And have some of you ever heard of the little play they call, "Grease?"
[Only like my favorite show EVER.]
Well, thanks to a Garden Swap that I participated in, I got a little package in the mail from an actual, real-live star on Broadway.
I feel very famous now.
And very special.
Miss Natalie Hill, currently starring in Grease on Broadway, was my swap partner. How I got so lucky, I will never know. She sent me the coolest package in the mail, and it was full of beautiful treasures.
A springtime mix CD with happy-go-lucky songs that I love, a book (that I have not read yet, Miss N., but am very excited to), a gorgeous card, and an egg plant [a real plant that will grow in an egg shell. It's very cool.] Hannah wanted to adopt the egg as her own, but I am only allowing her to look at it occasionally, lest I find a pile of dirt and broken egg shells in her doll house and her baffled look that says, "What, I didn't do it?"
So this will become my closest brush with fame (unless you count that time I saw Air Force One and got stuck waiting on the runway until it landed and de-planed the First Lady. Which I don't count as anything but annoying).
I love everything, Natalie. Thank you so much!

In other news, my blogging may be sporadic for a few days. I'm headed out to spend some time with my sistas-in-law, Gabi, Marta, Oma, and Heidi (who does not yet blog but is still beautiful and funny anyway). We'll be in the Big Apple for a few days without our husbands or kidlets. I wish we were seeing Natalie on stage, but we'll be catching this show instead. Looks to be a great weekend.
Now I just have to finish the laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, lists for the Husband, and packing.
See you next week, interpeeps.
Don't have too much fun without me.
i'm sorry, but your brush with fame isn't really all that famous. i mean, don't get me wrong, i'm thrilled for your happiness, etc. but fame? that's a bit of a stretch.
anyway. have a great time in NY. one of my favorite cities. get yourself a dose of east coast living. eat some good pizza for me.
How fun to get a broadway package and a trip to Broadway all in the same week.
I took your advice and stopped my prep work. You will be sleeping with the twins and eating Lucky Charms. Can't wait!
I just found you via Bye Bye Pie - and wanted to let you know that I am reading Eat, Pray, Love right now and I LOVE it. You will not want to put it down!
I think I saw that book on Oprah. I forgot that I wanted to read it until I saw it on your blog. Let us know how it is. I also love that you've categorized your previous smart!
First of all, I think it's more appropriate to say don't YOU have too much fun without ME. Since I'm used to being your NYC companion and all :).
Have a fabulous time! Chicago and NYC in one week! Are you sure you don't want to throw Boston in there somewhere?
I hope you have a great trip!
I'd love to see Grease on broadway.
Have a great time!!
And waaaaay cool about the swap :)
Okay, next time you do a swap, I want to always come away with the funnest, coolest things! By the way, Grease is my all time FAVORITE musical EVER as well. Have fun in NY!
I am really excited for your trip and of course, your package from a REAL LIVE STAR! That is so fabulous!
I love that you are going to NYC at this time of year...not too hot, not too cold, not too "touristy" a word?
Have FUN!
I will be coveting your trip, er, I mean thinking of you.
Is there room for me to stowaway in your suitcase? A little weekend jaunt to NYC sounds FAB and you will be in delightful company. Can't wait to hear about it.
Be safe & have too much fun!
Have a wonderful trip!!!
Have a great time in the Big Apple!
We can't wait to hear all about it!
Have fun in New York. Get some good skyscraper pics!
That looked like a great package from your brush with fame.
You remind me that I need more vacations. Have fun! Can't wait to see the pics afterward.
Hi, I've been peeking in at your cute blog the past few days and I had to comment. Natalie Hill is my first cousin and she is awesome! That is about as close as I have come to fame also:)
Have a great time in NYC! I wish you were seeing Grease.
I want to be in a swap! They look like such fun.
Did you change your look? I like it!
So jealous of your fun little getaway you're going on! Can't wait to hear how much fun you have. :0)
Have a great time in NYC...I hope you get get a very expensive hair cut and tell me all about it!
I'm so jealous - but you deserve the time away from home to pamper yourself and be a real person (as opposed to a fake one???? - as opposed to a mom!) And remember - you can get free stuff every day on WEBKINZ!!!! :)
Have a great trip friend!
What a cool package! Have a great time in NYC. Whoo Hoo! Time with out the kiddos how exciting. ;)
i cant believe for one second you're going to be in the city and not seeing grease!!! i've been rizzo for the slast two perfs and it looks like i may be r (as opposed to cha cha) for the rest of the week! at least stop by the stage door and say hi or meet me for bloomies fro yo!!
either way, have a great trip! i'm SOO glad you havent read eat pray love...... such a treasure. let me know what you think!
Have so much fun, christie! Awesome that you get along so well with your sis-in-laws. (since the lack of sisters, and all). My get-away is just around the corner a few years. :)
So what is a Garden Swap? That link directed me to her home page. I want to know?!?! What is a garden swap! Sounds delightful. I love getting fun things in the mail. . . that is why I shop on-line. :)
So what is a Garden Swap? That link directed me to her home page. I want to know?!?! What is a garden swap! Sounds delightful. I love getting fun things in the mail. . . that is why I shop on-line. :)
Have a great time. My mom sent the boys some of those eggplants and they've had a great time with them. I wish my reasons for sporadic blogging where as exciting as yours--I'm only organizing closets--blaaah!
That was a really dumb post. But it's good to know that one can still be beautiful and/or funny if they are not blog dorks.
Yeah. That Eat pray love lady was on Oprah twice. The second time she really bothered me so you'll have to let me know how the book is. Have fun in NYC and congrats on your brush with fame. Sometimes when I see the news anchors in the 24th of July parades, I pretend they're celebrities. It makes me feel better.
Congrats on your sounds divine to have that kind of a getaway. One of my sis-in-laws wanted me to go during spring break w/her, but hers is the week after mine...AAUUGGHH!!
Have a wonderful (& safe) trip! There are so many shows I'd love to see.
What's a swap?
What a fun trip! Just Saturday I attended my last photo class taught by Nicole Hill, Natalie's sista! Have a wonderful time on your trip.
have fun in NY - I haven't been back in about 3 years... sigh, a little mad at myself for not making it a priority. A weekend with a show and good friends?! wow.
lucky you.
and the cool package as well?! I want in your circle...
I just have one thing to say:
Love Chorus Line! That was the first Broadway play I ever saw...I hope you had a black and white cookie!!
If Mario Lopez joined the cast, it's gotta be great. If you see him, make sure you call him AC Slater or Slater...nothing else. I hear that child/teen stars love to be called by their characters' names. Maybe next time, he'll be in your swap.
Eat Pray Love just rocks. But during the "eat" part of the book? All you want to do is eat. In Italy.
In fact, one of my friends actually WENT to Italy, after reading the book. And yes, she ate a ton.
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