Sunday, December 30, 2007

Oh, the blog, I have missed you

Merry belated Christmas, bloglings! I have missed you. I purposely took a break from blogging this week. I really wanted to just unplug and watch my babies play with their new toys. I did sneak a peek now and then at some of my favorites, but spent most of my time away from the computer. Santa was very good to our family (in spite of the fact that I'm perpetually on the naughty list) and the kids still aren't tired of their junk.

Christmas Eve was spent with some very special old friends that live here in MO. We enjoyed a live Nativity put on by the children. Very spiritual. It was especially touching during Mary's serenade to the baby Jesus when the sheep (age 2) climbed on back of the stuffed pony and wanted to go for a ride. I'm sure that totally happened at the real thing, too.

Here are some highlights (feel free to skip it if you're not a grandparent...or even if you are):

After Christmas, we were looking for someplace to get away for a few days. We had been asked to speak in church and just weren't quite ready for that kind of commitment (don't worry - they got us re-scheduled for mid-January) so we packed up the car and headed south to Branson.

Have you ever been to Branson? We hadn't either. It was a strange combination of worlds. Picture a bizarre mix of the Osmonds and Las Vegas. That's Branson. Only without the gambling. But with extra helpings of old ladies and a disturbingly large number of wacky theme-restaurants.

It was about what you'd expect it to be.

We spent most of the time at our hotel on the lake (never did find out the name of this lake -- everyone just called it The Lake! The Lake! We're going up to The Lake!) but the weather was glorious and we spent hours outside exploring, hiking, and throwing rocks into The Lake! We only ventured indoors briefly, and that was for some swimming when we tired of all that fresh air.

Here are some highlights:

Yeah, I'd totally do it again. Might have to. Say, maybe Sunday, January 13th.

Anyone care to join me?


  1. The Great Period of Depression has ended, with the triumphant return of the Great and Powerful Stee to the internet, where everyone is a star. Even Stee.

  2. What a great time you all had!! I'm so happy for your family.

    The pic of you with the bridge in the background is beautiful! If you ever make reference to yourself in an unflattering way (which you tend to do frequently, naughty naughty) I am going to blogBAN you! You are gorgeous!

    And yes, I know. I'm naughty too. I really don't know how we went all of Christmas day without any Meg pictures. I'm sorry.

  3. Looks like a great Christmas and Vacation. I have a good friend that lives in Springfield and has been to Branson. It sounds very interesting...

  4. When my inlaws went to Branson I knew I could never go there. They said it is a Born Again Las Vegas. Sounds scary...but maybe less scary than speaking in church! Cute photos as usual...

  5. Branson is a .... strange but satisfying place.... and oddly addicting. It is something you really do have to experience for yourself to appreciate. We were there a year ago Thanksgiving - try searching for a place to have Thanksgiving dinner when your 2nd son has the stomach flu. Brings a whole new light to buffets. Next time check out Silver Dollar City - that made our trip! We loved it, young and old! It is also next to the only Wal-mart that sells Laundry Detergent, Carpet Fresheners, and Pepto-Bismal on Thanksgiving Day.

    Welcome Back - it was a dry day at church!

  6. Yay. Nice to have you back. Glad you had a good escape-from-talk vacation. Your house is looking great!

  7. My dad loved Branson! They went a few times. I wish we could hear you speak in church--have your kids take a bunch of photos of you at the pulpit and put them on the blog with copies of your talks! We could all stay home that day and just read them.

  8. Jana - we did stay one night in Silver Dollar City. It was much nicer than "downtown" Branson. Quite the city full of characters, no?

  9. Glad to see you are back and blogging again...I think I was going through Stie withdrawls! There is no better excuse than a mini-vacation to escape talking in church. Looked like you had a really good time!

  10. Yippee! You're back, you're back! I love your slideshows. I guess I fall under grandparent category because I looked at all of them twice. You are so beautiful in that picture! Good for you for getting in front of the camera.

  11. I do hope to experience Branson one day. Should I wait until I can receive full use of a Senior discount, wear a swishy-jogging suit and eat all my meals before 5:00pm?

    On the 13th you are cordially invited to run a marathon instead of speak at church. Hmmm, choices.

  12. How fun. We wanted a little after Christmas get-away too but couldn't think of one and couldn't really get work off. Too bad. It's so nice to relax after the craziness that is Christmas. Cute pictures and I'm glad you guys had a fun time!

  13. I, too, have missed your blog... but it was SO worth the wait! The pictures are GREAT! That lake one is amazing. And, of course, love the Christmas Eve photos. We missed you today... I am thinking you have been "saved" from speaking THREE times now... Joslyn is speaking on the 13th too. (She keeps saying, "but I have only been in YW for two weeks") I am going to tell her to take lessons from you!

  14. Fun stuff, Christie! I love all the pictures-...Branson huh? Sounds fun, but not with little Baby Boo, not yet. The kids looked so excited when they came down the stairs. Good job!

  15. everyone has missed your fun blog...i agree even branson is better than speaking in church...i also remember that mom and dad loved! branson...maybe you have to be a certain age....

  16. No, I don't want to join you in Branson...I want to join you in sacrament meeting. I totally want to hear your talk! Please video (Celia and Paige would).

    Happy New Year, favorite blogger!

  17. Wonderful pictures. Looks like you had a fantastic time, and that unplugging and spending time with your family was definitely the right thing to do!

    Happy New Year to you and yours!

    Heidi :)

  18. I was starting to think you were becoming like the rest of us who can't think of things interesting enough to blog about to blog more than once a week! I'm glad you're back...I'm glad you had a good excuse to get out of speaking in church...I need some excuses like that!

  19. I'm just sitting down to the computer for the first time in a few weeks to do some catching up on all my favorites. Good thing I was away, or I'd have really missed your blog. Glad you're back and that you had a good time. We had a great time and were able to see your family. I gave Dan a bad time about his comments on your blog. He enlightened me a bit on some of his comments, and I haven't stopped laughing about it since!

  20. Love Love all the pics. Especially the lake ones. It makes me want summer to be here. Was it cold??

  21. Hoooo hahahahahaha! I fully endorse your sluffing sacrament to escape a talk. And that's the funniest thing I've heard all week! I'll be in the 2nd row, right next to Jessica, listening when you guys speak.

  22. Remember Dave and Mel, when they lived in Oklahoma they used to go to Branson all the time. I think it was kind of Dave's place!
