Thursday, February 14, 2008

Because she's only thinking of me

[ sweets that I made for my sweet]

This morning, when my three littlest valentines came down for breakfast, they found a small box of chocolates by each of their plates.

They squealed with delight and proceeded to tear open the heart-shaped boxes. They smelled and fondled, trying to determine what flavor each piece was. Hannah looked at me, then looked back down at her full box. She gingerly slid a small piece of chocolate across the bar to me.

"Wow, thanks, Hannah. That is so nice of you to share."

Chase immediately opened his box and did the same thing.

"Thanks, Chase."

McKay looks up apprehensively. I smiled and said, "It's okay, you don't have to give me one. I got these for YOU."

"Really? You sure, Mom?" I promised him that I was sure, and the relief washed over his face.

Hannah then reaches over and takes back her chocolate. "Actually, Mom, I think I'm going to let you be really healthy. You shouldn't eat this candy. I'll just take it back."

Thanks, baby. Appreciate you looking out for me.


  1. "healthy" LOL! That's really cute. I posted about your swap today and uploaded a pick to Flickr. Thanks again - I LOVED everything!!

  2. Hey Sister-Nerd,

    You should be a staff writer/photographer for Taste of Home. Then you could tell me where the toothpick is in their magazine, and I'd win free crap.

    Nice work,

  3. You can always fall back on those awesome cookies from last week's posting.

    (Happy Heart Day to one of my favorites!)

  4. LOL that is just too funny! How nice of her to watch for your health. Gotta love kids.

  5. please share the recipe. those look amazing! you are to good. all i did was give em a little bag with candy! of course they are getting a trip to hawaii.....

  6. hee hee. this is too cute. what a darling mom you are.. oma used to always give us vday gifts, easter gifts, dday gifts, it was the best. you have taken after her! ps. PLEASE tell me how you made those miracles with sprinkles. me and the mini me need those!

  7. I think I'd want to keep them all to myself too. You are a candy making pro!

  8. Well, my kids get presents because it is much easier for me to go down the aisle at Target than to actually make yummy and beautiful chocolates--that and I'd eat any goodies before they were actually given! I'm trying to be healthy too!

  9. Oh that is just too, too funny, Stie! How adorable are they?!

    I love the sweets you made, too, you crazily talented woman.

    And I hope your husband is home today?!?


  10. That was the cutest little story :)
    Such a sweet little girl wanting you to be healthy! :D

  11. What a cute story...It says a lot that they were willing to share initially.

  12. That's so funny! At least she only had your best interests in mind right?

  13. At least her initial desire was to share,...I mean, she was doing what she felt was right. But, seeing that McKay was getting off "scott free" who can blame her?

    And, what are those beautiful pink treats at the top? Did you make those after giving them their box of chocolates?

  14. What a cute story, and like Bridget said, she had your best interest in mind. ;-)

    Great pictures of the sweets for your sweet.

  15. I love it and I love how you wrote about it. You captured the moment perfectly.

    Speaking of perfect... I think the photo of those sweets is fabulous. It could easily adorn the cover of any cooking magazine! Please share the recipe!

    Happy Valentine's Day!!!

  16. Well, I don't think I need to say it TOO, but I will. Can you please share the secret to those darling little sweets?!?!

    And I loved the story. What a cutie.

  17. And you wanted some of my boring kisses? Those sprinkle cakes are FABULOUS! I would definitely pay for some of those. I MUST know how you got the sprinkles to stick. Please fill me in!

    And, your daughter is adorable. It's the thought that counts anyway right?

  18. Our little ones always have our best interest at heart:).

  19. Oh my that is so CUTE. I guess it's the thought that counts, although she might need a little lesson on "indian giving" (o:

  20. Precious! It's so funny to see how their minds tick. She has a true philanthropic spirit. ;)

  21. Ok, those made my heart shaped meatloaf look pathetic. I am feeling very inadequate in the creative mom category today. sigh. You ladies are all so very very impressive. sigh again.

  22. If you have any of those cupcake things left on Saturday, I just might consider taking a 12- or 15- or 18- or whatever-hour drive it is just to eat one. That, I must be hungry. What I wouldn't give to wake up to breakfast and chocolate!

  23. What a cute story! Maren gave me your blog, so i wanted to say hello. How in the world did you make those amazing sweets? They look awesome! Hope ya'll had a nice day! -Megg

  24. So cute. I almost wish someone did that for me!! I hate WAY too many treats yesterday and my weigh in is tomorrow morning. Do you think if I starve myself today I'll still lose?

    Those cakes look delish. I think it's time to post the recipe for those babies.

  25. Did you really make those sweets at the top of your page? I want to know what's inside.

  26. that is too funny! she's just watching out for you! how kind of her!

  27. What a good mom you are. The night before Valentines Day I started to cry because I hadn't made anything for the kids for Valentines day. I usually heart attack the down stairs and make heart sugar cookies. We've been cleaning out and throwing away clutter so we can put the house up for sale. I may have to do a mini valentines day next week or something.

    Your little Hannah always cracks me up...I love how thoughtful she was and looking out for your health the way she did. What a cute girl!

  28. Gah! Sweet and then hilarious. Don't we all have those moments?!

  29. Stie! That is too funny. Thanks for sharing. You really made me smile.

  30. I am definately LOL!!! She reminds me of you. You were a smartie pants too. Carma baby!!!

  31. You can always count on the kiddos to "think of what's best for you."

  32. In the words of Plankton himself "that be-eth rich!" Love the little Vday treats. *B
