Thursday, February 28, 2008

Counting my blessings

After spending a good deal of last week complaining, I thought I should spend an equal amount of time focusing on some of the good (albeit boring) things in my life.

One thing I am grateful for is that right now, there is nothing in here that I need to take care of:

I have done my duty with these today, as well, and don't have to think mean thoughts about them again until Saturday:

While the cold, frigid temperatures annoy me to no end, at least there is not a large layer of white stuff covering this:

And I am just about ready for McKay's birthday party tomorrow night. I'm going the lazy route, and he and his pals will be watching a movie and eating pizza in the basement, while I thumb through a magazine upstairs. The party favors are all lined up and ready to go:

And while shopping yesterday, I ran across an incredible bargain. A store near my house was getting rid of some of their display tables, and were selling them for twenty bucks each. This little beauty will grace the scrapbook room/office and provide the children more surface area in which to color or paint on. You know, because actually coloring on paper does ask a lot of them.

I just have to figure out how to get it downstairs first. Looks to me like a job for the Husband, when he gets home.

He'll be so thrilled, I just know it.

Some happy thoughts for me today. What's on your mind?


  1. Love the table. $20 what a steal. You go girl.

    That looks like a fun birthday party for you little guy. We did that for our oldest when he turned 8. They all loved it.

  2. Love the table, way to go already getting so much done.

  3. Missla hates it when I bring crap home too.

    Good luck.

  4. I was having a great time cruising around the blogosphere and then came across your post about your clean sink....ugh, I'm off to make mine sparkle like yours. Thanks for being a good example.

  5. Happy things:

    Flowers my rad husband brought me. I only had to pout for one entire day to get them.

    Baby is asleep and I am wearing my pajamas.

    There are still some blueberries left in the little clamshell.

    That's all I've got for now, but I enjoyed the mental exercise.

  6. A post I can relate to. My Mother in Law watched Haylee yesterday. While I was slaving away at work she was slaving away at my house. The dishes were done and most of the laundry, the baby was primped and adorable, Shades were all open and the sun was shining in, and the mango candle was burning on the stove. Oh the feeling of satisfaction of a clean house. I just love my Mother in Law. Hands off she's mine!!
    Way to go on the table find. Could you pick me one up and mail it? :0) Enjoy the rest of the day knowing you have accomplished much!

  7. I am wondering if you've ever actually used that sink because it's the cleanest one I've ever seen outside of a model home!

    I'm grateful my husband is not getting home till tonight, since I have nothing for him for his birthday (presents, dinner, activities) ready to go.

    I'm also grateful for my Dance Dance Revolution, because it will be my fun workout of choice this morning.

  8. Glad today is a better day! That table is a great find!
    Today, I am happy that it is almost the weekend. It has been a long week for me.

  9. I'm happy because it is finally thawing here, and there is a chance...a small chance...that I might be able to go running tomorrow.

    I love your loot bags - the popcorn boxes are super cute :)


  10. i think you're a bit too happy over there today. i can fix that. just come over to my house- it needs a little bit of work and i got 6 kids that can go behind you and mess it up as soon as you finish. while the house is being cleaned, i can play with my new 85mm and don my new crumpler!

  11. I need a couple of tables like that for my house. And for $20...such a steal!
    I love your positive thinking for the day. I need to get me some of that right now. ;0)

  12. wow! what a steal!
    thanks for the happy thoughts - i can always use more!!

  13. Coming from the home handywoman . . just take those legs off with a screwdriver, and get that table down the stairs! :) I love the popcorn holders. I got those and gave them to my kids teachers for Christmas with yummy popcorn in them. (See my Cookies and Yum section of my Favorite Family Food site) YUM!

  14. My happiness= 62 degrees and sunny, volunteering in both elementary and preschool this morning and loving that my kids are still proud of me, a quiet house for a couple hours while the boys are at a playdate. AHHH, today is heaven.

    I'm sorry but you can't call hosting a bunch of 10 yr old boys at your house as being "lazy". That's work in and of itself. btw, happy bday McKay.

  15. ♥ I love your faucet & the way your sink is set under your counter! Great deal on the table!

  16. Love the movie idea birthday party! Great party favors too. I saw those popcorn holders and wondered what I could buy them for. Hmmm...

    Great job on everything else - you are amazing!

  17. So they don't out-grow the wanting to color on the table phase? Darn! I hoped that wouldn't last long. Oh well...thanks for the fun post! I always look forward to reading your blog!

  18. My sink now looks like yours after making spaghetti sauce for 75 people (Blue and Gold Banquet - had yours yet?) My kitchen was disgusting for over a day with my busy-ness. I love a clean sink in the kitchen and don't you love just wiping the crap right into the sink? Heaven I tell you. Thanks for sharing your happiness with me.

  19. Thanks for sharing your blessings. Isn't it funny how 20 years ago or even 10...the things that made us happy and the things that made us smile were so entirely different. 20 years ago... a clean sink was nice. Today.. I am euphoric over a spotless kitchen!

  20. Oh yeah, my traveling husband loves when I save up jobs for him. First words when I ask, "Can't you hire someone?" Um, to carry a table from this room to that?

    Right now I'm grateful my kids are outside playing for hours, while I blog blog blog.

  21. Tell him he can have a birthday party every Feb 29th! Have fun!

  22. I'm grateful for health and dental insurance since I'm having multiple "procedures" this week...and for Sista trip next month! Cannot wait.

  23. Amen, amen. Today? I love great music on my ipod, new socks (hey you find bliss where you can!), these awesome perfect oranges I've been eating every day, and that my bout with the flu appears to finally be over.

    And friends like you, of course.

  24. Great list of blessings. My big happy for the day was that it was 50 degrees and I was able to open my windows and get some fresh air. Woo hoo! After all our snow, it was so nice to have a warm, sunny day!!

  25. I love your party fav's. Your sink is SO clean. Currently our sink (at our new house no less) has about 3 different leaks going on right now. Oh... oh... sorry.
    things I'm so grateful for and happy about
    -we should get a travel date for Biruk next week (yeah!)
    -I got to rock my sweet little 2 year old to sleep tonight
    -I get to go crawl in bed w/my hubby
    -tomorrow is Friday :)
    I think I'll make a nice little post about this. Thanks for the idea!

  26. what a deal on that table! and i love those party gifts!

  27. Love the table.

    And I sooooo want a basement.

  28. Your house is immaculate! Is there anything you can't do? You're gorgeous, your kids are adorable, your sink is clean, you exercise, you are a very talented photographer and writer. Glad you're happy cause now I'm blue!!!

    I'm not really sad but you really are together. WOW!!!!

  29. If you're sink ever looks like that for too long, please come over to my apartment. My roommates and I would appreciate it. We'll buy you McDonald's!

  30. I love the table. Great job finding the deal of the month! And I am loving your carpet. Did you put that in or was it already there. It looks awesome!

  31. Yor sink looks gorgeous. My sink never stays clean for long! Also, I love your new table. Great find. I love those bargains.

  32. I am thankful for DayQuil because I cannot get this upper-respitory infection to go AWAY, for pity sake!

    I am also grateful for blogging. I am obsessed...

    Great Table...for 20 buck I am sure The Husband won't mind :)

  33. Good for you for looking at the brighter side! I would be ashamed to take a picture of my sink right now. *sigh*

  34. Stie, I am happy for you because you have beautiful countertops and you have happy face soap, not frowny face soap.

  35. now I know my hubby too LOVES when I have things waiting for him to lift and/or carry when he gets home. ha

    Lucky you with that table...

  36. Hi, I just came upon your blog and love it! You are hilarious! I have a question about typing. I noticed that you put a line through words ocasionally to cross it out (which is always very funny). How do you do that??????

  37. Don't you hate it when you get your stainless sink cleaned and shined and then someone needs to turn on the water?! It's like walking across just vacuumed carpet! I love your bargain table...maybe you should just leave it set up in the living room.

  38. Whenever I feel down, I just think of how much cooler I am than you, and then I feel better.

  39. great job counting your blessings. And I think we have the same sink and countertops!!

  40. I had a really good day and there were a few little, everyday things that made me happy....

    ...but now I am too brain-dead to remember any of it. I guess that means I'm just glad it's 7:30pm and very close to kids' bedtime.


  41. An empty sink . . . pure bliss. I'm glad to be feeling better and back to your blog. I missed you.

  42. I am thankful for...

    1. Good kids (most of the time)
    2. A 7, soon to be 8, year old that amazes me w/ her insight & sensitivity (when she's not being sassy...LOL)
    3. A 4 year old, still so innocent, that was purely overjoyed that it's his turn to bring "Bubba" the bear home from pre-k this weekend. So excited all he could do was hug me.
    4. Payday on a Friday.
    5. A good, godly husband that loves me like I am.

  43. I'm thankful that my baby is asleep right now.

    Thankful my RS lesson is OVER and I don't have to do it again until July!
    Thankful it's the weekend and I get to watch fun shows tonight.

    But I'm really really pissed that I made my fave recipe of cookies and was stupid with the flour and put too much in and now they're flour bricks and unedible. I guess I should be thankful that I can't eat them, but I'm not. I want them.

  44. I have puzzle table envy, oh and downstairs envy too! Lucky you.
