We are back.
Sigh. There is just nothing like a weekend in New York (or Yew Nork, as my kids like to call it). It is truly my favorite city in the entire world. Had a great time with my sisters-and-mother-in-law. Made some great memories. Ate some truly sinful food. Slept very little.
Some of the highlights were:
- Cold lemon chicken and a black and white polka dot dinner at Gabi's.
- Gabi's choreographed (and costumed) dance number during dinner.
- Heidi's lost luggage saga (never trust anyone named Doogan at the Delta Luggage Counter. He is lying when he says he will wait all night for your lost suitcase).
- Shopping for hours at H&M.
- Giving Marta the "what no one will tell you" speech about child birth at 2 a.m. (and hoping she's now not too terrified to deliver baby Bruce).
- Never getting more than four hours of sleep at a time.
- The Dali Lama cab driver waxing philosophical on gay men and people that need medication in the city (like himself, maybe? Nah).
- Burgers at the Burger Joint in Le Parker Meridian.
- H&M some more.
- Books of Wonder and the Cupcake Bakery inside.
- Talking Oma into returning the $500 worth of exfoliation skin care products she didn't need from Bloomies.
- Laughing at the giant bra Gabi did buy at Bloomies.
- Pashminas on the street.
- Oma's crinkling cookie wrappers during the middle of A Chorus Line.
- More H&M (because clearly, if you don't buy everything in the store the first and second time, then a third trip is in order).
- Sweet potato fries with maple syrup dipping sauce.
- Dinner at Carnegie Deli at 10 p.m., where the sandwiches were the size of our heads.
- Getting dessert after eating sandwiches the size of our heads at 10 p.m.
- Running for the train at Penn Station and hoping Oma doesn't have a heart attack.
- Laughing until we cried.
- Crying until we laughed.
- Having fun, being together, and returning home safe and happy to our families (although some were still without luggage).
Thanks for the memories, girls. It was great to pretend to have sisters for a few days. Let's do it again soon.
Oh, and nothing says 'welcome home, mom' like a child vomiting in the car on the way home from the airport. Remember my last trip to New York when I came home to a vomiting child?
Why can't they throw up on the husband's watch? WHY?!
I'm jealous!! My sis and I went to NYC in spring of 2005 after both of us having babies in November & December of 2004. It was an absolute blast. We did so much in so little time. Broadway show, dining outdoors to people watch, staying up late, eating too much, walking too much (across the Brooklyn Bridge for pizza...Grimaldi's!!), shopping, shopping and more shopping. Glad you had a good trip.
Sounds like you girls rocked the city! H&M...heh, my favourite store for my boys. I know it well.
I'm glad you had a great time, but hope you were kidding when it comes to another sick child?!
Happy to have you back! :)
What fun! I missed you while you were gone! Will you take me to NY some day - you sound like you've got it all figured out and I need someone like you to take me.
So, I think dad isn't taking care of them very good...could it be he's not as perfect as I seem to think? I think that is why they keep throwing up. Too much candy? Too much fried food? POISON????
I think I'm on to something here.... :)
Welcome Home friend!
That was a really dumb post.
What the heck is H&M? Is that some kinky thing that you re into?
Sounds fun, all except for the throw up, that is. :0 Good job on the get-away!
Sounds like you painted the town a nice shade of red! Welcome back, sorry about the vomit, and I'm so glad to be able to read your posts again!
I'm sure the whole time you were thinking, *it's just not the same without Annie* but didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings :).
Welcome back! Sounds like a blast! Hopefully, one day I will get to visit NY...it sounds divine.
The stomach bug is going around down South as well, not to mention all the allergies & respiratory junk caused by all the pollen! That's the price we pay for 80 degree weather in the spring.
Yeah, what's H&M?? I'm sheltered...we shop at Dillard's, Belk's, the usual "mall" stores.
I'm so jealous! A girl's weekend away? Sounds like just the ticket. What a fun tradition for you.
So sorry to hear about all the vomit. I hope it doesn't stay around for long.
Sorry, about the vomit...both times...
The trip sounds fabulous...I want to laugh till I cry and cry till I laugh with my blog sisters!
I also really enjoy eating sandwiches and desserts as big as my head ;)
Welcome home...once again, sorry about the vomit...that has got to make re-entry even harder...
sounds like you may be in need of some of the special barf bags i sent paige.
i love that you guys had such a blast! you told it so well, you made me feel excited like i had been there too.
now i'm going to have to go say the same thing on gab's blog. hopefully minus the barf bag part.
Welcome back! I have missed you and your side splitting stories. I am glad you, my daily ab workout, are back.
I am so happy you had a great time in NY! Yay for "girls only" trips. There is nothing like them.
I left you a bit of homework at my blog... and yes, you made it in time..my contest ends tonight! Good luck!
I am glad you had a good time. It is fun to see all of you together.
I didn't know H&M's existed in the US....I thought they were just in Europe. I might need to go to Yew Nork just for the shopping. And I hate shopping. But I LOVE H&M!
Nothing says "welcome home" like a sick child, right? Maybe next time you should extend your trip a bit longer.
On the flight home I read that H & M gets new deliveries every single day, and that the stores don't all get the same stuff. So it IS true that you need to go into every store, every day!
I think the picture of me in the train demonstrates that I should have kept the beauty products. (And I can't wait to surprise you some day with my Stie photo of choice!) Did you use photo shop to give me a double chin???
I feel so hillbilly-esque since I have no idea what H&M is--but it sounds like I MUST find out and experience it some day.
LOVE, love, love the shadow picture in NY!
So glad you had such fun with The Sistas!
My response:
1--what do you mean adopted for a weekend? it's eternity for you, babe.
2--H&M stands for Hannah Montana, according to Emmie
3--did you hear M&M&H lost their luggage on the way home because i got them to the airport so late?
4--i said NO PHOTOS of the dance number...revenge is mine
5--who puked? lukey has been looking green and whining all day so i am completely expecting it.
6--love you! thanks for coming and adding your sparkle!
Wow! I almost got tired just reading about the late nights and fun. Do you need another sister? Yew Nork has to be done with girlfriends, there's no other way to do it.
Nothing beats new york with the girls!! I'm taking the kids there for a day in Saturday, but I don't think shopping in H&M will work for them!
Carnegie deli....YUM. Sounds like a fabulous time. Great to have you back posting though. Bummer about the vomit again. The New York Gods must be telling you not to leave so soon.
That sounds like a blast. I love H&M! You need to show us what you bought.
Did you get a video of the dance number?
My sister's are a little (alot) more sedate than yours obviously are, we will all quietly get tans on that lake in Texas.
But I love em anyway. I have been waiting with baited breath for the write-up!!!
I'll take vomiting just for a trip to New York, and one with good family and friends? You can vomit on me as long as I still get to go!
Sounds like a blast.
Nothing like puke to bring you back to reality!
what a great time in the city! ahh! i'm so jealous. everything about it sounds like a dream!
what a great time in the city! ahh! i'm so jealous. everything about it sounds like a dream!
I love H&M. *SIGH*!!
Wish I had one. *Sigh*!!
Fun! Fun! Has it been a year since your last trip? Have I really been following your blog that long? Glad you made it home safely. Nothing like a sick child to greet you :)
Glad you all had such a great time together...they sound like cool ladies!
Nothing says the trip is over like jumping back in to being the vomit-cleaner-upper.
I have never been to NY, but I will! Hopefully! :0) Your trip sounds fabulous and I am truly jealous. To be able to go on a Girl Trip like that and just giggle and be girls would be priceless. Lucky you!
Sorry about the pukey kid though. :0(
souonds like a fantastic time...and you know...paybacks a B....
Sounds like so much fun! Just the laughing til you cry and crying til you laugh is worth the trip. I'm hoping to get to N.Y. soon. I'll have to ask you more about H&M.
Sounds like it was so much fun! I love H&M, good job on returning the skincare, and I agree with the "why oh why do they have to save the vomit for us" sentiment.
It's pretty weird that all of you friends are into H&M. That's really strange.
hooray, hooray for the sista trip. i laughed out loud reading about the crinkling cookie wrappers and the sandwiches as big as our heads. good thing we shared! thanks for everything, stie. will be calling you in a few months for some fiber.
That sounds like so much fun!! My family could definitely benefit from a girl's weekend or something! We're in NEED!!!
Did your sister-in-law get her luggage ever?
Sounds like you and your sistas had a fantastic time. What I wouldn't give to see Gabi's song and dance!
I made the picture nice and big so I could inspect it and see what to wear next month.
I'm thinking polka dots.
Looks like an awesome trip. We hae HM here if you ever need another outing...
I don't know what else to do to get into your family- I thought the butt crack calendar was a for sure in. But alas, I was left out of this sisters weekend.
Really- HOW FUN! I was dying to hear how it all went down.
And can you please train your children to stop with the welcome home puke. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT? I thought you'd trained them to be more polite than that.
I'm so glad you had fun!! I love NYC too! I love H&M and am mad that we don't have it. NYC and L.A. have it why not us? They would surly make lots of cash from us wanna-be new yorkers! You didn't mention Canal St. Did you go? Did you get a new purse, rolex and some tiffany??? Or how about a DVD of a movie playing in the theater right now? That's always a favorite!
Sounds like a great trip! I'm jealous! And I know what you mean - my daughter only ever pukes up on me, never my husband. And he tells me not to freak out over it...grrr.
Welcome back!(a little late) Eating on the street is fab, and the rest of our activities sound downright wonderful. Sorry you had to come home to sick! Nasty business!
The memories are so great! What a great weekend with you, Stie! I'm sorry I was the H&M freak... you didn't really want to shop anywhere else, did you? You were a great roomie, I'll spoon with you anytime.
Don't you just LOVE H&M??
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