Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A letter to my government

Dearest Federal Government:

Today, on the day in which you see the need to take half of my soul in taxes, I would like to make a plea.

If you must steal 35 percent of my husband's hard-earned money, can you please not spend it on wasteful things, as you have in the past? You know, like when you spent $13 million to help fund the World Toilet Summit in Ireland?

Oh, yes they did.

And you think that's the least offensive thing? Take a look at this.

Don't even ask me to pretend to understand it.

I ask you, good sirs, to take my money and do something good with it. Like fixing health care. Or making our schools safe, productive environments of learning.

Those kinds of things I get, and will unclasp this fist from my dollars a little less begrudgingly for.

Much obliged,



  1. Not much to say here except...


    And I think that if they can't comply with our wishes, we should get our money back. I'd gladly give my share to my son's elementary. They could put that money to some good use! :0)

  2. Taxes are a sore subject with me. I don't like to think about them, really. That just makes it worse...that pork article. :<

  3. Not that it is any consolation, but it is the same everywhere else, too. And it sucks just as much, sadly.

    Though, I suppose, at least we have health care. I hope you will soon, too.


  4. Cute blog! It will be lovely to meet you in a few weeks! So fun!

    I agree, there are SOOO many better things for the government to spend our tax money on!!

  5. Thank you for writing that letter for me, I can cross letter writing to the federal govt. today. Can you just put about 100 dittos "" for all the people that are going to read this today?

    We did get a small tax refund this year, I love my new cooktop and convection oven!! First time ever for a refund because we have always been self employed. So I guess I have to temper my complaining.

  6. oh stie. you are a gas! "please use our money for something good." that is rich! just rich! i can't stop laughing. i'm sure the good sirs are also in stitches.

    appropriate government spending. good one.

    no, seriously. i'm still laughing.

  7. Boy that's putting things in perspective. Good post.

  8. What's wrong with PORK??

    Oh, that kind of pork!

    Stie FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!

  9. Can we just all sign that letter and have you mail it in? Or better yet, have Chase do it. He actually gets responses.

  10. Love your letter! Thanks for stopping by, I can't wait to meet you too. I have a love/hate relationship with April 15th. Love, That day tax season is finally over (yay) but, Hate that we always end up owing money! (My husband is an accountant)

  11. Yes, I can certainly think of a different way I'd pick to have the money spent. Alas, the president never asks for my opinion, either.

  12. you said it. and Pig Book??? what?

  13. I am glad you wrote this post. It has helped me laugh and relieve some of the pain that ensued after I e-filed my stinkin payment today. Today my baby turned 4 and today, I am BROKE!!!

  14. Like danandcindy said, The Lord can run his kingdom on 10%. What's wrong with our elected leaders?

  15. Informative and funny! Thank you...I will go to bed with a smile on my face. Happy tax day.

  16. You said it better than I ever could.

    I am hoping they hear you. I can't believe your plea would fall on deaf ears...that would just be inconceivable!

  17. taxes suck! it wouldn't be so bad if the government used it for something actually beneficial!

  18. Oh, oh, I know. For something good...how about they start subsidising both the family gasoline and grocery budgets. Yikes! Those price increases are killer!

    Very cute letter. No point in sending it. It'd only be tied up in red tape for a century anyway.

  19. Ronald Reagan said:
    "The scariest words are:
    I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

  20. Preach on sista! I hope they read your blog.

  21. Great letter! The sad thing is that we all agree with it! Don't you ever wonder who comes up with the ideas for summit meetings? World Toilet Summit??!!

  22. I didn't dare click on the links because it would ruin my day. Being self employed we hand over A LOT to the "Big Spenders". April 15th is not our favorite day. Stie for President!

  23. I'm so confused about the pig book. I didn't even try to understand it.
    And I agree with this ALL THE WAY!!!!

    Can we write your name in for president on the ballot?
