Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Why husbands should not be in charge of matters relating to hair

Remember this from last year?

Apparently, it has become a tradition.

Quite without my consent.

Here is what my darling boy looked like before the Husband took him for a haircut today:
And here is what he looks like now:

There are just no words (except words with four letters in them, and I vowed to stop saying those out loud).

Welcome to my world, internets.


  1. Have fun at church! You like your family to sit up in the front, right?

  2. Mmm. Don't let Josh take Hannah in for her trim :). Chase *is* looking faintly...um...how shall I say...skinheadish, no?

  3. Oh boy...

    Gel your hair up in a mohawk and follow him around everywhere until he feels really stupid and will never do it again.

  4. So what now? Do you have to finish it off or...do you let it go??? My guess: you won't let it go.

    Mohawk or not, ...handsome boy.

  5. If he still has that mohawk in 13 years when he comes to propose to one of my daughters, I don't know if I can say yes simply because I want to be related to you. I might have to think twice.

  6. Yeah, I agree... it's a good thing your son is a good looking kid - or else he'd never be able to pull off that look! Good luck with that... ;)

  7. I like Shally's idea. Chase is quite a handsome guy. But seriously, will he wear it like that to school and church? You should add glitter gel :)

  8. Do you watch American Idol? He just needs to color it red like Fantasia's hair last week...yikes!

  9. Three Questions:

    1. Do you own a pair of clippers?

    2. Do you know how to use them?

    3. When does your husband go to sleep?

  10. He's very fashionable for around here. Come visit and you will fit right in. :)

  11. Cut your husbands hair the same way. You can do it. That is the same reason my husband is NEVER in charge of getting the kids dressed in the morning.

  12. OK. My question is this. I know Josh. Really. How long can he let Chase have that?

  13. Earring next. Then tattoos. At least you'll have someone to blame.

  14. I'm finally commenting :) I would kill my husband! Don't they know that our children are a reflection of us, their mothers!!!

  15. I'm loving his HUGE SMILE! You tell he thinks his hair is tough (that's an allusion to The Outsiders, by the way).

    Hmmmm. Drawing parallels between your darling & Ponyboy...maybe not such a good thing.

  16. Someone is sleeping on the couch tonight!

  17. Oops. That is what you get for posting about it.. because then he gets attention... and thinks it is funny... and thinks it will be funny if he doesn it again... and so he does it again... because he thinks it is funny... (At least that is how my husband works)

  18. And so you like having him home, huh?

  19. His smile totally gives him away. The tough guy is a sweetheart.

  20. gavin would be soo jealous. he really misses having his "triangle" hair. on several occasions he has tried to put goop in his hair, but a buzz just isn't quite long enough for the "triangle" look.

  21. The Boy sported a "faux-hawk" for a short time last year. I'm not sure how I'd feel about the real thing. At least with the faux we could comb it down for church and special occasions.

    Eh, he's young and he's cute... he can pull it off with class.

  22. It's almost summer Mom, no big deal!
    (And I can totally say that because it is not my son.)

  23. My hubby would have been in SO much trouble. Seriously.

  24. My hubby would have been in SO much trouble. Seriously.

  25. Clearly he is THRILLED.

    So how long before you take the clippers to it??

  26. Hahaha! Josh is living vicariously....

  27. I LOVED Wendi's comment here...by the way, when does The Husband go to sleep and is he a DEEP sleeper?

  28. My 5 year old always wants a mohawk. Gasp! I let him. Though it not as tall as your son's but he thinks it's cool and so does just about everyone that he meets.
    He goes back and forth with what he wants, right now it's just a buzz cut.

  29. I think it's awesome. You can't go wrong with a mohawk, and when it gets longer he can trim it up into a nice faux-hawk. I don't think he's doing it for the attention, he's doing it for the girls...and maybe not the girls back in MO, but for sure the girls out here in Provo would love it.

  30. i LOVE it!! i think it looks awesome. and it made him open-mouth smile. he reminds me of my oldest... at the "in between teeth" phase, and never smiles with his mouth open. so when he does, you know he's truly happy. so love it for what it is.

  31. I do believe it is a bit shorter than his last one...what do you think? I agree that his tough guy image is spoiled by that great smile of his! Kids! (Or should I say...Husbands!)

  32. No he didn't. Whoa! Yes he did. Well, Chase looks happy about it. He still looks handsome! But, tell the Husband about the meeting in the woodshed. Don't be late.

  33. I was amazed how the mohawk held up under a bicycle helmet! Very impressive! Anyway you slice it, or cut it for that matter, he's still adorable!

  34. Do you still have a husband? I'm thinking there's gonna be no "thank you room" for a job well done.
    Oh my. Don't want to gloat, but MY husband KNOWS better.

  35. Oh, I'd be so mad but he looks so cute (or should I say 'rockin'?) with it that I like it!

  36. in our family it was always a buzz that tom would give the kids...they always begged for a mohawk...

  37. So yes, don't let husbands do hair. Ben has been begging me to get Kate's hair cut, and I won't let him touch it. Based on my own experience. Dad and hair is just a little warping. Case in point - the last time my dad was in charge of my hair, I was around 11, and he decided my bangs were too long. So he cut them with the electric razor. He wet down the hair, and cut them where he thought would be nice. He neglected two things though. First, hair always draws up once it's not wet anymore, so they were way too short. Also, he forgot that there were eyebrows under there as well. Down south, it's okay to have a flat top, but not okay to apply that to your brows. Mom made him vow never to do it again, and thus hair is a privilege that Ben will never have, sadly for him. You are brave though! Good luck!

  38. I'm lovin' it but then again its not my kid.

  39. Do you know a good barber who can fix it? My husband is a barber! I would not let him(my husband) sleep in the bed with me if he did this to one of our boys!
    Where were you when this was going on? :-)
    At least it grows out! :-)

  40. Good thing hair grows. At least it was Chase and not your daughter!

  41. No words to say what I am thinking. Actually what was Josh thinking?

  42. Kohl saw this picture and is now begging for his own mow hawk!

  43. 1st: Where is your brother's comment? Or did Chase's hair leave him speechless??

    2nd: It IS cute, but oh, I don't know what I would do. I hope you haven't hurt anyone, say Josh??

  44. I would HURT my husband (my name isn't Lorena for nothing!)

    Really, really? I can't believe it! I say you grab the clippers at night while he is sleeping...I won't tell!

  45. Now i realize this was when school shut for the summer! Thank God!
