.
I wish I could do it, but I just can't.
With her on this visit comes Sam, the long-missing third musketeer to my two boys.
They are beyond excited.
The only one unhappy about this current situation is Hannah, who is pouting because Annie's two girls are not coming along, as they stayed behind for girl's camp. The concept that Annie's daughter's have lives of their own is totally lost on Hannah. I mean, Hannah, who spends a good deal of every day acting as though she were 15, cannot comprehend why real 15-year-old girls have better things to do than play dress up and listen to High School Musical.
I know, right?
Anyway, we are so excited for these friends to visit. And there is nothing like having a few house guests to
Top of that completed list? The Husband finally replaced the baseboards that were missing after we removed some hideous built-ins. You know, when we moved in OVER A YEAR AGO (not that I've nagged him about it or anything).
And after about 186 trips to Home Depot, we also finished our basement wainscoting project (which I'll post photos of soon).
What I will spare you from, however, are the photos of my boys walking around Home Depot with toilet seats on their heads while laughing maniacally.
Because some things are just too disturbing.
See you soon, Annie and Sam!
What IS it about Home Depot that makes you have to go there over, and over... They must have some sort of mind control where they erase your memory of what you came to get so that you HAVE to come back.
Or... I just can't remember stuff--or I measure wrong.
Let's go with the mind control thing... :)
I'm totally excited FOR you. There's nothing like good friends and good company for your children so they don't distract you from your good friends. And I love wainscoating. I'd do my whole house in it. Seriously.
Home Depot reminds me of my poor sister who gets sent there for her husband's errands. We call them 'Darin Errands' because they are THAT horrible and always involve finding some screw that isn't made anymore or having some horrible piece of tube or wire cut to a certain size... all while dealing with her four children in tow and no AC in her car.
Sorry... that was totally off the subject.
Back to you! Hope you have a great time!
The thing about Home Depot is everything is so hard to find that it's easier to leave without everything on your list than search for hours. At least for me. I completely agree with you Shally! I love the toliet seats on the head. I personally would have found that hilarious, not disturbing, although taking their picture would have encouraged them to probably do even scarier things! Oh wait, you did take their pictures. Really you should post them. Have fun with Annie!
ooohh Fun! I might get to hang out with your Gab!
So excited to see the wainscoting! And beside myself with jealousy that you and Annie will be enjoying some nice time together--have fun! I have been thinking about Chase a lot lately as every time my boys wash their hands they remind each other "Don't waste the water for the frogs!" And one more thing, I'm with Annie--although I truly adore you I think I would like you a little more if I saw your house the least bit messy. Can you do it please, just for a couple hours, for me?!
I am so glad you got some projects done around the house :) Perhaps, I should have Annie come visit me ;) I need some motivation...
Sorry, to little Hannah...she is more than welcome to come to my house...I will brush her hair and let her listen to all of the High School Musical her heart desires!
I can totally envision your sons walking around Home Depot with toilet seats on their heads...I can even hear the maniacal laughter...because that is something my boys would totally do.
Hey! Thats not fair! I want to visit too. Do you two know each other besides blogging-I haven't made all the connections yet. We no longer announce to the kids when we are going to Home Depot because we love pulling up to the big orange monster and hearing them scream in horror! Have a great visit!!!
LOVE that kind of motivation.
And personally, I wouldn't be disturbed by the boys and toilet seats.
I am so jealous!! I wanna come, I wanna come. Have a fabulous time! I expect lots of pictures.
Is it pathetic that I could(but won't) answer calibosmom on how you and Annie know each other? I am such a stalker!
It goes without saying that I would love to be there with you. Have a wonderful visit!
What is it with pre-guest cleaning? I seriously feel like I have to scrub EVERYTHING even when it's just my parents. We've lived in our house for over a year and a half and still have LOTS of unfinished projects...so I'd say you're doing pretty darn good!
PLEASE post pics of the boys with toilet seats on their heads! It would make me feel like my 5 yr. old is more normal, not to mention possibly what the future holds for us moms of little boys...oh, the joys!
Have a super visit! Sounds like lots of fun. You are welcome to come to my home anytime you have nothing left to clean, or if you just want new (different) stuff to clean!! :)
I know how you feel! Why do we clean when it's just going to get dirty after the visit?
Have a great time with Annie!
Nothing like having house guests to motivate you into getting things done that needed to be done!
Glad to her that DH even helped out a little as well! Never hurts to remind them either! :-)
Enjoy your visit! I'm visualizing your Home Deopt experience and giggling. A lot.
Sounds like lots of fun.
Though you may need to rest up a bit.
Can Annie and Sam come visit me?
I need a little motivation and Chad needs to finish up some projects.
Have a great visit!
Nothing like good friends and fun visits! I'm excited for you. Have fun!
Hooray! I love pictures of people's houses. Oh, and hooray for a super fun visitor who brings friends for the kids. Have fun!
Oh, C. Sorry for the work!
But I can report to all that everything looks beautiful. Christy's a lovely hostess (hello! basket of goodies at the foot of my bed!).
Although I may have to leave my towel on the floor or something to mess things up a bit :).
oh the envy. the jealousy. the coveting of your time together. is it a sin?
please post pictures. it's almost as good as the beefcake pinup calendar for me.
Now, you know we really do want to see your boys walking around Home Depot, toilet seat and all. Sounds like something Andy and I would have done...or we probably did do at some point. "My baby's on fire..."
I just had to say your comment on Paige's recycling post made me laugh so hard... That was hilarious....PS- I will think about buying Abby that pony.. Sheesh.. we stink. But hey, she did get $5 last night!!!
Oh and Gabi is coming to my house tomorrow! YIPEE!
Have a good time! Hopefully you won't be too worn out from the pre visit cleaning.
Have a good time! Hopefully you won't be too worn out from the pre visit cleaning.
One of the most sincere compliments I ever received was from my sister in law who sang my praises because my house was NOT immaculate when she and her family came to visit. Keep it real love. People enjoy that.
Although, for YOU, real is sparkling clean. So I guess you ARE keeping it real, aren't you. :)
I know well the cleaning frenzy that comes on prior to a visit, but it is great to have a good friends to come and stay.
And one visit to the home depot is never enough. 186 visits is much more like it.
I think it's nice to have such a host that will make sure everything is just right for the visit. I bet that makes her feel really special... Good job cleaning and yes, guest visits really do make ya finish the projects, for sure. Have so much fun!
I hear you on the cleaning and finishing up of projects--we're the same way over here.
~ Sarah
I'm in cleaning mode BIG TIME, gotta impress the future in-laws! I even went to Lowes today and bought two new toilet seats. Great minds...
Have fun!
How fun to have a friend who is also a blogger! I swear, all my friends think I am a freak for blogging.
And yet they are all my most devoted lurkers. Go figure....
can't wait to read about all the fun you guys are having. Girl time-is there anything better?
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