The first step is to bake a cake in a 9x13 pan. Whatever flavor you choose is up to you. I used a simple white cake out of a box for these. You need to freeze the cake, so plan on making it a few hours (or the night before) you want to eat them. Dump the cake out of the pan and let it cool. Then throw it in the freezer until you're ready to assemble.
I got this recipe from my Mom. It has its own very fancy butter cream frosting recipe made from scratch, which I will gladly give to anyone who wants to go to all that trouble.
But this will work just as well (don't tell my Mom I told you so): Pull your frozen cake out of the freezer and slice off a row that is about one to one-and-a-half inches wide. Put the rest of the cake back in the freezer. Don't worry, we'll get back to it soon enough. You need to keep the cake frozen as you work, or you end up frosting little crumbly squares that don't look very pretty. And the cake must be pretty.
Slice your cake strip open and spread with filling of your choice. My Mom uses raspberry pie filling inside hers. Personally, I prefer the frosting in a can.
But in spite of my actual dislike of the product itself, the raspberry pie filling is pretty good inside these babies. Feel free to use whatever sets your little heart on fire.

Next, put the cake lid back on and begin slicing into little squares. I can get about six squares per strip of cake. If you slice them too big, they won't fit into the little cupcake papers and you will have to hurry and eat them before anyone notices your horrible cutting.
Not that I'd know anything about that. Ahem.

Holding each square of cake by the top and bottom, frost all four sides.

Now dip each side into a large bowl of sprinkles, making sure to cover every last little bit of frosting. We wouldn't want nekkid frosting.

Now they are ready to be put into the cupcake papers. You can be all fancy and use cute holiday ones or just the plain, boring, white ones like I did here.

Now take some more of that frosting in a can (or homemade buttercream if your name is Kathi and you are not lazy), and pipe a little over the top of each cake. I like to just go around in a square (again, lazy!). But you can get all fancy and creative using your mad decorating skillz if you have them.

And the finished product...mini pastries as far as the eye can see.

What? Shut up.
Now go throw a baby shower, bridal celebration, luncheon, or a Yay, Bob Made Parole! party. Make these and find that you have won friends and influenced people.
These are adorable. They look so fancy and I love that they have a filling in them. I can't wait to make these.
Those are GORGEOUS but man, do they look like a lot of work!
So cute! Thank you for sharing. I have a recipe swap on Tuesday and the theme is dessert. I just think I'll make these and knock the socks off everyone!
P.s. I agree. Fruit filling in cake. DISGUSTING! I'm all about the frosting!
Thanks for sharing... and thanks for making the process so darn entertaining!!!
"Nekkid frosting"...too funny!
I can hardly wait to serve them at my next Over-eaters Anonymous Party!!!
They look so good! MMM. Sugar over-load. Thanks for sharing!
You're my best friend for posting this. I was waiting patiently hoping that you would.
And excuse me, Lisa, but I think the filling in the middle looks DELISH! YUUUH-UMMMM!!!
I'm going to make them the next time I want to impress someone.
Yay, Bob Made Parole! Party... that is my favorite. I think black and white sprinkles would be best, y tu? BTW - these treats ARE yummy... thanks, friend!
Those are so darn cute. Yum. You truly are baker extraordinarie.
These are brilliant! I can't wait to try them. Thanks for the recipe.
Thank you for sharing this one. So easy, but they look so fancy. Right up my alley. I'm making them for girls night next month so I can totally one up my friend Alicia who truly is a master baker. :0) Is that bad?
Those look so cute...I will give them a try for a birthday next month, but no fruit! Fruit and cake should never be mixed...it's like ruining a perfectly good treat with something that is good for you!
I might just try making those, with those step by step instructions. I love picture recipe books. Now I feel inspired!!!
Look so yummy!!! Shane and I would rather you send us some of your fifty since your in the sharing mood. That way it would save us from dishes!! Keep the yummy recipes coming! I need to show my sister in law that I am a creative cook too. Plus she hasn't changed since she was 15. Let's put the pounds on her :0)
Oh, yummy! And I was craving sugar...
I think I just found my son's birthday cake: yahoo!
hooray, hooray. thanks for posting about these. so easy! these are like a parade in your mouth. (i imagine) super super cute. i am making them for the next shower i host and hope those girls who hate frosting can't come!
p.s. can you bring them for Blogapalooza 08!?
wow... that's all I can say...wow
Wow - those look divine. I'm new to your blog and just wanted to say HI!
Have you ever put chocolate frosting in the middle? Then you could have chocolate and vanilla in one bite
Those are a must make and bake. And how cute are they with the sprinkles?!? It's like they have on their party clothes.
You are so fun to read! Thank you for the recipe! I love how you say things like, "What? Shut up" It makes me feel like I am actually there with you :)
Ohhhhh, a "Bob Made Parole!" Party! That was rich. :D
You always make things sound easy, but when I try them, they don't work out quite so nicely. Oh well...if they aren't as pretty as yours, I'll just have to eat them all myself!
Hi. I hate baking because I suck at it and I usually avoid recipe posts, but I must say that your writing is so compelling that I read the whole thing.
Perhaps next you could write about dieting. I hate that too.
Fabulous! Fabulous! Fabulous! I can't wait to find out something to make these for! Just might have to make something up and eat 'em myself.
Yummy, wow and thanks for the tutorial. I will have to make them for the next party. Very cute!!1
you are seriously super mommy...
and should we know something about bob and his parole party??
You know what is SO exciting about these babies: the frosting to cake ratio.
And PLEASE can you make me as "fat" as you? (I saw the tank top pictures...)
Refer to my former comments- let's do a little Freaky Friday action....switch places. Then you could get my dinner stuff, I could get your baking stuff.
They look divine.
And I'm all with you about cutting corners.
love these french pastries, and fruit filling and a little on the top with frosting around the outside is the ultimate! Hooray! Love MOM
I'm with Celia: I hate to bake. These are ALMOST tempting enough to attempt, but alas, I am not Stie. But if I could make them far ahead of one of my soiree's, and freeze them, I might be tempted.
You amaze me.
Holy Crap!
I have not seen pastries as bad as this... No wonder you eat them all!
Oh, and I'm telling Mom you took the easy way. Sounds like somebody didn't "Go For the Gold" today.
Wow. Those look awesome. I know I will never ever make them but I would love it if you'd pack some up for sista trip 08.
love it!! you should totally make a recipe book with all simple recipes written exactly how you did in this one. it would be a best seller, i am sure of it!
I love both your sites! Very creative and "homey." Where do you get all of your energy?! I can't wait to try this recipe. Thanks for sharing your talents.
How creative! Like petit fours. They must be yummy!
Your blog is making me hungry with all the pictures of food right now. These are so cute. Thank you.
Yumm-0!! We are all going to get fat from making and eating your delicious recipes and treats!
I'm trying to lose weight, and you put THIS up on your blog?
Those are sooo cute and look soooo yummy, I can't wait to try them! Thanks for the great idea.
it's your fault stie!! i just got back on my diet-um,er, i mean eating right spree and you had to go and post this! shame! shame! shame!
Adorable! I always love your recipes!
Ok. YUM. How cute are those little squares of tastiness? I will be making those for a celebration of, um, Friday.
I just found your site from Take 90 West and am looking forward to reading more!!
Mmmmmmm! These look so good!
Thanks for the idea - these worked great for my daughter's birthday!
I confess to shamelessly searching your blog for amazing things. I decided a long time ago not to start reading a bunch of blogs of people I haven't ever met (because that would make it too easy to waste away in front of my laptop while I ignore my family). But your stuff is amazing. And now, more than 3 years after you posted this amazing stuff, I have found it, and I'm going to make these puppies for my daughter's second birthday next week.
And I'm sure I'll be clicking on your blog quite a bit, because your recipes are divine. =)
And because you are a great writer, too! =)
. . . and months later I find this little gem!
These look great, and like something I might be able to manage. So much so taht I featured them on my monthly round-up of cool things on the web. Thank you for sharing!
(you can find the link here if you're interested:)
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