After hanging off the window ledge with a bucket of paint:

Much better, dontcha think?
[I also promise to stop taking before and after pictures of my house and posting them on the internet.
Eventually. I'm on a 12-step program. Rehab takes time, you know.]
Love the black. So classy. I knew you wouldn't stand for that mauve. Did you really hang out the window doing that???? Also, what car has replaced your Pilot?
Love it as well. I can't believe the difference it makes. Also, I love the before and after pictures--keep 'em coming. (I plan to soon post our house project photos--we'll see if it happens:)
I am still recovering from the sadness of ditching that pink kitchen.
I think it looks lame.
Yes, I did hang out of the window ledge to paint. Chase was so worried about me that he sat on the front lawn, holding the phone, with his fingers on 9 and 1. He was TERRIFIED (and I was a little nervous myself).
The car in the before picture is actually the previous owner's car. That is the picture I took on inspection day.
And Daniel - if you hate it, then I made a good choice. I always try to make decisions based on the opposite of what you'd do. Yay me!
Much. much. better. Well spotted you.
And what's that they say....the first step to solving your problem is admitting you have one...
Sharp looking shutters! You are one serious painter leaning out the windows--banish the mauve at all costs!
I enjoy the before and after pics. Don't go to rehab, or at least just go to one of those cushy Hollywood types that don't really make you change anything.
Looking great! Love the black...if you can't get Hannah to wear black anymore, might as well go to the house ;)
Love you new house!
I heard Michaelangelo got his start painting walls, ceilings, probably shutters.
It looks great! Still waiting for you to come and help me get my rooms painted... =)
you are paintalicious, babe! black shutters are the best...i love how it sets off the red brick!
Ooh, looks beautiful. Don't stop painting and posting before and after pictures. We'd all be sad.
don't stop!!!!! Are you sure you didn't move? It's incredible! luv it, Mom
a) love the shutters. LOVE.
b) leaning out windows and painting? you kick butt! chicks rule! :=)
c) don't stop posting before and after pictures, 'kay?
It really does look great, but I'm glad Dan comments otherwise. What would your blog be without a snide brotherly comment?
WOW!! What a dramatic difference! Love the black shudders. Great job girl! You rock!!
Looks amazing!
I don't mind yuor obsession at ALL! I just LOVE those before-and-after shows. Like on Oprah.
Looks GREAT! Maybe I can convince Husband to paint our red shutters black...
Is this the same house? Your brick looks totally different with the colors you've chosen! I REALLY like it!! Glad you didn't kill yourself hanging out those windows!
i love the before and afters... i'm getting so many ideas. keep it up!
Didn't you just move into this house? You are quick. I've been in my house for 18 months and still haven't painted the outside the color I want!
Your home looks fantastic!
How much do you charge? We need our shutters painted. I wish we could do them black but the rest of my house is dark brown and I think it'd look lame.
I LOVE the after pic.
Don't stop! I love the before and after phot's. It makes me get off my bum and do something around here!
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