Why the non-Halloween-candy-induced-mania, you ask?
Because we were supposed to get 6 to 10 inches of snow yesterday.
And every child within ten miles of our city was fervently praying for a snow day.
My three became fast believers; born-again Snow Dayers. They decided to adopt any and all good luck charms they heard throughout the day. They believed in any theory that anyone said would guarantee no school. Joined all the religions, so to speak. In covering all their bases, they did some very strange rituals last night.
For instance, each of my children went to bed with a spoon under their pillow:

They slept with their pajamas inside out and backwards:

And just to make sure, they even resorted to a little bit of this:
no way!!! wow, a great object lesson in the power of prayer.
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who sometimes groans inside when it's a snowday :)
We had a snow day on Wednesday. The boys were thrilled, I wasn't! Despite the fervency of the prayers since, we haven't had another one, thank goodness!
I will groan, cry and stomp with you over their answered prayer. Or voodoo come true however the case may be.
It is pretty though, from inside. :)
I've never heard of those supersitions. What do you have to sleep with for sun?
Crazy snow! But if it got my kids outside at 7 a.m., then I could release all guilt if I parked them in front of TV and video games at 9 a.m. They got exercise, right?
My sympathies. No solo movie today, I guess, huh?
I just noticed it has started icing here...maybe it's the beginnings of the storm that just passed by you?
Spoon under the pillow? That's a first for me!
Hope the kids are having a good snow day...we've got a blizzard raging here, but Norwegians have never heard of snow days, apparently!
I have never heard of these...maybe that's why we haven't had a snow day all schoolyear long. My kids would love one...and I wouldn't mind...as long as it all melted the next day!
First off, I'm glad to be a commenter in the single digits. I don't think I've made the first ten in a LONG time. Secondly, good luck with the snow day. At least your kids haven't been home all week already and are completely board with everything in the house. Wrap em up tight and throw those babies outside!
We've got a snow day up in Chicago too--even without the superstitions! Thankfully, for me it only means one extra kid. The younger two aren't in school yet. For us,it's like a vacation because we "can't" go anywhere. I shoveled the drive and showered, but am still wearing my comfy robe and slippers after lunch time! The last time I did that was when I was in the hospital after having my third!
We have had way too many snowy days here. I feel your pain. Today was the first day this week that I got to the gym. That's how I gauge how my week is going so if its Friday and day one working out you know its bad.
And how do you find these images? Like the one of the lady in the bathrobe and glass of water. I think if I google'd that in images I would come up with some serious X rated stuff.
I have never heard of these superstitions. That's hilarious! We got oodles of snow yesterday too, but thankfully my son hasn't had to miss ANY school because of it. :0)
You are on the wrong side of the mountains. Move to Seattle or Western Oregon coast and if there is a dusting of snow - not even 1/4 of an inch - they cancel. They will cancel for icy roads even.
it is getting on my nerves.
That is too funny! The kids here had a snow day yesterday too! The only difference was we didn't have any snow! Go figure! I think we had a snow day because you guys got snow. Any snowflake spotted within two states seems to suffice.
That is too funny! The kids here had a snow day yesterday too! The only difference was we didn't have any snow! Go figure! I think we had a snow day because you guys got snow. Any snowflake spotted within two states seems to suffice.
How do I get a snow-gone day?
We got hit with a few inches too but sadly most of it melted today. I love snow and I was like a little kid last night watching it fall from the sky. Hope the kids had fun :)
Is that totally for real? Those kids are devout.
Oh, and my kids went back today after 3 DAYS OF SNOW DAYS. I called a couple moms to cheer as they left for the bus.
I am making sure that none of my children see these techniques to secure a snow day. I know I live in Georgia..but you can't be too sure...stranger things have happened than snow in Georgia!
This is so funny! I'm sure it was an answer to prayer. Who could deny kids so full of faith?
that's a pretty great way to get a day off...oh, where did you live in boston...a friend is moving..they will work in waltham...
They were out by 7 a.m.? Are you serious? I would have started the day with a headache, too. Oh, it hurts just thinking about it.
Do you have to make snow days up? Consider the children staying in school an extra day this spring a gift from the voodoo gods. Except around here they end up shaving a day from Spring Break or something. So yeah, snow days stink.
where did they get all of those superstitious information? i'd never heard of them before!! we've had some fun days in the snow this past week. the girls L.O.V.E it!!
I've never heard of any of that. Couldn't you stay in bed and let the kids run wild? They're old enough. I hope you took the snow picture through the bedroom window.
That was a really good post.
I heard, by 7am... what?! no school and up playing at 7?! my lazy children would sleep till lunchtime!
I feel like I got the short end of the stick in California growing up. What I would've done for a snow day. There would have been oranges, spoons, incantations, and everything else imaginable. One day in the fourth grade there was something slushy falling, so the teacher let us go outside and experience it. It melted fast.
We have had SOOOO much snow and not ONE canceled school day. What's up with that??! I think it has to snow 5 feet in an hour instead of 2 to warrant it.
Congrats on YOUR snow day!
Oh my- I don't envy you. I think it's hilarious that your kids jumped on the superstitious bandwagon so quickly. Kids these days, I tell ya.
Here I sit still angry that there's a holiday for Martin Luther or those President what's their names and I don't even get snow here to have snow days. Thanks for reminding me why I'll never leave So Cal.
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