Thursday, September 13, 2007

Life in Hannah's World

Hannah spends a good deal of time living in a fantasy land (as all children rightfully should). I find her regularly planted in front of her dollhouse, calling the shots for her dream life. Thought I'd give you a little tour.

First, when Aunt Lavender comes to visit, it is a big deal. A big enough deal to plant her on a chair in the kitchen with her wild hair and leave her there. For three days.

Sisters get to wear ballgowns and tu-tus. And take naps anytime they want. (Now this is starting to sound like my kind of life...)

Babysitters come to the house dressed like hoochie-mamas (definitely NOT acceptable in any sort of life):

Babies potty-train themselves (now WHY, WHY, WHY didn't I think of that?)

Brothers get time-outs for all sorts of terrible behavior. Like breaking sister's toys. Or for simply existing.

But what makes this dream life most appealing is that this is actually happening:

While the Mom does this:
Heaven help the man that marries my girl.


  1. Oh my gosh that was so funny! I love Aunt Lavendar's hairdo. Everyone needs a crazy aunt like that. And the dad at the stove while mom and sisters lounge! Invite me to Hannah's world please.
    I also love the brothers in time out for merely existing. The dream of every sister, no?

  2. That was hilarious! I got a big chuckle out of that.

  3. that was awesome! my three year old was sitting on my lap while i read this and she kept saying, "funny." "funny." everytime i scrolled down to another picture. i must agree with her! Funny!

  4. Best thing I've read/seen all day! HA! *B

  5. If only I could spend a day in Hannah's world. I just love children's imagintions. Do you remember when Craig would pretend he was Julie's dog? And, for who knows why, we would get so mad. Those were the days! By the way, I just started Eclipse. Devon wouldn't let me start without him and it's killing me not to keep reading it during the day! I feel like these characters have become such a part of my life!

  6. Are there rooms for rent in Hannah's Dream House? Pretty sweet set-up!

  7. LOL! This is such a funny post!!! Baby's potty train themselves. We wish!

  8. Sooooo funny! Great post! I love the commentary. It almost makes me wish I had a sun to woo and win that girl. Alas, it's an all-chick band over here. Three dollhouses and counting.

  9. I do sit on the couch while the husband cooks. I grew up and went to heaven.

  10. Aunt Lavender...what a nice name! Too bad that one doesn't come up on your caller ID. I loved this post! And do we wonder where little Hannah gets her creativity??

  11. I'd like to make a reservation for one, chez Hannah. I could bunk with Aunt Lavendar if needed. I could keep the mom company on the couch!

    Hilarious, C. I showed it to Greg and he sends his compliments to the fine craftsman who made Hannah's mansion :).

  12. So where did the name Aunt Lavendar come from? That's a good one. Also, I really enjoyed the hoochie-mama babysitter. Pure genious.

  13. I got a good laugh from this one. My favorite is Aunt Lavender!

  14. LOL!! That was SO dang funny!! I love it. The potty training baby is the BEST! Oh, if only that were so!

  15. Where was the hoochie-mama babysitter when I needed it. All I got was Grumpy Gracie or Craig. Very nice. Matt

  16. I'm lovein' it! My girls love to play barbies and I induldge because my mom wouldn't allow them. She didn't look like a barbie so she thought they were bad I guess!? Love that you took pictures! You are a riot!

  17. God Bless Little Aunt Lavendar! (Is that a family name do you suppose? Do these dolls go back far enough to have legacy namesakes?)

    Hilarious! Glad I found your blog.

  18. LOVE LOVE LOVE it! So cute. Grace can play for hours by herself. It really is so nice.
