In the car ride on the way home, I asked the kids, "Doesn't it feel good to give to others? Don't you feel so good right now?"
The Princess, in her ever-so-subtle way, said, "No. I don't feel berry good at all. Because I didn't get anything FOR ME."
When we got home, I immediately sent the Princess up to her room to think about the real reason we have Christmas. She made several trips downstairs with her answers, each time getting sent back up.
She claimed we have Christmas:
- So Santa can bring her presents.
- So Santa can drive the sleigh and bring her presents.
- So Santa can bring ALL the children presents.
- So everyone can buy presents.
- So Santa and parents can buy presents for all the kids, not just her. (She was clearly trying to think unselfishly).
When I told her that Christmas had NOTHING to do with Santa and sent her back up for some more thinking, she came down a little sheepishly and said, "Is it because of Jesus?"
Clearly, I'm doing a bang-up job as a parent.
It only took her six tries.
Sixth time's a charm no? If you can get things right every sixth time as a parent, I think that's a pretty good track record.
BTW, I can't believe I was the FIRST to comment!! Does that mean I'm your BFF?
I know I shouldn't be laughing, but....how cute is she?! "So Santa and parents can buy presents for all the kids, not just her." Love it!
Heidi :)
Bridget, you will always be my BFF.
to quote my 3-year-old:
"I don't believe in Jesus. I believe in Santa."
Its everywhere!!! So cute, though.
It's such a hard concept for little kids... If that means you're not doing a good job than I'm not either! :)
Oh yeah I found your site through ??? I can't remember. I hope you don't mind comments?
Oh, spunky Princess. So fun to see the evolution of her gently nudged Christmas spirit.
And, pa-leeze. You are an awesome parent. A not-so-great one wouldn't have even cared if she knew the real reason for Christmas.
I always remind myself I can't control what they do, only what I do :). It sometimes helps me feel better.
Everytime I am shopping "unselfishly" to give to others...some little trinket(s) for moi happen to fall into the gift pile. So I know how Princess feels...gimme gimme gimme!
That is cute how she was trying so hard to think of unselfish reasons that we celebrate Christmas. Don't be so hard on yourself, sounds like you are doing a great job!
A conversation with my four year old:
me: Why do we celebrate Christmas?
her: So Santa can bring us presents.
me: are there any other reasons we celebrate Christmas?
her: uhhhhhh? NOPE!
At least she realizes it this early. I remember always thinking that Christmas was about presents and giving. You can't blame kids. It's so commercialized and that's why they get those ideas in their head and forget all about Jesus. You're doing a great job. (and sometimes I think about what I'M going to get too much too).
So cute! It is funny to watch the way their brains process stuff sometimes!
I always knew you would fail as a parent.
LOL. Who can blame her, though? Santa is everywhere.
I identify with Hannah. I went shopping today with my list in hand, and six of the five books I bought are for me. I'm even considering scanning the 6th one before I wrap it.
it's so tough! all that kids see everyday is santa once thanksgiving is over. what are we to do?
I though it was so I could eat lots of chocolate?...Can you parent me?
You can't fool me! I am not going to try to boost your confidence as a mom because I already KNOW that you know you are the greatest mom. Funny little Hannah...funny little story, you writer, you. (Good job on the Sub-for-Santa.)
What great memories you are making! That picture of your little Hannah is soooo cute!
Wait a minute, Christmas is a religious holiday?
I'm impressed if that is the full extent of your bad parenting. Could you work a little harder, please?
I agree. How cute is she? If that's how you are a "bad" parent then I'm not confessing anything else my kids say for fear of having them taken away!
Oooohhhh! I'm laughing so hard at girlymama's comment that I can't even remember what I was going to say!
At least she finally got it, right?!
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